For its rich artistic career Sergei Galanin managed to play in the band "Rare Bird" group "Gulliver" to create a team with Garik Sukachev "Brigada S" and to leave it because of the differences. CD. Union, 2011. Genre: Pop-Rock was the turning point in 1993 when Sergei finally decided to make solo career and developed his own musical creation - the "earring". This year, galanin, frontman and mastermind behind the group, "earring", 50 years old. Jubilee musicians decided to celebrate the release of two studio albums - "Child Heart" and in the first, a man sentimental inherent musicians during his creative life, revealing at the border "Nature, freedom and love.". Most revealing in this respect was the starting point track, "Home", a touching sensual appeal to his mother: I take off fast, Mom, and you give me a hand flourishes, I will be back as soon as the wind blows home. "Earring" - "Youth Heart" Tracklist "earring" - "Youth Heart": 1 Home (Mama) 2 pieces neba3Komety4 Yuri Gagarin5Angel6 Your soul (Romanov) 7 Waltz singing males (G. Sukachev, AF Sklar, M. Efremov, V . Shahrin, V. Runners) 8 children serdtse9Ya see the Sun (V. Butusov, J. Kasparian) 10 Gone Cast (in memory of Vlad) 11 Freedom chimera composition "Gagarin" with a cheerful playful melodiykoy - is not only marking the first astronaut on the earth, but also the recognition of autobiographical front man: "I was born in the Soviet Union", "love kvass", "dreamed of becoming an astronaut." Not fall in childhood with Sergei Galanin and other Russian rock musicians. In the song "Waltz singing men" to the fullest fool Garik Sukachev, AF Sklar, Mikhail Efremov, Vladimir and Vladimir Shahrin Runners. Such cooperation is not required to change the sound of the songs on the album and influenced by the work of artists felt in several tracks from "Children of the heart". It is a pity that this boyish innocence in a duet with Vyacheslav Butusov ("I See the Sun") and Alexei Romanov ("Your Soul"), the authenticity of the "earrings" evaporated sunk in deep philosophical thought in these duets. At the same time, the author of the texts Sergei Galanin slipping into infantile dreams ("Comet"): fed Ooh, heaven comets, Ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo, in an old house with a silent portraits. Lyrical Ballad "Angel", which was the soundtrack to the film "Who am I", the plot tells the story of a young man who had lost his memory, which fit into the concept of the album. And here is another reference to the movie - the song "Gone actor" in memory of Vladislav Galkin, knocked from the track list. New album "Earrings" is somewhat lacking integrity and conceptually. However, each child is strange desire to try his hand at various forms and efforts, his heart was childish. Dmitry Prochukhan "Showbiz News» Rating: 6.5 out of 10.
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