Thursday, August 1, 2013

RAO pay 0.5 billion tax dollars to them for authors

Non-profit organization "Russian Authors' Society (RAO) has become a major fiscal agent: Court confirms that the company has to pay about 555 million rubles taxes and penalties claims against the waste reach half of the payments to authors.. . of music and songs this year as I can find to "Vedomosti", the Moscow Arbitration Court filed in the lawsuit Friday to capital Inspectorate No. 3 Waste and confirmed most of the tax claims against the company - 555 million rubles of about 560 million rubles. . (including penalties and interest). RW should not charge VAT and withholding tax on income of foreign authors, but is obliged to transfer the balance of the income tax, according to the tenor of the decision on the Court's website (the full text will be made later .) familiar RAO representative Marina Muradova and tax officials with the case confirmed the decision. disagree RW with the requirements of the tax and will be judged by said Muradova., the Civil Code (CC), authors Music Prize for the public performance of their works receive. the money collected waste accredited organization by the State to all authors, even if they are not entered into an agreement with RAO. since 2008, as in force, this standard RAO agreements on copyright payments to TV stations, radio stations, restaurants , airlines, cinemas signed. According to an employee of the tax authorities, the episode of VAT was not on the underlying claims related and foreign authors additional charges have been made in addressing the inspection only a suggestion. Were related assessed additional income tax for 2007-2008., The majority of the complaints non-operating income of the Company which is not paid income tax, says the source, "Vedomosti". According to him, the income derived from the fact that not all authors RAW turned on value received, and after three years, they lose their ability to get it (the CC limitation period expires). RW states that the general limitation period payments, set the CC, do not apply to him because of the specific context of collective management. The legislation, statutes and other waste are its documents in the public domain, does not explain the status of the registered authors unpaid fees, Salans partner Victor Naumov, used where they become a source of the organization's assets. Uncertainty of the calculation period, after which the author is not entitled to payment of waste, agree that "tax help" Sergei Shapovalov, but if the remuneration payable sometime after all the property of RW therefrom income tax. Data on how much money the company has earned but not distributed among the authors, and left in their accounts during the years 2007-2008., No. Tax officials said that the waste will not provide certificates for funds they encamped for over three years, and an accrual done analytically (ie, undistributed funds -. "Sheet"). These documents have been made available recently, directly to the court, he added. Waste of public reports that in 2009 was 386 million rubles undistributed funds, in 2010 -. Is 430 million rubles last year, the Company has distributed 785 million rubles, or about a quarter of all charges (see section ..). If the tax assessed on the same principle, additional waste 20% of the income tax on the "remnants" of the last three years (320 million rubles)., With fines, according to the calculations of "Vedomosti", the company has more than 1 billion household pay rub. That's almost half of the annual payments to the authors of music and songs. Read more: # ixzz1zYWjSsge

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