Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Employers do not want to read the classics

Management of the "American Idol" is not just about professional development at the beginning artist, but also the mental and spiritual development of pupils. Explicit evidence - library "Star House." Books in the "factory" Shelves - no element is the opposite, the administration of the project is very serious selection reading material for future stars. Here you will find a variety of products - from Russian folk tales to serious philosophical treatises. Can touch at any time of the day or night "Manufacturers" nice, but unfortunately the most popular literary creations of the guys is not in use. Particularly interesting is the complete list of the contents of the stellar library: 1 Verne's "Journey to the Moon, it is not." Second V. Pelevin "Chapaev and emptiness." Stories. Third Pushkin's "Little Tragedies". Poem. 4th A. Schopenhauer, "Aphorisms of wisdom." 5th D. Carnegie "How to win friends and influence people." 6th Tsvetaeva. Favorites. 7th Shakespeare. Tragedy. 8th D. London, "Martin Eden." 9th Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace". 10th K. MarkC "Das Kapital". 11th G. Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude "12. D. Harms" in case. "13 Dmitry Ushakov dictionary of the Russian language. 14th Ivan Bunin" dark alley ". 15th Chekhov. Stories 16. P. Weil, "poems about me." 17th Vladimir Nabokov's "Lolita". 18th Myths of Ancient Greece.

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