Monday, December 3, 2012

Crimea Music Fest flooding rain

Of 29 to 31 August in Yalta is hosting the second Crimea Music Fest. Bede Crimea festival started on the day before the official opening. The festival is famous for the fact that there are two sources of primo pop - Alla Pugacheva and Sofia Rotaru. But apparently, this year it will not go very smoothly. Audience interest can be evaluated on a solid triple. Sold place mainly on the balconies. This may be due to the fact that visitors probably not interested. The name of the Ukrainian stage, of which, this year it will be in abundance explained Overall, the proportion of artists from Ukraine are dominated - about 70 to 30 The weather this year has also played a major role. Fact explains that in the Crimea is storm warning and the last two days stormy wind blows and non-stop pouring rain. Tragedy almost completed installation. The platform should work where the trade fair, fell from the balcony metal table. Only five feet was a laborer who had miraculously seconds before leaving the deadly place. Boris Moiseev was not without scandal, and the sample of Boris Moiseyev. The singer was in good spirits. Occasionally he gave compliments journalists: "You - a beautiful". But Moses radiant mood quickly disappeared. Barely rehearsed his speech on stage, the actors from the audience rushed simultaneously say, "Terrible room Horrible Should not it have" Yevgeny Babich, "Showbiz News»

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