Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Time Out" - "Cabbage"

Group "Time Out" began his career with the power of heavy metal, but success brought "motologichesky" style, which invented the musicians themselves and. CD. Time, 2010.Zhanr: Rock The most popular in the 90s of last century, the song "Johan Pavlovich", "handbag-hole" and "Somewhere rotting in the forest cactus." Latest album is dated 2001, and now, after just 9 years and 9 months, give attendees time out "a new album called" carbon Time Out "." "-" Cabbage "" Time Out "-" Cabbage "group tries to keep pace with the times, making the sound has changed. in the melodic pattern songs harmoniously joined accordion and violin. Is good and the integration of electronic elements in the sound, and the sound is not on the synth-pop excesses to remain life interrupted, go and really rock 'n' roll There are elements on the album and rap.. quite successful song "The Drum" - creative rejection of all "aspect" and are right in the palm In the song "I'll be there, "the group suddenly turned around texts, decorated folk melody sketches love track listing." Time Out "-" Cabbage ": 1 - 2 Kapusta3Noch-Moon 4 Disco Dancer 5PO drum 6 I will not play tam7Rok cowards mahat8 people like lyudi9Raz, 2, 310 Morozhenoe11Nikto me lyubit12 Guttaperchevaya13Zhertvy scientific fantastiki14 Spring title track "carbon" sets the tone for the album and tells of a bitter taste, which remains after the money "cut down" is not a humane way. Just a shame that the poor chorus "Cabbage grow grow, dense, without you in my soul ... uh" blurred impression. An echo, a consequence of the slippery path of easy money soundtrack, "People like people," where the hero has been in such a state that sinking ", while I'm at a table with a friend, an alcoholic." Closest to the early work of the team turned the song "One, two, three" and "Nobody Loves Me" that old fans to his "Cheers". An attempt to write a new anthem rock called "to play rock - not waving cowards" in itself is commendable, but only in the history of Russian music already have some of these songs that are so deeply embedded in the soul music fans, the is a simple message of the title will not be able to be any worry. In the plate were old favorite groups: singing the song "Victims of Science Fiction", "Nobody Loves Me", the third verse of "The Night of the Spring Moon" sung Garik Sukachev was "the fun-nekrofilsky, and the new version of the sketches "replaced. The album "Cabbage" will resonate in the hearts of loyal fans, but enjoy the music, "time-out" to a new generation who grew up humor "Comedy Club", will show the time. Dmitry Prochukhan "Showbiz News" 6.5 out of 10 points.

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