Sunday, September 29, 2013

«Tequilajazzz" impressed travel to Uzbekistan

On the second day of winter in the club scene, "16 tons" out group "Tequilajazzz". Admirers of this team has begun to gather an hour before the official start of the concert and the moment when "the hour H" room was already full. But then he heard the traditional "16 tonns" and "Tequilajazzz" to the public, met with applause and cheers. Performance opens with an instrumental intro and the song "Island of breathing." And then almost non-stop with your friends Eugene played 4 more songs, including two songs from the group's newest single "Berlin". then said Yevgeny Fyodorov, she recently returned from a trip to Tashkent and Tashkent praised hospitality. then said Yevgeny Fyodorov, they of recently a trip to Tashkent and Tashkent praised hospitality band played a few songs from his previous albums, then Eugene was communicating again with the audience, he shared his plans for the team in the near future. After the concert they went to St. Petersburg and then in Helsinki. A girl stood in front of Eugene, has the desire, expressed by a group to go to St. Petersburg and began to make an appointment. But she was interrupted by the introduction to the next song. performance of the song "Pistol" had the shape of a traditional appeal with the audience when Yevgeny Fyodorov sang into the microphone "Eee eeeeoo" and the hall echoed him. This was repeated in several other songs. Were hit by a storm of emotions of the song "I went out to buy bread," "bye-bye", in which the power of touch hall silence reigned. The same thing happens with the song dedicated to the younger generation - ". Nalivayya" Thanked the audience left the band. But soon a burst of screaming, "More!" Came on stage drummer Alexander Voronov, wearing a yarmulke and shared his impressions of Tashkent. "You know, this is really a bread town" - he told the audience. At that time all the other musicians took their places. At the end of his story, Alexander said the audience an anecdote about a new Uzbek and goldfish. The addition was made the song "plaque-fly", which will be in September this year 30 years old, and the most famous song, "Tequilajazzz". The kind of girl that I wanted to go with a group in St. Petersburg, apparently, moved to alcohol, constantly disturbed Eugene to communicate with the audience, interrupted him. The way out was found drummer every time she tried to speak, Alexander knocked on the installation of some rollicking rhythm. The audience appreciated the movement with enthusiasm. Before performing the song "Winter Sun" Yevgeny Fyodorov, the direction of the girl, said: "It is necessary for your patience, you heard every 1.5 hours only to hear two notes: C and A. '. And finally, the song was "Theme of last summer." Played Representing artists and all those who contributed to the group during the concert, Evgeny Fedorov warmly thanked the audience: "Thank you, thank you for coming route from Tashkent to Petersburg group." Tequilajazzz "Leningrad Peterbug-Petrograd." Nikita Smirnov, Photos Daniel FIELD,

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