Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cornelia Mango's afraid of his own shadow

Cornelia Mango spent their holidays in Astrakhan. - Every day my friends and I went to the sea - said "fabrikantka" "yellow newspapers". - In one of these days with me, it was a very funny incident. I swam over everything, without thinking, and did not notice that swam very far. Suddenly I noticed a big black shadow. I approached - and she came up to me. I was seized with a panic, I'm like a scalded swam to shore. Some have even thought that I would drown, and rushed to save me. When asked why. So disheveled, I pointed to the shadows And then all began to laugh: Cornelia, you are, that is your shadow! Now all my life I'm going to tell this story as an anecdote.

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