According to the former director of Kirkorov, Olga Javakhadze fund their famous clients used inappropriately. In recent months in the media spotlight was litigation Alla Pugacheva with the former owners of the bank "Senator" Oleg Rafanovichem the owed her $ 4.5 million. According to the official version, this large sum Alla allegedly borrowed banker when his bank refused a license, and he was having serious financial problems. However, difficult to believe that our "living legend" would risk that kind of money just for altruistic reasons. Suddenly had the impression that some of its members, which we do not agree. NTV tried to clarify the scandal suggested that could, under the guise of debt Alla Rafanovicha demand a reward for their help in the promotion of his wife - a little-known singer Natalia Lyubchevskoy. This assumption seemed curious. Unfortunately, no evidence that the support Pugachev really turn up this singer, or at least somehow involved in her creative life, could not find. Alla Pugacheva - In recent years, encouraged Natalia Lyubchevskuyu Ex-Member of the "East" Gena Filippov, recorded the tracks for my band "No Mines" Lena hostel and my other projects - enlightened me OERTV TV General Producer Alexander waves. - I remember two years ago, he gave me this just Lyubchevskoy zae ... l "On this show ... oh al-chick - repeated genes at each meeting -.. It is necessary, in order to help with the promotion you have a very rich man, it is closely linked to the clan Pugacheva. A buhgaltersha Alla - even his best friend. " According to the stories Filippov Lyubchevskaya 10 years trying to break into the star. At a time unravels Prigogine. Then - someone else. In short, it has gone through the entire Mafia original producers, who sat on the first, second and third channels. I joked Gene: "You, as always, was completely" stripped Well, it gives me a little money - a thousand dollar or two - added genes "actress Why do you need '.?.". - I told her to record a new album. Here is a clip made. Maybe you are on your channel? "." And give the money? - I asked. - In 3000 dollars, I'm going to do this rotation all ... "." t ZAE his clip Well, do it first, and then maybe something will "- Gene hesitated It turned out that her husband is forbidden Lyubchevskoy go on stage According to him, the money spent for his promotion very much.. , and no results. Lyubchevskoy but really wanted to be a star. And she tried her husband to squeeze at least some crumbs. And then there were these crumbs Filippov for the fact that he did at least something for them. clip Lyubchevskoy that Gene brought me , was filmed in the same technique as the animated film "Plasticine Crow". And highly conspicuous "clip format of our channel. But in the interest of friendly relations with Filippov, I'd bet still. Unfortunately, the hope that it will fall millions Lyubchevskoy man, not about. Gene is still running with a backpack on the subway and . (!) to try to encourage some young talent on the website of Natalia Lyubchevskoy that was not for ten refreshed years, was a cover of their first album: "If you want." It was published in 1999, "PLACE Records ", which was then headed by Joseph Prigogine. He thanked me on the cover of the singer, along with gratitude" friend Oleg for faith, patience, help and care. "But the interesting thing that Prigogine for many years bookkeeper Olga Pugacheva has worked Javakhadze One, Alexander Valov mentioned as the best friend of her husband of Natalia Lyubchevskoy -.. And who is this Lyubchevskaya - Joseph I. I was stunned when I asked him for an explanation -. Are you sure I produce it? remember "Spleen". "The King and the Clown" I remember. "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" was a good project. "Ladybird" to. And as questionable artists like Lyubchevskaya, in our "SPOT Records "does not seem to be. Konstantin L. Ernst was very strict. When we browse the" link them "the people, they had to put a lot of dough. But I can not remember that slip Lyubchevskaya. And the associated Lyubchevskuyu and that its Rabi ... as it is ... Rafanovicha Javakhadze Olga - I do not know. This allows people with Dalby .. E Connect! Only greed and avarice. With Javakhadze I no longer work. Ran away from her at the first opportunity. She talked a lot, but not s ... not. I have a long history with the purchase of office Pugacheva on Taganka. At the end I had to buy it could not, because it rose to other people from the Caucasus were sold to 200,000. Engaged in the sale of this Javakhadze. Whom they gave the money, and if it sells - s ... knows. Well, they were all in the n ...! I will not get into this mess. Even the names of those who will not hear. I want to live and work. And all this dirt sticks. So many of the "left" of people around! It seems that the relationship Lyubchevskoy and her husband woke with a former bookkeeper Pugacheva ulterior Prigogine so painful to endure. As it turned out, had Olga Javakhadze. Direct impact not only on Oleg Rafanovichu, but also to the current financial showdowns with Alla Borisovna - Anything owed in a report on the NTV money Rafanovich Pugacheva was told - is a complete mess - a former client assured me bankrupt banker - businesswoman Nelly Anisimov. - I can honestly say that everyone - Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva and spirits, and I - to put money Rafanovichu Olga Javakhadze taught. She knew him long before he met with Alla Borisovna. And this fraud has arranged with the bills. Prove to everyone that this is the best legislation for investment. In fact, it was the same story as with "Vlastilina." People wore her the money to get a great price. And then it turned out that some bills have not properly registered. I understand that one or two of these bills were just too Alla. And because of these false invoices would not consider any dish, she made her write Rafanovicha revenue if he personally took their money in debt. I also had these bills. They correspond to the offshore drawn. But of course, offshore data that we are not alone. However, I personally have no Rafanovichu claims. It so happened that in 2008, I had a fight with Javakhadze. And ordered his bank as his own. And she said to me: "Take the money!". I lifted. And in 2009, she covered. In fact, I should Javakhadze a monument. If this is not the case, I would have never seen the money. I now stood in the queue at the end after Pugacheva, Kirkorov, etc. I think, and they do not sort it. Javakhadze itself can not do everything by Rafanovicha. According to some reports, she received interest for all customers, which he led. In addition, interest quite large. I was told that Rafanovich talked about not hiding. I think Pugachev also aware. She wrote a statement of economic crime in the fact that Rafanovich pocketed their money. And it says Javakhadze. Obviously, the problem is there too. But from what I understand, she is afraid to go out and requires an examination of Pugacheva. I will also want to consider the matter. If Rafanovich Javakhadze paid out of pocket - it's a story. And if he paid out of my money - it's a different story. In this case, it would be interesting to know - how many they have stolen? I wait Rafanovich return to Moscow. I want him personally confirmed or denied these percentages. I do not communicate with most Javakhadze. She is the queen. I rebelled and even stamped his foot. Now she is threatening me. Told me that I live three Monday. Why should I listen to these threats? I just do not know the phone when it rings. Let us first learn how to communicate with people! Claims against each other can be any. But they can be passed in the usual manner. The fact that Javakhadze some weird combination with funds from their "star" exercised clients, I confirmed and director of the Arkhangelsk theater Lomonosov Leonid Dzyunik. In the past he has worked with Philip Kirkorov, who also worked Pugacheva Rafanovichu statement follows. Although at a much modest sum - only 500 thousand dollars. - All Accounting Office Javakhadze LED Kirkorov as an independent contractor - said Leonid A.. - Philip always works exclusively outright. With all the money he received to pay taxes. But if the money came to his account with them some strange things began to happen. At the end of my predecessor, 15 years as director of Kirkorov (Gennady Russa - MF) served turned to another accounting firm and took the Javakhadze all your documents. Thus, the Director Christina Orbakaite. It made Javakhadze anger. She started to speak Orbakajte Kirkorov and what is wrong. Christina otshila it pretty hard. And still believe, Philip continued to wait in his office. When I came to the position of director, I had to pay the salaries of their staff and technical staff. But Javakhadze always told me. "I have no money" I started to check what had happened, and found that all incoming invoice Philip money immediately disappear somewhere. Perhaps in these combinations Rafanovicha bank or other of its structure was involved. After so many years I do not remember. "We have to do something about it" - I said to Philip. Then, by inserting Javakhadze began in my address. For this reason I had to get away from Kirkorov. And last year, and Philip, and Alla refused Javakhadze services. Unfortunately, it was too late ... Of course, I got in touch with Olga Javakhadze and asked them to everything that was told to comment, but she said that does not give me the interview, and all attempts to convince them that no one else can clarify the situation, were unsuccessful. - If people think I do something wrong, they should think about doing so! - Olga dismissed. - I did not want to comment on statements made by sick people. If you find this interesting, the Bank Rafanovicha I had opened two accounts - non-commercial partnership "death" (from Ala Brass - MF) and the company "Philip Production". No more with the bank Rafanovicha do what I had. Anisimov and Nelly came to me very ugly. You owe me money. I paid for her treatment. Every day she went to the hospital. Wanted her to be healed, and it has everything in life was good. But to this day she has not returned my money. Instead, it sends a threatening letter and makes me all sorts of nasty things. I think this is just due to the fact that they do not want to give me debt. Well, God will judge you! I react to it is not in any way. Mikhail Filimonov, "EC"
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