Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Alex Aigi presented his "horde"

Presentation of the soundtrack "Horde" in the full stack of KC "House" is not so absolutely presentation. This is, of course, to sell at the input active, the CD, the program included several songs from the movie. But the soundtrack authorship Aigi recorded huge Symphony Orchestra of Cinematography n / Sergei violin, and when they play this modest building is orkestrika "4'33", "five people, with the help of" wanted Namgar "and Elena Sergeeva, it is absolutely impossible. And not necessary. 4'33 "and" Namgar "performed songs from the" Horde "on Music News presents to pursue so curious. in what is now moving towards more and more restless Aigi that prepares Background is best - after a 9-year hiatus came License "Hard Disc", academic and serious. Well - the soundtrack to "horde", epic and pierced prairie winds. What will surprise you the next? And Aigi showed. Alex Aigi in the set list were some brand new songs, previously unknown contain. They were the most flattering level - graceful, melodic, ironic. Trembling violin Aigi sinkopiruet still widespread. Harmonic Series - like a herd of deer: that anxious to jump incredible climbs, then freezes on hundreds of cycles, so that musicians build a spectacular intervals and fanciful tear rhythm (and size). Abyss has not played yet. The same soundtrack, but the "girl with a box of" Barnet. The same soundtrack, but the "Dostoevsky" Khotinenko. Namgar Lhasaranova "Namgar" came together: Gene Zolotarev yes Namgar Lhasaranova itself. All anything, but in the "Horde" takes an important place morin-hur, flazholetny nod to the "head of the horse." And nobody in Moscow was not "all-Morin HURIST exile Buryatia," as Alex joked. Just come out of the situation - he played the violin Aigi missing party in the amount of a galloping horse. May be worthwhile to play with "Namgar" maybe more - after so much written together, including a pair of films that have not come out and music "probably never and will not leave." Elena Sergeeva Elena Sergeeva from duo Ne Te (Sergei Zhirkov malaise) 4'33 "relations record in 1997 when the cases authentic juicy melody and harp sounded with a balalaika Now -. The same virtual morin-Hur, and" Rock and Roll XIV century "(14th century rock'n'roll). And at the end of the concert - unexpected funny tango (not "guinea pigs") with jokes. Alex Aigi fall out with another album Aigi Dietmar Bonnenom. While new composition 4'33 "to wait in line guru Ken." Showbiz News »Photo - Svetlana Maltseva

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