Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Shahrin Grebenshikov and support Yuri Shevchuk

Leader "Chaif" said Vladimir Shahrin attributed to him the opposition criticism of the leader of "DDT" Yuri Shevchuk "obscene" and "monstrous" is. The comment "Lente.Ru" he said, his words, quoted online publication and website online political movement "Young Guard" and supposedly critical Shevchuk, taken out of context. The quote is from an interview Shahrin newspaper "Novye Izvestia" on 11 Accepted August. Yury Shevchuk, it is not mentioned, and. Shahrin abstract reasoning that the political protest must be constructive "'Young Guard" has long been in indecent behavior with respect to the people to observe them around, use them shamelessly their merits, "- said Shahrin Previously compiled with notes to this collection of quotes political Online, Head of." Aquarium "Boris . Grebenshikov, presented his words but also Grebenshchikov said: "Law is a very important and necessary for all people who He is in Russia, the human side, you try it." discrediting "- the same thing as trying all to discredit the Russian people. "Leader of" DDT "Yuri Shevchuk thanked the leaders of the" Aquarium "Boris Grebenshikov for their support and said that" Red Guards ", which they divided by publishing Grebenshikov interview, in which he alleged that the activities Opposition condemns Shevchuk tries failed to achieve his goal, "I am not yet talked with Boris Borisovich, but I know that he was my support, I'm very happy .." -. Cited Shevchuk "Interfax". The musician said that he did not go into politics and stop creativity. . "I have already said, I am Yuri, I'm a musician should be held accountable for their words to be my main task -. It is now working on a new album that we have been working for two years" - said the rocker. Yury Shevchuk was to protect the target of fierce criticism of the pro-Kremlin organizations for their participation in the campaign to the Khimki forest. His speech was the central event of the rally-concert in defense of the forest, the 22nd in Moscow's Pushkin Square on August.

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