Presents music and political sensation of the group "Rabfak" in Moscow on his first album, "Our madhouse." "Rabfak" has already become a kind of phenomenon - once with internet meme about dancing policemen began gloomy Putin and great fun, the group has not become king for a day, but a very hard and thoroughly on the way to his goal. During the presentation of the "Gogol" It became clear that kind of goal. From album covers svezheizdannogo peep fists working people, stylized aesthetics Mayakovsky and I'm not afraid of the word "Liapis Trubetskoy." Red-black-and-white palette is easily recognizable, and therefore brings a lot of associations. First and foremost, of course, given the style "in the morning on the internet, in the evening, the verse." But because all the elections have passed, slowed meetings - the curious guessing how these "verses" interesting in a different, much changed environment. After varying degrees of absurdity opening act on stage, "Gogol" imposing massive man appears transparent scarf around his neck, the leader of the "workers" schools "Alexander Semenov. And after jokes clip recorded vocals of incredibly powerful for such a frivolous genre musicians accompanied Just open casket -. now in the "workers' schools" is almost entirely the group "Mongol Shuudan" these guys play bad just do not know. The "Rabfak" And here is how it turns out. Songs live! Thanks to Putin's victory in the elections - the songs live. Landscape has changed since, and another 12 years will not change, and all these 12 years, is very important to dance beneath the words "Our madhouse votes for Putin, Putin is our happy madhouse". Incidentally, before the concert, the musicians were the spectators leaflets "(supplemented, revised and authorized organizations approved) Word of the new songs," with the title, with the subtitle "The All-Russian Union of lovers singing together" Additional Voices "given to them . V.Churova, department manuals and metodichek "But just -. songwriter. Songwriter is not required. The audience sang the chorus of the word, and new songs by heart. And let the audience was just something little, not more than a hundred - but it was not disheveled radicals, and most of that is refined to "understand" the intelligence. Puzzle formed. Convinced of Russian rock with strong stinging smehotekstami and almost "chanson with a human face" - intellectually yes the same segment "Liapis Trubetskoy" and "Leningrad", only in the Moscow pofigistichnogo more and more modernist. Texts says Alexander Yelin, and he fills ernichestva almost every line. Attraction sarcasm flavored melodies and even cancel a barrel on the first beat. Attraction sarcasm flavored melodies and even cancel a barrel on the first beat of the "workers' schools" should, of course, collect the concert experience - swallowed a lot of texts by fuzzy diction Semenova or not very clean with two background singers Tanya Batalov. Nevertheless, the genre requires a perfect text message of the reports. And while, of course, musicians jammed, they obviously do not have a bluesy solo chunking smell where they left off come the master. However, in Moscow, a great burlesque group - success, strong, with a squint and cross-references everything. Due to the abundance of obscene language on small and underground star status klubikov it is simply impossible to get. But the first album had to resolve their status at the beginning of a career. Now they are at a crossroads. Musicians to play well to stay in small clubs. You either have to give up the mat and heavier as the "Lapis", or to bring all the same material to a state of living speech, as well as the cord. Then there will be a mass audience interest and, accordingly, the large area. Maybe "Rabfak" invent a third way? Guru KEN Photo - Svetlana Maltseva More Photos: Alexander Semenov Rabfak Rabfak
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