Recently in the press center of RIA Novosti press conference in which the creators of the online resource announced the official launch of the project. "Let today be considered the official birthday of the planet", - said the musician Max Litmus, founder and ideologist of the resource, "Our goal - to create a new format of relations between Russia content owners and consumers creating ideal conditions for the interaction. between authors, "generators" of creative content and their audience - the area where they combined their wishes and possibilities, together creative ideas would have been involved to create unique, interesting, creative products and to create a reward for their work. others get - or unique capabilities (privileges) and a sense of belonging to the creative process, "The press conference was also attended by the Director attended the authors Valery Maryanov work of producer Eugene Grishkovets Irina Yutkin;. musician Shura B-2 , actor, musician Alexander Dyachenko, concert director of the club, "16 tons" Igor Bevz and inviting, as a recognized expert in the local music industry, CEO of IA "InterMedia" Yevgeny Safronov. First Planet portal was introduced a year ago. Since then a lot has changed - including the domain name. The result of a year of "planet-Team" was the social and service platform for collective co-creative projects that offer their services for the creation and distribution of copyrighted content and comfortable and beautiful environment for communication and collaboration between authors and Target groups for the implementation and promotion of creative projects. The planet has three major service, two of which are built on the principle of co-financing and pre-order. Service "Shares" are to raise funds already implemented and executed. Service "pre concerts," there are a realistic assessment of the potential audience for the event, is to optimize the cost of advertising and the risk neokupaemosti event started in the fall. The third service - Digital Content Creation "Digital Application Designer", authors or even (or with minimal help employees Planet) on digital applications, including music, video, text, photos, resource developers promise to bring testing in October to create. In addition to basic services planets are familiar to users of the social networking functionality. This allows users to create their own account, Community parse contributions make use of their accounts in social networks, blogs, photo albums, post videos, and facilitates communication between the author and the consumer communicate content author to complete with their fans, their talk about projects in the community, in every way fueling the public interest. Each user has a personal account of the planet, where you can ask all of the electronic resources. Soon online store where authors can any digital content and physical media and associated brands are started to sell (postcards, t-shirts, mugs, posters, etc.), and online broadcasting. "Service" Shares "helps authors create and teams to relevant content and monetize it, to sell in pre-order, as well as direct communication with their fans (content consumers). It is no secret that in the West in the past three years, gaining popularity kraudfandingovye services and projects, such as Kickstarter or Pledgemusic. 26.7 million - kick users in 2011 to about 100 million dollars, which donated nearly four times more than in 2010. In 2011, at the kick starter for more than 27 thousand projects were presented. Authors 46% of them were able to collect the required amount of time. Surely you already know what kraudfa'nding this link: cooperation of people who voluntarily support their money in different projects. From time to time we hear of the phenomenal fees kick. Shoot all types of projects: music, software, games. Many Western musicians have recognized that promoting such services are not just an opportunity, to recoup the cost of the production of the album, but still a good promo, infopovod, a way of communicating with the audience. Now kraudfandingovaya waves to Russia, has created several resources, some are in development. Planet differs from those resources that are just to collect money. Different, that we are creating a world where all the environment and opportunities for communication, creative implementation and monetization of content. The planet will operate as an agency to full cycle "- told a news conference Max litmus These commission payments aggregator -. Commission planet, as a service to draw 5% of the funds for the project, amount to an additional 5%. In the future, the creator of the planet and plan to make a profit from the advertising on the portal. Group "B-2" is the first Russian team that has been tested service "shares." Album "Spirit" has been at the expense of the fans. In addition to digital and the disk version of the new album, the band "B-2" for his audience buy a number of, say, "intangible" category: personalized digital signatures, the possibility of listening to the tracks before the release of the publication , the chance to get on a private concert presentation or any other concert in two years. The results exceeded all expectations without spending on advertising, only with their accounts in social networks and talk about the action in concert, "B-2" by his fans and planetary service for six months to raise money to record an album "Spirit" record. The album was safe, published both in digital and CD format. Shura B-2 told a news conference on cooperation with the Planet: "A few years ago we realized that the current system does not only come a content distribution to a halt - is in the same dead-end against a wall and practically destroyed the activities of pirates. Then we decided to cancel the service producers and record labels and look for alternative ways to promote and distribute their music. It was obvious that the Internet does not ignore or limit - you need to use them for the benefit of both authors and consumers. We understand that the way out of this situation, it may, in the creation of such systems, in which case the user a high level of quality is made available, but the free and paid content for a reasonable price. So we decided to try a pre-paid system, because they knew that she was successful in Europe. In the West, people used to pay for music, we do not. We tried to explain to his fans that their money is not a pirate, not middlemen, and not even in your pocket. You are going to create a record. The amount that the "B-2" gathered on Planet is now over 1,250,000 rubles. Despite the fact that all the tracks from the album is available for free, the digital version of the album still sold well on the planet. "At the moment the planet about 20 projects for installation, most of them musical, but the creators of the resource, have announced that they are ready to support creativity in all its forms and is open to any medium: film, literature, . Photos innitsiativu civic and charity Irina Yutkin, producer Yevgeny Grishkovets projects: "We officially started on the planet with the project) just yesterday - we want to shoot for money for a video version of the last concert Eugene Grishkovets and groups" curler " that on 15 Will take place in June - the first day and got more than 70 thousand (* June 8 project Grishkovets curlers and collected 132,250 rubles). Why did we go this? Today, artists, writers suffer from musicians' ability to download. " Video version plays Grishkovtsa the Internet, with every show torrents downloaded a million times, and the DVD-ROM drive on the services and in the stores, we sell about 10,000 a year. It turns out that the official sales of CDs, we do not even pay out the cost of receiving and cleaning power of music copyrights. We have tried to kroogi the resource, where there is an opportunity to "thank" the artist to pay him as much as you want to work (the principle of "donation"), but the result, there is a lot of downloading and cared little, and then basically, the fans from the U.S. and Israel. The main problem is that these resources are no specific categories and specific price, because if you like the artist, you evaluate way you like him, have, and it is quite difficult ... On Planet person looks very specific numbers for the clear and tangible things, such as high-definition version of a concert or a concert ticket. And I very much hope that we fall in the same way, with the support of our fans, take the video version of the game "Plus One". Actor Alexander Dyachenko opened on Planet corporatization of the first album of the musical project "antigen", which he created with Boris Livshits (drummer "B-2"), "With resources like the planet, creative people will be able, with the public to communicate directly. I hope that now gone, finally. The concept of "Format" and the musicians are not so dependent on rotations, program directors and uncle with a lot of money Suggest, by the way, to send money for some to collect big ugly monument "Format." And for me, positive - no doubt, but these people have no doubt, and I like it, "In addition to these, now in the service of Planet money for specific projects Jukebox Trio (recording the album" Rodina.chast 2 "), Paul Cashin ( Recording the album "Admirabl"), Poland (recording the album "Point of No Return"), Blast (new album), Marimba Plus (recording the album "Around the World"), Mordor (a digital version of the album), etc. "I think that Russia develop kraudfandingovaya control quickly and the number of projects in RuNet kraudfandingovyh will grow, and that's perfect! This system allows the artist made it clear demand or not. Then you do not "husky" put and pay real money. People are ready for freedom of choice and are willing to invest their money into what they really are. I hope. All Russian artists who in turn understand the advantages and benefits of such a scheme Just a lot at first to learn good "kraudpetting" - I mean, dealing with people and working with fans on social networks and off-line. I want to mention, the system pre-order - is an effective way to combat piracy. You can not steal something that does not exist ", -. Valery Maryanov, Director General of the Agency of the authors" Intermedia "Yevgeny Safronov said that despite the fact that the independent experts put search and voice defects, he the Planet will praise: "It was too neat project! In our industry it is important to make a first impression, and it produces. Despite the fact that the scheme was to tell the pilot, it bears fruit, we can see how it works. The music industry in our country is in crisis, sales of music CDs are steadily declining, close the record companies, musicians earn most concerts, and most prikorbnoe - small groups that move people to easily to other sectors, because it is impossible to to make money. Album on the disc is something of a gift: it talks to sell at concerts, it is put on the shelf panels. After downloading all - paid or free - you can find on the Web. A similar situation is with the film, and other digital products. This is why the artists and other creative people to get more money. An important part of the success of this resource - it is "locked up" its about the psychology of the audience, and everyone here know and feel your audience very well, they communicate with the actual buyers of their drives, with real concertgoers. This is a great asset and a guarantee that the project was developed, could be better than other similar projects. "
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