Group "Red Star", created in 1993 by Vladimir Selivanov and Yevgeny Belov, has always been an extraordinary fertility. CD. Internet Sharing 2011th Genre: Art Rock in the year of its formation, the band only released two studio albums, and the next in 1994, the band released three full logpleya. In 1996, the "Red Star" also worked Stakhanov pace: The team, the fans of the release of "Smershevy songs", "horizon", and enjoys "The Age lzhepatriotizma." Schedule and began work on one of the reasons the band split in 1998 bear. In the words of Vladisir Selivanov in an interview: "The last album, such as" The Plague ", not yet published, I wrote in a state of severe psychological stress, if I was put down all what everybody wanted, including our CEO, the at the time, very moving "roof." 2009 was a year of revival of the Belarusian team. Vladimir Selivanov, Eugene and Alexander Belov Fok was said that the activities of the "Red Star" is resumed. team again took intense creative activity. After kotsertov Minsk, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev and other major cities of the CIS collective "Red Star" was busy studio. In 2010 came the first part of the planned Novels "World billion Rainbows" entitled "Moving through time", and in Last year, followed by the last part - ". May in September "All tracks merged into one: -." Red Star "" from May to September, "The album was recorded in a rather unusual format Actually," May in September "release is a continuation of the predecessor group" Red Star ". provides students with the art-rock with elements of punk, pop-rock and progressive. Longpley chip is the use of quotations from the Soviet films such as "Athos", "The Life of Klim Samgin" and "The Adventures of Pinocchio", and . fragments of interviews with famous rock musicians Therefore, the novelty can be taken safely as audio performance with the first part of the novels in this drive compared more psychedelic and fear Track listing "Red Star" - "from May to September". 1. May in Long sentyabre2 CZSBO3CheloVeschestvo4 stantsii5Lovko6 Sweet as smert7V sentyabre8 world trillion Radug9Pro cat Shredingera10 Anna is perhaps the least successful track was a cover of Victor Tsoi, entitled "Take care of yourself." The song is not only worse than the original, but also from the general concept of the album. the track "World billion Rainbow", which gave its name to the novels, had already been raised at concerts presented in the new arrangement. Vladimir Selivanov It opted for a very bold with vocal techniques at an unusually high notes. The entire CD is full of such creative exercises, not just the vocal and instrumental. The track "May in September" is presented in two versions: the first - an exciting spring and pretends to take, and the second - a more intimate and subtle. The new album "Red Star" is sure to find an echo in the hearts of the fans, and the listener is presented like his chances due to lack of experimental nature of the material. Dmitry Prochukhan "Showbiz News» Rating: 6 out of 10.
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