Traveling to the time when spaceships through the Grand Theatre, and the individual members of the rock establishment - the space of the presidential administration sets, a group of "Crematorium" to develop transcontinental and spiritual connections. This time, "Crematorium" brought to Italy. However, not to leave Moscow, that it is possible - just mansion mountain range, in the currency in the side street is the home of the Italian Embassy in Russia, also the territory of the motherland Pinocchio and Dante Alighieri. Excuse visit - a preliminary sneak preview classic Italian Baroque sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini "Head of Medusa". Yes, yes, the same "Medusa the Gorgon, the blood witch" moving in the song so much krematorskoy celebrated the 1986th Served, in fact, the song "Medusa the Gorgon," and as a catalyst for the events. As the popularity of "cream" has long crossed the Russian border, the number of fans was an Italian journalist, Mrs. Margherita Beldzhiozoso Professor and Mrs. Marguerite De Micheli, directly related to the organization of the exhibition Bernini context - first in the Villa of mountain and by the beginning of June - the Pushkin Museum. Reputation of the "cream" as an ensemble of high spirituality suddenly a new confirmation, and the group was invited to a unique artistic event "Coffee with Bernini", as commentators and interpreters of the classical heritage of the Russian side: At the opening of the sculpture, have taken place in order on 26 Be May, the band group "crematorium" in the face of the poor Grigoryan, Nicholas and Alexander Korshunov Luchkova not only took in the discussions on the Baroque and contemporary art, but also played a unique unplugged set, which has no parallel in the history of band had - especially when you take into account, the place and circumstances of performances. The musicians of "Crematorium" played a unique unplugged set song "Medusa the Gorgon" for the first time in an acoustic version performed and kindly, as Russian-Italian audience, which was attended by Italian Ambassador to Russia, Mr. Antonio Zanardi Landi with his wife and adopted hero of the occasion itself. The program of the band seamlessly and classic hits "Sexy Cat" and "Rubbish Wind" Seto finally puts aristocratic taste of playing music on the Italian villa. Also bassist "cream" Korshunov Nicholas gave a short speech, in which a series of cultural and philosophical associations that link Medusa character with modernity. Discussion of the cultural and philosophical associations, the connection with the present character of the word about Medusa Medusa, pronounced Nicholas Korshunov, PhD, bass guitarist "Crematorium", on a preliminary preview of the sculpture "Head of Medusa" by Gian Lorenzo Bernini in the first place I I want to participate to all those in today's event on behalf of the "crematorium" thank you, as for the pleasure and honor to witness the world-famous original masterpiece and for your interest in the work of the group, which is reflected in today's session, and how I think this will help to strengthen cultural ties between our countries. Jellyfish image for a long time was the European cultural icon. Medusa correlated with many deep meanings that occur in human nature, and this is dictated by its validity. Legend and include images, the first mention of which the eighth century BC, is still relevant - otherwise we would be here today. So I'd like to get our thoughts on what he feels the image of Medusa modern Russian authors shares - especially given the "crematorium". As early as the eighth century BC, the gorgon Medusa is repeatedly mentioned in Homer's poems. The references are not to his systematic presentation of the myth. This suggests that the myth of Medusa was already known to the audience of the great poet, and the image of Medusa can be seen as a part of the then-popular culture. Spend the first parallel to the present, we see Medusa impersonation current pop culture, with all its peculiarities. As the calculation of the appeal, the inability to aggressive marketing, backstage resist manners other show business - in terms of the content of the myth, I mean especially the relationship of the Medusa with the Olympian gods. In Hesiod we first meet record of the deaths of Medusa, unlike her sisters immortality - artifacts of modern pop culture as well as in contrast to short-lived practical immortality of art classics. However, the hallmark of modern pop art is their visual appeal. Unlike other ancient authors, as mentioned Hesiod and Aeschylus, in the tragedies that represents the image of Medusa absolute evil, in "Twelfth Pythian Ode" Pindar former beauty of the Medusa, seen under the influence of the fossilized his expulsion Gorgon was the temple of Athena. It is set a myth about the origin of flutes that create Athena, Medusa sisters inspired the day she died crying. This story is completely in line with the modern technology in terms of its intense attention to the issues of the "evil genius", the problem of the relationship of creativity to violence and disease of human morality. Thus, our modern interpretation of the dialectical image Medusa. The correctness of this view is confirmed when we turn to another source -. A poem of Euripides 'Ion' He cites two amulets, which have mutually inverse properties: healing, killed with the blood of most jellyfish and - with snake venom out of her hair, a metaphor for poetic inspiration - from the blood of the slain Gorgon how. in the "Metamorphoses" of Ovid, born winged horse Pegasus, whose image has also described a European cultural icon. So, in spite of the fact that the image of Medusa, in modern terms, a negative semantics, today it is to read another line with the principles of the modern mind. I "superosnovany death" mean in the face of God, and the author and the related evaluation criteria relativity. Medusa is an example of a combination of incongruous in potentially clearly interpreted by the icon that shows the possibility of understanding the destruction of stereotypes - and this is the key concept of deconstruction as a postmodern philosophy. Return to the text of the song "Medusa the Gorgon" group "crematorium", we find mention in historical and legendary figures - Judas, Brutus, Mohammed. This brings us to another source - the "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri, who take the place of the characters mentioned in the various circles of Hell, and Medusa guarding one of the inner circles. Thus, in our present understanding, Medusa - it is also the embodiment of the modern technique of manipulating the mass consciousness, some political games aimed at the implementation of the absolute control of the personality and its suppression. Of course this may seem somewhat arbitrary interpretation of the original image, but, as I said, the cultural validity dictated by the possibility of recognition of the classic picture in a variety of modern contexts. Thank you for your attention. Photo - Alan VOUBA
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