Portal tophit.ru October 1 to 14, surveyed more than 180 representatives of partner organizations, radio stations. The subject of the survey were both content and language age restrictions, which may affect the implementation of the serious extent of commercial music radio in Russia. So, to the question "Do you have it necessary to pay attention to impose restrictions on foreign central music content on the radio?" 91% of respondents (172 of 189 respondents) said no. However, if such restrictions are introduced, a third of respondents believe that the optimal share of foreign content not less than 70%, and another third of the respondents say that the optimum ratio of Russian-speaking and international music be 50/50% . Of the 102 respondents 22% agreed that the introduction of restrictions on foreign content in Russian Radio benefit, especially the Russian authors, 20% gave an advantage to waste the Russian-language radio content, 20% agreed that quotas would be beneficial , 19% reported to be potential beneficiaries of the Russian officials. Benefits for young performers saw only 14% of respondents, and saw the benefits for the listener in the enforcement of such restrictions and gave only 4% of respondents. But most of all, more than a third, or 36% of respondents said that the introduction of restrictions on foreign content benefits nobody. In contrast, of the 95 respondents, more than half believe that the listener be the loser in this situation. A third of respondents believe that believe the affected station as a whole, more than 20%, that the victim of all odds. 145 of 188 respondents (77%) do not consider it necessary to introduce an age indication songs on the radio. Only 1% of respondents believe that keeping the frequent reports of verbal age young listeners from psychological trauma. Finally, 118 of the 183 respondents are satisfied (64%) of them, leading to the introduction of additional content-based restrictions on the radio to a further decline of public stations in comparison with the audience online music services.
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