Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Zedda closed Festival Pletnev

Completed in Moscow rich variety of interesting events IV Grand Festival of Russian National Orchestra. That evening in Moscow, the legendary Italian maestro, expert, interpreter and advocate of creativity Rossini Alberto Zedda, which was presented at the Concert Hall of them. Tchaikovsky is his little solemn mass. The main thing in his life was the director of the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro, artistic director Zedda of the establishment in 1980, this famous forum. The festival brings together the best artists from around the world working on Rossini and the rich heritage of the famous opera pezarskogo Swan revive. Zedda as musicologists and researchers of Italian opera music known, and especially by Gioachino Rossini. He prepared for scientific publication "Barber of Seville" and the publication of opera "The Thieving Magpie", "Cinderella", "Semiramide". He was co-editor of the complete works of Rossini. Moscow Zedda has performed with the RNO, brilliantly performed "L'Italiana in Algeri". Russian National Orchestra / Alberto Zedda Small solemn Mass Rossini may be the last of his works are written in 1863. In 1855 the composer was living in the Paris suburb of Passy, completely away from writing. Fair he called the "last mortal sin of my old age", and accompanied her humorous inscription on the last page of the article: "God, this is the end of this poor little Mass What I have done: church music or the devil? I was born for opera buffa. You know it's good. A little learning, a little heart, that's all it is. Be blessed and prepared me to heaven. "Of course, Rossini smart. He could not understand that the music is good, that there is nothing devilish polyhedrons and bold, strong and noble sentiments. Neposhutit But why! He joked his life! Fair originally for twelve singers, including eight for the Choir and four soloists, two pianos and harmonium provided. This chamber ensembles fair was conducted in March 1864 by the author in the palace of the Count Pillet-Will. acquisitions only close friends, including composer Meyerbeer, Auber Tom. New plant all very happy Meyerbeer and Rossini wrote a letter in which he realized his "Jupiter and Divine Master." Rossini to himself, that he made important work and did not want anyone to his death was copying him, he orchestrated the Messiah.'s orchestral version after master's death in 1869, Fair was expressed in the Italian theater in Paris. Muscovites heard little solemn mass in the version by Alberto Zedda. Ideal its drama, built so close to the operas of Rossini. Get a lively, emotional act met with high spirituality, human suffering and lyrical penetration, joy of life and the sublime sadness, touching sincerity and tenderness. All of this could the audience the Russian National Orchestra, the great chorus of Russian teleradiotsentra "Masters of Choral Singing" (conductor Lev Kontorovich artistic) and soloists under the direction of A. Zedda to bring in love Rossini and managed the energy and talent of all the performers to pull their trailers. Alberto Zedda United team were the singers that does not always work when the singers from different countries are collected. Soprano Olga Senderskaya, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory (class of O. Kondina), worked at the Academy of Young Singers of the Mariinsky Theatre, was a soloist with Placido Domingo in the center of Valencia, now lives in Israel. Mezzo-soprano Silvia Tro Santafé from Spain. Tenor Dmitry Korchak studied at the Academy of Choral Arts. Popov (Class AD Vdovin) living and working abroad. Bass Mirco Palazzi from Italy. All the beautiful operatic voice, and each has developed a career overseas. But all singers joined vocal magician Rossini - all of which schools Rossini Festival and, of course, Alberto Zedda were. Bass Mirco Palazzi sang in the show stylistically accurate, without forcing her voice sounded solo pretty easy, natural and harmonious duets and ensembles with orchestra and choir. The orchestra was expressive and rhythmically precise, tonally pure copper and brass groups, string cantilena convincing. To fully enjoy the music of Rossini Chorus solved his flawless vocal line, a natural transition from piano to forte, but his singing was shades and colors, and no boost at forte. All natural and harmonious balance of the sound with soloists and orchestra. Each room was filled with a wonderful crowd, but especially want to solo Korczak Domine Deus, duo O. Mark and Silvia Tro Santafé Senderskoy with orchestra and harp solo, orchestral Preludio religioso number and the final Agnus Dei from the Spanish soloist Silvia Tro Santafé. O. Senderskoy duo Silvia Tro Santafé and with orchestra and solo harp more. Than worthy conclusion of the festival and this festival RNO Rossini's music, which is still the case in Russia only with the arrival of Alberto Zedda Is to wait for him. Musical Theatre. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko promises that next spring Maestro implementation of the "Barber of Seville". A veritable feast for the music Rossini Elizabeth DYUKINA,

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