Some time ago a group of "Ranetki" suddenly disappeared guitarist Anya Rudnev. Producer Sergei Milnichenko initially touted its absence as temporary and linked it with the pregnancy of star animated series "My Fair Nanny" Paul Serdyuk. But soon rumors that Rudnev left the whole group as a producer has paid too little for it. - We worked together for seven years. Everything was in order. Anya suddenly got an attitude - a loss is Sergei Milnichenko. - If they had a claim to the money, she could talk to me, but nothing to complain about Anya not expressed without explanation and announced that he was leaving. This means that the father, taught and educated, but overlooked. It seems that closing some jackals, who are now on Anna, she sat down on the ears and naplela all sorts of nasty things about me and about the group: "You cheated, you underestimated.." And the man begins inadequate perception of the world. Look who was at the wedding, Anya! These people do not digest it before, and none of the "Ranetok" not invited. What are their claims to the girls? Or they have the money to her, too? To his fans Anya was foul and was vulnerable, good girl. Under the Treaty Anya has two more years to work in "Ranetki". Search for a replacement, we do not. Anya Rudnev comment on the reasons for leaving the group otkazalas.Tem flat but completely at ease speaking out against the "Ranetok" in his Twitter: - I'm oh ... is you are there perezhrali mushrooms and Rave. They say I'll be back somewhere. Good, good! I'm in St. Pete, I feel good, and I do not go back. Also hi not transfer. Not to be at your level. With people like you, it's better to be at different levels. It's a shame that it took a long time to understand it. More recently, the respect is lost. "EC"
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