Tuesday, July 16, 2013

DFM to do a remix of the song "Buranovskie grandmothers"

Design of Radio DFM - "Radio Plant" - announces a new contest for the best remix This year, chosen as material for creative experimentation song. "Buranovskie grandmothers '-' Party for everyone." Prize for the best of the best - a trip to the Euro Vision Song Contest and the relentless rotation on the hottest wave of youth - DFM. Of 28 March to 14 April will "hang" the official website of DFM a cappella song "Buranovskie grandmothers '-' Party for everyone" This is -. The same song, the resilient team lead in this year. "Euro Vision" retired the song after Music experts should participate in at least second place in the competition Buranovskie grandmother Every beginner or hero DJs can create a capella Our next task is simple -.. the best remix of the song to make the main condition for the upcoming competition -.. no restrictions 16th April Arts Council "Radio Plant", which is headed by the program director of DFM Igor Azov and the company's management PMI. the winner, who will not only get a ticket for the "Euro Vision", but hot rotation in the air DFM

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