Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oleg Sakmarov sing celebrated 50 years the Aquarium and the Nautilus Pompilius

12th March 2009 in the capital club "Ikra" celebrates its 50th anniversary of Oleg Sakmarov - a prominent musician, multi-instrumentalist, singer of the leading rock bands, musician, journalist, author of songs and instrumental music. The six-hour music marathon opened skazki the group performed two songs. One of those, "Breathing of my heart," surprisingly remembered songs from English albums Boris Grebenshikov. Oleg Sakmarov principal flutist. That night he played with almost all groups of speakers. The six-hour music marathon opened skazki The group was on stage, followed by Oleg Sakmarov free jazz Sergey Letov joined. And Polish flutist Edita Phil and Japanese jazz musician Masami Suzuki four of them were playing jazz improvisation based on music by Ivan Sokolov. Japanese jazz musician Masami Suzuki the stage after congratulating Rustem ABYAZOV - violinist and founder and director of the Kazan State Chamber Orchestra "La Primavera". Along with it, Oleg Sakmarov studied at the School of Music, and with it, created the first rock band in which he participated. Came on stage with a greeting Rustem ABYAZOV sports commentator Viktor Gusev anniversary congratulated and presented a gift to football. Sleeping lemur group consisting of musicians, O. Sakmarov, help a new album, "Jim" receive performed five of his compositions. Oleg Sakmarov every six hours, not leaving the stage as a singer Dmitry congratulations performed the song "I'll never forget you" from the rock opera "Juno and Avos" and is devoted to his wife of Oleg Sakmarov, Kira, who is a part-time band director Sakmarov band. Oleg Chilap best option from the group sang a capella "on uterine parents" Oleg Sakmarov with the refrain of "The Beatles and the Rolling Stones." Came after him on stage band Crematorium continues the theme of the return to basics and performed songs Mike Naumenko - "Summer," "If I do differently knew," and his own "Tania", which together with the musicians throughout almost the room sang. Crematorium group was the subject of a return to the basics and performed songs Mike Oleg Naumenko Sakmarov KarTush introduced the band - the second largest (after Sakmarov band) project, in which he is now involved. While the band was given a presentation prepared congratulations Sergei Galanin. While the band for a presentation given by Sergei Galanin prepared congratulations on performing with the group KarTush Oleg Sakmarov changed his traditional red shirt on his leather jacket Ferrari was thereby. Relationship with Motorsport Group Finally, the band put out by imperishable thing Nautilus Pompilius - "I Wanna Be With You" with a magical solo Oleg Sakmarov saxophone. Then the hero of the day is set aside their wind instruments, picked up a guitar and sang - it was the turn for the implementation of the project Sakmarov band. One of the songs was the song called "Jim," the title of the upcoming album, psychedelic song reference to Jim Morrison. After the main part of the band Anastasia Sakmarov Papisova, playing the harp, remained on stage and played some-what of Irish music. Sakmarov presents photos by Ilya Kormiltsev continue the program the output of grains, whose leader Anatoly Pogodaev is also the band's guitarist Sakmarov. Then congratulate Oleg Sakmarov waited as many thought the climax concert -. Performance of songs Aquarium Sergei Butler, one of the leaders of the skazki has a long and very successful rehash songs Boris Grebenshikov. Oleg Sakmarov accompanied him and two members of the aquarium - a violinist and drummer Andrew Surotdinov Oleg Shavkunov. Performed the song "Three Sisters", "When will the pain", "Adelaide", "Maxim Ranger," "Majesty," "Ten Arrows". Boris Grebenshikov itself failed to concert, but blessed musicians these songs, and shown in a video on the screen of the Association, congratulated his former colleagues at the aquarium on the anniversary. Closed many hours of musical marathon world of fire and acoustic timber. According to Oleg Sakmarov the first to say that this is an amazing art-rock band with very high quality music. Well, the second group - ". One of friendly groups in our galaxy" just wonderful Oleg Sakmarov, although of course, and a bit boring evening ended well after midnight. At the end of the story about it, I would admire Oleg Sakmarov - almost all the time he spent on stage, played in different bands. Genuine love of music, professionalism, openness and kindness - these are the qualities that distinguish it and you can learn from him! Let's say, you can not celebrate the birthday (born Oleg Sakmarov March 14) in advance had no effect on the character the perfect mood of the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Oleg Sakmarov. He said it in a way that it should be a real musician to be -. In his native element, on stage Constantine PRIESHKIN, photos Alina Platonov,

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