Tchaikovsky's last opera Provencal old tale of the blind Iolanta, sees the love that fits well with the story in the repertoire of the children's musical theater. Sats. Fairytale way instructive. Head of "Helikon-Opera" Dmitry Bertman, one of the few opera directors European camp in Russia, it is clear in the way of updating a contemporary form interested. And for long Sats Theater of Opera navigators - to pour a great opportunity to put new wine into old wineskins. Dmitry Bertman "Iolanta" is clearly interested in the possibility of realizing a modern way, in essence, benefited all. Bertman really twisted fairytale story from the inside out by the characters in our time and they realize children and adults, motivation and behavior (and costume, of course). Adults dissolve effects and jokes opera characters even more interesting - not superfluous parallels with children's theater and movie times "Contemporary" Ephraim in the 60th to draw. For the artists and orchestra Sats - it's time to test the relevance and freshness. And have as a full hall at the premiere of "Iolanthe" in this theater not seen it for a long time. Iolanthe (Lyudmila Bodrov) Actors Theater Sats could be entered in an unusual space. Blind Jolanta performed massive Lyudmila Bodrova - naive princess, the snout, with total dependence, her "best friend" -. Cynical spectacular model Brigitta (Olga Butenko) and Laura (Julia Makaryants) No worse than they in mock bossy nurse Martha (Olga Spitsyn) zatyukavshaya even his slippers-man, Bertrand Gatekeeper (Oleg Bank). Only passionate King Rene (Alkhas Ferzba) it holds in its pitfalls - the beloved daughter of a comfortable artificial world in which everything supposedly create blind as Iolanta. King Rene (Alkhas Ferzba) bares even torso stingy in a passionate prayer for the health of Iolanthe separate note, as Europeans, but expressive scenography Austrian Hartmut Sheghoffera, Bertman has. "The prohibition of love, or acolyte of Palermo" with about Wagner's comic opera Working carousel horses, the water, the fabulous centaurs, but move around the heel proscenium sun and moon - that it really is. Not much, why suddenly realized in the theater in the spring of not having such a minimalist set design, the move because in the fall premiere will be needed to have coped. The conflict in the story arises immediately: Children enjoy sorry zamordovannuyu good princess, adult black humor of the situation with wringing out "friends" hands blindly stupid. Acuity adds a surprise appearance in the artificial paradise (not without intrigue friends) two broken - the handsome Count Vaudemont (Najmiddin Mavlyanov) and bride Iolanthe, brutal wit Duke Robert (Alex Pankratov). Particularly well Pankratov: it pushed out of the ground during the performance of his party, and in the aria "Who can compare with my Matilda" effectively pokes Tattoo kitschy images of his beloved friend and showing her pictures, laughing understanding hall. Additionally today's roads. Dolt dressed appropriately - dzhinsiki, shirts, shoes ... In the aria, Duke Robert (Alex Pankratov) "Who can compare with my Matilda" effectively pokes kitschy tattoo representation of his lover then the logic should go Bertman love affair, along with politically correct themes pedals "spiritually blind see better short-sighted." Oh, Lyudmila Bodrov could not cope with such a delicate task. It's so stupid and lead Jolanta ingenuous cause unexpected tenderness bon vivant (a lovely tenor role Mavlyanova) they can still somehow, but the wisdom and the "true zryachest" show - far from it. Sun macho Count sings arias naive silly lovers, and the outcome of their future marriage is fairly predictable for a modern audience. For the sake of credibility lavstori Bertman even plays the waist, forcing the hero to feel bulky charm princess and regain the idea of "a girl is mature." But this does not help, however. Iolanthe (Lyudmila Bodrov) and Count Vaudemont (Najmiddin Mavlyanov) Vaudemont (Najmiddin Mavlyanov) body contact versa Iolanta (Lyudmila Bodrov) to the charm of life is the result of an interesting effect, "ripe", and love begins Yolanda due to hormonal girl see burst. How unspeakably happy and father, was suddenly issued propane daughter happily married, and her fiancĂ© in a brutal childhood groom in love completely different. It is quite modern. Last fall, the background and the characters miluyutsya amidst honking cars on the road. Tchaikovsky's romantic story is much closer to the audience. But not for the audience. With the exception of the brilliant Najmiddin Mavlyanova Vaudemont in the party, all the other soloists is not good without the vocal and controversial marriage intones. Orchestra Alevtina Joffe. "Iolanthe" too hard and ironically enough for the interpretation of Maybe it is stressful premiere, but the team still something to work. . Vadim Ponomarev, "News of Music» Photo - Svetlana Maltsev, star photo More photos from the premiere of "Iolanthe" at the Children's Hospital Sats Musical Theater: Moorish Iolanta (Lyudmila Bodrov) and Laura (Julia Makaryants) physician Ibn- Hakia (Nikolai Petrenko) and King Rene (Alkhas Ferzba) King Rene (Alkhas Ferzba) Moorish physician Ibn-Hakia (Nikolai Petrenko) knows the recipe Recovery Iolanthe: Truth Robert Duke (Andrei Pankratov) while arias Insight Iolanthe happy ending "Iolanthe" pressed
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