The story of the group "5sta Family" comes from 2005, when Basil Kosinski and Valeriy Efremov a creative tandem. A little later they were joined by Anton radium and charming singer Olga Zasulskaya. CD. Music People, 2012. Genre: One of the first track composed songs about social issues, "Alice in Wonderland" was. But, as so often, the real success came easier thanks to the positive performance R'n'B music type. The joint track with the team, "23:45", "I will," brought the band national fame and hot rotation leading radio stations and television channels. The song lasted for 10 weeks at the top of the Russian radio Charter. The single is the fourth in the list of most downloaded in Russia in 2009 was certified platinum. Triumphant storm continues to track charts, "Why?" And "long distance". The single for the song "Why" in 2010, he headed the Russian digital singles chart. «5sta family" - "Why" Track listing "5sta family" - "Why?": 1 Spring Summer 2 Why do I feel 3Pokazhi 4 We here [Skit] 5my zdes6 owner dreams we 7Vmeste 8 I budu9Neudachnye double [Skit] 10 Puerto Rico town 11Nochnoy 12Dozhd cry 13Tuk Fat 14 Wake 15Na distance calls 16 Look nazad17Vsem hello! [Skit] 18Tuk fat [Alex Curly Remix] 19Zachem feat. F.Lokshin 20my here - Coda [Skit] Only in the group «5sta family", she released her debut album, although most of the songs were already known to music lovers. Recently, the group has a new singer Julian Karaulov graduate "American Idol-5." Come Sami singer recording plate says "postponed several times the plate, as was the desire to get a good product." It is worth mentioning that the new voice gave charm to the sound of the band. Particularly successful in the romantic vocal song "long distance". The band took another hit, "Knock, knock," which is on the album is available in two versions - radio and dance. However, other well-known titles and groups sounded in new ways. The track "I Do" sounds with sophisticated arrangements and "why" with the exception of the basic version is unexpectedly heavy hardcore remix. No new songs sounds before the broadcast, please stylistic diversity. Start song "Spring Summer" - male gay disco with recitative track "Puerto Rico" - R'N'B with Latin rhythms, the song "Master of Dreams" is leaning toward jazz harmonies potential of the big hits and the new single. "Together we" - a bright spring love song that was available in advance for listening to Internet users The only downside of the album «5sta family" -. "Why"? - So-called monasteries, small pieces of music. If the group wants audience fragments, as the recorded song "Unsuccessful doubles" should put an end to the track list, and not in a position to share the number 9. The success of the group «5sta family" seen in creative independence. Independent team composed songs, without recourse to the author, a rarity in a purely commercial genre of music that is working in the boys. Dmitry Prochukhan "Showbiz News 'rating: 8.5 out of 10.
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