Pretty Boy "producer" Dima Bikbaev entangled in his love relationships. In "Star House", he turns the novel with Anastasiya Prikhodko and the "will" is waiting for him ... Bride Kseniya Baskakov, which he had already made an offer. As "TD", Dmitri asked the producers of "Factory" permission to marry in the "star-house." But judging by recent events, it may not be. His bride Ksenia Baskakova Dima met in the theater of the moon, where they both played in the game. Xenia on Bikbaeva before "Factory" was serious. Guy twice beats her, but she refused, citing permanent job on the set. - Xenia waited for the right moment - said Dima. - I gave her an ultimatum: if I get to the final, he beat her on the air. This girl, she is not ashamed to offer heart and hand three times. Wedding on the "Star Factory" - what could be more tempting! Dima Bikbaev in "Star House" makes the novel with Nastya Prikhodko and the "will" is waiting for him ... The bride in "Star House" flighty blond twisted romance with extravagant beauty Nastya Prikhodko. You have always hug, whispering something. Ksenia watched with jealousy relationships Dima and Nastya. At first they could not believe their eyes when they flirt saw on the screen. She wanted to break all ties, but Dima convinced in a telephone call them that this is a game. Interested to the audience, you have to keep the intrigue. Xenia trusted loved one can not be said about the new passion of Dima. - Dima very sneaky people - said Anastasia. - In "Star House", he was then one or the other. But I put it back in place. I've heard that he has a girlfriend for a long time, but I do not care for them!
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