Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Shevchuk and Butusov lean intelektualizmom fill the gap of missing BG

Birthday "Pushkinskaya 10" BCG "October" Vyacheslav Butusov has collected, "DDT", "Iva Nova" and Oleg Garkusha. History of Art Center Pushkinskaya 10 goes two decades. Once upon a time, in 1989, to develop a free community of artists, musicians and other talented people and implement the vision of creating an independent center for contemporary art in which every creative unit can achieve even yourself, and everyone will be able to appreciate these efforts. Currently, the center has achieved international fame, regularly and systematically presents the national contemporary art in numerous international exhibitions and festivals. "Pushkinskaya-10" persistently proves all the skeptics that the modern history of Russian sub-art exists, and it is no less important than in all previous centuries. "All You Need Is Love" - traditional motto "Pushkinskaya-10". It is with these words, every two years, Art Center pompously celebrating his birthday in the city on the Neva instead krupnomashstabny Rock Festival. This year's concert event held as schedule date and a much larger - 20 years. The concert began with the opening speeches Director "Pushkinskaya-10" and the leader. After the sad news came, and the presentation of the group "Aquarium" is canceled because of the suspicion of one of the band members of the H1N1 virus (aka "swine flu"). Later on this topic joked Yuri Shevchuk - "I'm sorry for the members of the band" Aquarium ", they are the first to receive the swine flu breast In this case, we will put up a beautiful monument.." From Because of the unplanned absence Boris Grebenshikov and associates is Vyacheslav Butusov and group "DDT" significantly expanded, and between their appearances was introduced urgently girlish team 'Iva Nova. " First on stage was Vyacheslav Butusov S Peter. Circumvent all sorts of comparisons with his own solo performance 20 days ago in the same BCG, we can say that was the question. There was "Diamond Road", "The Beast," "King Tut", "go", the doctor body, "Morning Pauline," walk on water "," Wings "," I want to "be with you - the same . favorite "Naw-boom" with small cuts on the first stage went Vyacheslav Butusov S Peter summed particular sound, it was not enough and something else: Some songs sounded a bit sad, some the opposite - to vigorously until the end.. set Butusov played as always fans waiting for him -. "Chained together," "Prince of Peace", "Alain Delon", and now tsoevskaya "Star Called Sun", followed by a chorus of voices from the audience, full address While I sound devices, "Pushkinskaya-10" congratulates Oleg Garkusha. In his inimitable style, he read a few of the brand verses about love and life, about life and art. Regulation of the festival is somewhat limited scope of his poetic and as it turned out, it's free. Garkusha crowd tries to cheer up, that could be said about him published after the girls of "Iva Nova." Despite the fact that obtain in recent years collective experience creative flight, hall a group BKZ cold and aloof. In between songs sounded whistles and shouts. A quarter of the hall found themselves in urgent need to go to the bar or the smoking room and will not hesitate to move it. No singing five songs and blew the band away from the scene. In service to relieve the wheel petersburg rock community, the team leader "DDT" Yuri Shevchuk. Hall exploded. Only now it was clear that almost everyone just saw his release. Starting shot with "musical picture" speech without interruption - "Blizzard of August", "Angel", "have come for you", "Wind", "love", "If you were here", "missing" it. Excellent light on, excellent graphics. Improved, even sounds. Not so sure that Shevchuk not call it be pop, but at least so in the front rows of the people from tearing glohli eardrums pipe column. Mood among the musicians and the most Shevchuk was beautiful. Songs sounded rich, sonorous, followed by solo performances by new and unexpected improvisations. Shevchuk, humor and flirting with the audience. On the song "write write me", he took a digital camera and began to pictures of everything - the musicians, the hall itself ... There were many in the evening of poetry - "When the only", "What I have to tell Hibernate conductors", "We have long moved out." Shevchuk gave them his book "solo performance" a little mannered maintain their weight on the best poetic traditions. Something new has been read from a sheet. Musicians have created a lyrical background, silent room. "We are his skinny intelektualizmom gaps due to the lack of Boris Borisovich causes" - Yuri nezlobno joked, and the performance went on. "We are his skinny intelektualizmom gaps due to the lack of Boris Borisovich causes" - Yuri joked nezlobno sounded the end of "Mom - it's rock 'n' roll and song dedication" gazoskrebu "(" the phallus is built "- uncomprehending asked Shevchuk) - "When will oil." The final chord broke "Prosvistela," and the audience began to leave the room quickly and rushed was the metro, with the closure of which is not much Catherine Tyurin, "Showbiz News Music.. ru »Photo - Elena SHERSHOVA" Showbiz News »

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