Thursday, January 24, 2013

Yury Shevchuk saves Moscow

Charity concert of "DDT" in defense of the monuments September 2 in the VVC. On this day, the scene was a lot of new songs, including the last sentence of the "perfect love." But do not forget their old hits. First sounded "Blizzard August" for them - "Rain", "Last fall," "Leningrad", "blanket", then - the infamous "Autumn", the fans of Russian rock music, often with a guitar in the courts and in sung the kitchens. Then we heard two songs Bekkhan Barakhoev and groups "Bekhan" after - a medley of old songs. But do not forget their old hits. Come not to forget about the "we are all here today," the left and right of the stage banners hung with the inscription: - All three titles of the venue one on posters as "DDT architecture VSHV-ENEA-Do." triangle, and is located immediately to a visible history of the former name of the ENEA, today - VVC. Then, on 2 September presented at the XII International Book Fair on the fairgrounds Yury Shevchuk his first collection of poems "solo performance", with whom he shared the audience and read out a poem from him, begins the line: "not Ambitions stay calm isolated life ..." . Lyrica was a success and proved it a standing ovation. Speech by George Yulianovich and "DDT" pleased wealth video sequences - as lyrical and shocking (for B. "Coming for You"). Sounded like the song! "In battle," Under a long entry on the screen you see a red sky at them - fast racing clouds. Seen under the choir and were the first Fire - In the middle of her fans simultaneously lit activist group. After - "Church Without Crosses" in the air "Nashe Radio" "Missing" is one ... Yuri Shevchuk was not without many actual songs - "New Russia" (again flash fireworks), "Crisis", "When will oil", "unemployment". Yuri Shevchuk was not without many actual songs ... Heard the first chords and the words know and love - lights in the hall of fireworks again, this time on the two green, between them the pride flag with the emblem of Venice of the North "Prosvistela.". Yury Shevchuk says hello golden dome: "Well, as always, Greetings from Moscow, St. Petersburg Jazz" - in fact, it sounds real jazz! From the stage came the "There was a time and a better" instantly recognizable "Mama, that's rock and roll, rock -. Is it me" Yuri is always nice talkative and sociable, the allusion to the famous exhibition near pavilion "Space", says: "Well, in my opinion, it's okay Rocket in space, we also!." Final - traditionally. "Homeland" (a chorus - again fireworks), (lighters and lights), "that's all." Another recognizable symbol of Moscow Yuri Shevchuk After the speech, thanked all the participants, said a separate "thank you" for the fireworks. He expressed the hope that we still have to defend ancient beautiful city of Moscow and its rich architectural heritage. What do they want to destroy - our history, the past. Without the past, as you know, there is no future. Eugene Garbar "Showbiz News» Photo Natalia Luz, "News of show business"

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