Thursday, January 3, 2013

Grain come to the festival Kubana-2012

I think it's fair to say that the headline of this magnitude and this level in Kubana not. The legendary "corn" in Russia peninsula freedom returned. Grain - a group for the older generation is new blood heavy metal 90's, and is very modern for its young fans and actual team. In the mid 90's they were one of the first to do so dramatic about the concept of man metal music, mixing funk, grunge and hip-hop with metal riffs dared. The grain, the founder and legislator style nu-metal and the most successful of their representatives are taken into account. Grain, however, was a resounding success, the group (sold millions of records and a constant rotation of videos on MTV) in 90 out of the doldrums in the 2000s, when the group to identify problems with the composition and nebezboleznennye creative pursuits have replaced begun. The recently released album 'The Path Of Totality "and cooperation with trendy dubstep musician and producer Skrillex brought not only a group of former glory, but in a few months they returned to this Olympus of contemporary music. Truly masters of their output to reach a new musical level and Kubana Festival taking place August 1 to 5. Along the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar region

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