Thursday, January 24, 2013

In Yuri Shevchuk affair with Chulpan Khamatova?

In a famous actress Chulpan Khamatova - a novel by Yuri Shevchuk. On this love affair is in full gossip in an artistic environment. Khamatova colleagues ask how the gentle, soulful Chulpan could fall in love with Yuri Shevchuk with rowdy reputation and strong language lover? Khamatova sees itself as a 52-year Shevchuk man of rare spiritual qualities. - He is so good, it's easy to find a common language! - With his girlfriend Dina Korzun Chulpan shared. - Yuri was a kind, wise, and very interesting. And when I heard him sing, I immediately showed how he can read and Pasternak and Tarkovsky saw his soul and pure white. It is a power, such as energy, such charisma that you seem to get hypnotized ... Chulpan and Yuri met eight years ago at a concert, where they performed. Despite the 18-year age difference, and apparent differences in character, was the actress and singer, fast friends. Shevchuk has repeatedly told us how grace works in communications with Khamatova: - I guess that friendship. Women tend to be thinner and feels understood. I love intelligent companion, and when they preach to me, I'm glad. I have Chulpan correspondence Pasternak and Tsvetaeva. It is amazing what they have been platonic, great attitude! And at the same time - love, but on a different level. Yury Shevchuk, began to speak, especially close friends after Khamatova Korzun and created the "Give Life" to help children. Severe diseases Shevchuk obsessed as Chulpan Dean and noble idea of charity. And there are many people who remember with gratitude his name. For example, he was the one who paid for the support treatment of the widow of Victor Tsoi Marianne financially impoverished older rockers. Not surprisingly, this asceticism and Yuri Yulianovich Chulpan be closer. Shevchuk never gives speeches at public charities fund. And despite his hatred of the "pop music", is a scene with stars and film. The last of these performances - the annual concert of the "Give Life", which instead of 15 May, the House of Music. Shevchuk and his friendship Khamatova never hidden. Therefore, a conversation between two young actresses of being "passionate love Chulpan this rocker," I heard one of the social events, at first I was amused. First, the media recently trumpeted new hobby Chulpan - Actor Alexander Novine that allegedly Khamatova daughter even called my father. Secondly Yuri Yulianovich is nearly five years, a constant friend. Charming brunette Catherine, landscape architect, director of "DDT" met in Kiev during the "Orange Revolution". Since then, they are together. Last year, Kate went with "DDT" in the three-month tour of the Ukraine. Couple lived in St. Petersburg apartment Shevchuk. But when I finally decided to see what St. behind the talk of two secular gossip and called a friend from Petersburg rock musician turned out - Katerina Shevchuk slipped by about three months. And he drew his beloved village Lebedevka. - Kate took off because Shevchuk he asked, - explained the "Express Newspapers" famous actress who agreed to comment on the news on condition of anonymity. - Yes, it is because Chulpan. Jura from the beginning had tender feelings Chulpan. It is very similar to his ale, he was madly in love. (Elmira Bigbova - Mrs. Shevchuk, who died of brain cancer at age 24 from her singer left a son, Peter - .. MT). But Chulpan was first Vanya Volkov, who gave birth to daughter Arish married. Then he fell in love with a dancer Lesha Dubinin and threw Wanka. From it also gave birth to - girl Asya. What could count Shevchuk? But now Chulpan free, so he did his best to make it to finally appreciate. Novel they have about three months, and at the relationship, which she concealed. But at the last concert of the Fund is no longer special and hide closed for a long time in a dressing room ... Poor Kate, of course, is going through. There was so much time near Shevchuk, hoping to marry him to get out. And still believes that he return to her. But that is unlikely. Committed Yulianovich poems Khamatova. And on the same topic - love and passion for Chulpan in a dark closet. - But many wrote that Chulpan - a novel by Alexander News. - This is ridiculous. In the theater world, everyone knows that the News' - a favorite Yevgeny Mironov. Eugene pulls him out of the way, and his Theatre of Nations, and in movies. In all the movies, where he was shot, and brought Mironov noviny. He has recently otmazatsya of its unpleasant history. Theatre of Nations under performance "Shukshin stories site" Theater on Malaya Bronnaya rented. Novin and managed the buffet dispute with the director of the theater Chernyshev. Due to the fact that the director himself took the lunch queue. But Mironov conflict make amends. And you say - Khamatova! It is for news - no more than a PR. At that time, Mironov and for me this "trick" here - demonstrating novel Alena Babenko.

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