Wednesday, August 7, 2013

"BIS" refuses to change "Katya" Masha

You have not gone more than a month after the start of rotation of the song and the music video "Kate" of "encore", and most sellers ringtones for mobile phones already offer their customers the chorus of the song. In addition, one of them - the most adventurous - (!) Recently manufacturing center "Meladze Brothers" with an invitation to the group of "encore", turned to the chorus of the song "Kate" with 20 different women's names recorded. Apparently, according to the principle "all sisters on earrings" - so that no one was hurt ... "Lena, you pick up the phone ...", "Ira, you pick up the phone ..." "Mary, you pick up the phone ..." etc. ringtone advertising that format: "Send your name on XXXX and get ringtones from a group of" encore Group "encore" The proposal was originally made as a joke, but the next day when the office received a fax manufacturing center "just for you!" with detailed financial issue, it was obviously serious. However, the song "Kate" retains its unique sound, the joy of all Catherine Russia.

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