Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"The King and the Clown," recorded "Todd. Act 2 On The Edge "

Group "The King and the Clown" finished work on the album, "Todd said. Act 2 On the Edge. "Very soon all fans will have the opportunity to listen to the ten songs from the opera Zong horror" Todd "The new album is a continuation of last year's publishing." King and the Clown "- album" Todd Act. 1st Feast of Blood ". If the base of the first part of a pretty tough sounding track heard while in the second part, students will be able to evaluate a completely different mood and sound of the band. "Album of the lyric, but the dark, - says Mikhail Gorshenev -.... Horror as Edgar Allan Poe more psychological It is a constant feeling of emotional distress" The director of "The King and the Clown" and chief ideologist create Zong opera " Todd »Michael Gorshenev on the album" On The Edge "again the role of the sinister barber Sweeney Todd. Narrative voice remained unchanged - the musicians continued their collaboration with actor Benjamin humor. But the artists of other roles reversed: St. Petersburg cellist and singer Lena Te expressed roles Lavett and daughter Sweeney Todd, and the party has performed the judges Ilya devil. "I've always been interested in theater, and similar productions, - says the head of the" Pilot "-. Moreover, the story itself is very charming Experience the scene and emotional condition was not immediately apparent.. We have tried to reach it on the right experience. The guys from "The King and the Clown" has helped me in this, just from the other side and otslushivaya double record. "According to Michael Gorsheneva castling performers were originally planned:" The mood of the various plates. Therefore, vocal performers will be different. "The party of one of the characters in the opera Zong-voiced guitarist and backing vocalist Alexander" renegade "Leontyev: lovers of art" King and Jester "will be pleasantly surprised by another fact for him this was the first experience of the recording. singing a solo track, but the task is handled excellently musicians. Quite possibly, execute the renegade the song and the next concert "King and Jester" in Moscow on April 28 in the Luzhniki Sports Palace. the stage with "King and Clown "is Ilya devil:... All guests of the evening will be a surprise to the accompaniment of the group, he will perform two songs from the album," Todd Act 2 on the edge "It should be noted that the guest artists record albums "Blood Feast" and "On the Edge" will not be included in a theater production Zong opera "TODD". Starring in Michael Gorshenev perform, and the rest will be realized as a professional actor. Samples will begin in the summer. Premiere of a unique production is scheduled for autumn 2012.

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