Yesterday, the coalition "The Other Russia" in Moscow and St. Petersburg "March of Dissent" held in connection with the election of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. The rallies were held with a clear majority police - broke a march in Moscow and in St. Petersburg, he was almost without incident. Both actions DDT frontman Yury Shevchuk involved in the capital were arrested under his songs and in St. Petersburg, he spoke from the podium and said that it led to the march, "the desire to be free." Arrival at Pure ponds arrested opposition leaders immediately. Parked the bus on the Boulevard immediately went to the office of the United Civil Front (UCF) Osovtsov Alexander and Alexander Ryklin. Garry Kasparov Assistant Marina Litvinovich brought three policemen in a bus on their hands. Scream Executive Director Denis Bilunov UCF managed: "We need another Russia!" NBP group still managed to light the torches that provide flags and shouting: "False Dmitry, out of the Kremlin!" They attacked about a dozen soldiers and police men in civilian clothes, wearing black Alaska. National Bolsheviks hands bound activist Marina Kolyada fell on asphalt, torches erased in a few seconds, and trample the flags. Activists were dragged by the scruff of the crowd and beaten with batons and dragged into buses. "Pesdes! Pesdes What!" - Stunned complained remove NBP operates a western stations. NBP torches a few more times, and the escape from custody could not one of them. "This book will be picked up, although in honor of the department" - time to "Y" to say, is one of them. The arrests were the songs of DDT, "Revolution" and "Born in the USSR" plays loudly from a kiosk in the subway station. In St. Petersburg, where the proportion of "Other Russia" has been sanctioned by the authorities to protest against the presidential elections were about a thousand people. Meeting Point - the area at the Concert Hall "October" by several dozen truckloads of police and riot police surrounded. St. Petersburg march led by the leaders of the "Other Russia" Garry Kasparov and Eduard Limonov. Her colleague, the head of the St. Petersburg branch of the "Apple" Maxim Reznik, was arrested the night before the march, and the first accused of disobedience, and then the use of violence against the police. In St. Petersburg, joined the demonstrators DDT frontman Yury Shevchuk. His appearance on the rise in advance did not know the organizers - Mr. Shevchuk kept close to the tail of the column and told "Kommersant" that he had come to protest the way "a blight on the city officials and businessmen . " "I've never been to a political party, but I think that should be the same democracy," - he explained. At the rally, Yuri Shevchuk met with a standing ovation. "It is a carrier of culture, and there are street vendors Peddler we saw yesterday in the Red Square -. Said he, alluding to the last evening of March 2 concert for the Kremlin's youth -. But rock music - it is the spirit and the freedom, the desire to be free has led me here! "" Russia will be free! " Collected in response sung -. According to them, Michael Borzykin from "TV" to her hit deviants "Orthodox Chekists", while the NBP sing red light torches. Police in the law not intervened. Was only three teenagers who burned an American flag, and an unknown, metnuvshy Garry Kasparov arrested in a dildo. VIDEO: Michael Borzykin - "Suitcase-station-shovel"
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