Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Yuriy Shevchuk: Not all are taken for writing social songs!

- They say everything right, but it's time to do something, - says the singer. As usual, the conversation went with the leader of "DDT" Yuri Shevchuk from "AIF" beyond the usual talk about rock music and its inscrutable ways. The author of many songs on social issues Shevchuk can not ignore the problems that concern him as first and foremost citizens. The author of many songs on social issues Shevchuk can not ignore the problems that concern him primarily as citizens - About 3 months you can with "DDT" was away on tour. What are your impressions of the visits in the country? - God, of course, Russia is not betrayed beauty and natural resources. But in many places, I have suffered physically observe the war between man and nature, the harmony. To us by the Creator Mountains, forests, mighty rivers and ... ridiculous concrete fences with piles of garbage here and there. We look forward to the modernization of the economy to speak, and in our country, all the veins - the roads - in "clot". In parts of Siberia and the Urals, we took the bus 20 km / h for 5-6 hours, because instead of an asphalt pits. Normal roads laid only at the airport to the hotel or Gazprom central database. A "Gazprom" have - a state within a state. On the way, I once lived in an a glamorous location - everything is perfect, as in Switzerland. Even indoor golf is. And the fence - devastation, poverty. In any other city (if not all) big business controls the governor and his entourage. This is the vertical. On the one hand, it cemented Russia seem to be, they did not fall apart. And on the other side - in this dish, red fornication and theft. And no initiative, because any change should be coordinated with the Kremlin. If you have not joined the "United Russia" will not give you money. I enjoyed reading the book writer Yuri Galkin "Russian option, or why. All the reforms in Russia end in one and the same" And agree with him that the base of the country and a half thousand years ago are only two classes. On one side - the princes and boyars (no matter what they call themselves communists, monarchists and democrats). And the other - who profit from people who pulled tribute. Go into the center of the slave - entertainers, TV personalities, political strategist and repressive apparatus, etc. And between classes - a gaping chasm. Now, with the people that by and large, to take nothing. Were minerals, and for the most part, we do not even have the bureaucracy. It must have 100,000 qualified hard workers that the oil pump. And on the other, seem to care. Now, throw a consolation for the royal table - thin pensions and salaries, not gossip, luxurious celebrations Suit (bread and circuses). But in the end people are cutting in two directions - one abroad, the other - to the cemetery. - Pessimistic picture you drew. What is the solution? - I'm not a pessimist, but I see how sick country. The first thing to do: to give freedom of the press. Without criticism, there will be no movement of society. Say all this 'perfume' body movements, the fight on the ground, is, corruption is ridiculous. Because it is necessary to cut metastases. Hard and fast. Serious investigative journalism, the first blow against the misappropriation would be. Second, the courts should be free to defend the rights of an honest man and a cynical punish thieves. And third, we need to educate people. As director Mirzayev: "Our people are well read, but have no idea." All literate: they know how to "squeeze", "Rollback", "budget", but not solved. I would leave on the national news a few series for grandmothers. Otherwise he would have given educational programs. Need to what to explain democracy, freedom, a certain historical period. My opponents say that such people do not watch the program. Torment a week, maybe, and then (laughs). We must do something. All speak very well, but, in my opinion, we swing. "I would have to rely on the national news a few series for grandmothers Otherwise he would have been Educational Need to what democracy, freedom, a certain historical period.." Explained - Why do we need civil society did not appear? - This is something like love. All her feel, but can not explain: where it comes from and what it is? Love in the country is not enough. Civil society is born, as our "God-bearing people" suffer-suffer, and then suddenly gets up on his hind legs, "How long?" The fight against the construction of St. Petersburg "gazoskreba" ("Ohta-Center" .. - Ed.) Just completely dead and resurrected civil society. We, the citizens of St. Petersburg, in the figure do not need this bottle filled with oil, in addition to the wonderful architecture Rossi Quarenghi Trezzini, etc. On the street, many people asked me: "What do you have there with the high-building" Gazprom "" The story has a national level. Because it symbolizes the struggle of ordinary people, the cultural part of the country. With this corrupt, ignorant bureaucrats, aggressive construction companies, the "cut" in the world's to their advantage and ambitions Monuments - Under cover in the center of St. Petersburg recently destroyed 200 houses. City loses tourists because they do not force, made their way this pyrogenic iron machines, Peter. And in Moscow the same. Take a stroll through the capital in the summer when the weather is calm. Just grab. - And something good happens? - Of course there is. Many wonderful, caring people, young people with curious, hungry for the good future of the eyes. Very happy parochialism. People no longer look like 5-6 years ago, to Moscow, as the head of civilization. I was glad that, for example, in Tomsk mayor has many wooden houses in the old town. If these old merchants' houses were burned, he said that would be at this point, to build exactly the same. Like, do not burn or burn, and concrete towers in the middle of his. And no longer burn. The mayor of the city of Magadan is without protection cycling. To see and that is the city. There are light forces in the country, the good because it is natural for human beings. The "DDT" has always been a thinking audience. It does not interfere with the technique just the physical pleasure, and understands that this is the pain and suffering and empathy. Never mind the rock-and-roll, is cinema or theater. After all, as our population brings the same pop music: the art - it's just fun. Everywhere pop: MUSIC, kinofilmiki booklet - read, watched and forgotten. As a result, people are not formed, and the mindless vegetables, are easy to manage. The "DDT" has always been a thinking audience - but good to judge, what you say, so little. Your hands do not look to fall, what happened? - Can not you see I'm in a good mood. Now we've gone and talked to people who saw in Russia, filled with impressions and sat in the studio working on his next album. In the last 5 years we have accumulated 25 new songs for which no shame. There is little fresh, but recognizable. "Civilization -. The mother of the technology and in the minds of all the same Paleolithic We were looking for the freedom she found in Sex And it is all consumed AIDS.." After one of our concerts, a journalist wrote that Shevchuk and "DDT "to feel good in times of crisis. "I Shevchuk - wrote a fire in his eyes, protest songs, he does not like the times of peace.." And when was the rest? Around and so many of the texts, sense of empirical thinking about the relationships between men and women, man and nature, etc. and rock music is still singing, and that not all of us well. "Peter, Peter, I was tired from the chaff is separated from the wheat, I'm tired of the lazy counterculture pop out of his nature, the" Toyota "," Lada "," Reno "I'm tired to blaming the surface give. I just a blizzard Adult Lücke am tired, I am of life in the dark tired, in his delirium, always in line with a zero result. Though tormented me impotence, I with the "United Russia." I like it not the space choir intoned a private investigator Finally, you are a loner, Peter And we put it all on the device "-... Not all rock your colleagues share this view ... - Why not all social Scripture songs. It is very easy to turn into a poster and yellow paper. It's easy to call Goats. But that's not art. The song comes at a time when you hear other rooms behind a fence outside the busy world in which very good skin compatibility of the miner what you write, when used with charcoal chop him. You have the heart and have the ability to empathize. Get to those who write. Because these legs is all about.

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