Alla decided to rejuvenate back dramatically - Diva took a course of laser skin rejuvenation. As it turned out, "Life", a new method Pugacheva took place in a private medical centers in Moscow, where she was advised to contact the American friends. Above sea level, this process has long been the perfect replacement surgical liposuction, in which excess body fat removed with a scalpel. According to close friends of Alla, found the procedure no more than two hours. Then the actress left the hospital with a souped hips and calves. This postroynevshie clearly the celestial body Pugachev at the concert was: "You shut up, and we sing", where artists performed popular Russian pop hits of the great singer. - Alla long wanted to return to rejuvenate - said "Life" one of her friends divas. - Due to the patient's heart and blood vessels, she was afraid to go under the knife. After anesthesia is very harmful for health, and it should be protected Allais. Moreover, they always suffered Behold, they say, sit down on a diet and losing weight, and his legs well, do not get slimmer. Correct the stellar feet and assisted laser correction. Clearly the celestial body Pugachev postroynevshie at the concert was: "You shut up, and we sing in one of the health centers, works in the hospital Semashko," said Life "that they do not practice such an approach is the first year. Often turn famous and influential Russians, and even from abroad. The operation is performed on the device SmartLipo new generation, is the best. - We have such an operation is about one hundred thousand, - told us at the medical center. - This amount includes the direct operation itself, compression bandages and overnight stay in the middle. Fat deposits will be destroyed by the laser light, and then removed from the body by a special syringe. This type of healing is ideal for those who can not afford to spend more hours at statsionare.Korrektsiya numbers laser - get rid of the excess fat gentle way. Moreover, the method encourages collagen synthesis and prevents sagging skin. - When the effect will be long, then Allah is surely try this method on his face - said a friend of the singer.
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