Saturday, April 6, 2013

Alla Pugacheva anniversary for $ 5 million enriches

Alla went extensively. Singer said the birthday party in the arena, the Around 300 guests attended. However, not spending on food Alla Borisovna says "KP". Than to their friends birthday boy confessed wonderful festival in the arena paid a prominent businessman Mikhail Prokhorov. It was his gift to his beloved singer. Although the Pugachev in the crisis no disaster. According to our data, only for an interview with a television station and two glossy magazines (besides selling Pugacheva gloss shooting at a banquet) Alla received about 2 million "green". And deserve to be farewell tour Pugacheva. For each performance of his tour Alla receive 180 thousand dollars. Alla thin three months to as much as 15 pounds is fabulous fees in times of crisis, a time when the entertainer their appetite moderated to a minimum. Now all the work on the streets for cash: How many people get so much money and get an artist. Pugacheva and very reasonable prices - it pay the negotiated amount in advance, regardless of the revenue from the concerts. And they are decent - 19 appearances (AB toured with Ukraine, then call to Belarus, then travel to Israel, and then give colnik in Riga Concerts in St. Petersburg, in Baku and in America.). By conservative estimates, for a farewell tour singer earns at least $ 3 million. How diva spent his birthday? As Moscow solo albums Pugacheva, she said, financed by their friends, especially in this anniversary year singers do not have to spend money. Is it to carry. On the anniversary of "the woman who sings" instructed the designer Andrei Sharov and Valentin Yudashkin five robes. However, with all discounts (after all, the star friends with these designers for many years, and according to them, is the co-author of these outfits) new clothes, the singer does not cost more than 10-thousand dollars. Besides Yudashkin birthday gave the singer another black balahonchik where Alla immediately went to the Kremlin to receive from the hands of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev ordered. However, in concert costumes for the musicians of the group "Recital" yubilyarshe to pay yet. They could not take to the stage of the Kremlin Palace in jeans and t-shirts! Therefore, the singer spent on brand clothes from Gucci and Prada for their group, as the stars around it, about 2 million. Ie to make the plastic singer? See it on TV farewell concert Divas, many of our readers have suggested that the singer finished on the eve of the anniversary, another plastic. As well as fresh and young look Alla. The figure and the person is clearly not the 60-year-old woman. However, as we found out, do not do the plastic singer. You can not afford now because of health problems (in the past two years, AB has survived two heart surgery). So they brought in the form of strict fruit diet. Alla thin three months to as much as 15 pounds. A fresh face Divas remained untouched plastic. Remember when. Rumors, two years ago, the singer threw silicone chin to believe improving the shape of your face And now, on the eve of the anniversary, as they say in the get-together, only a visit to the beautician, he tries so popular with show business Botox.

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