Monday, September 2, 2013

"Buranovskie grandmother" draws the first album

"Buranovskie grandmother" who will win the love of the world not to leave the scene. Very soon, a pensioner from Udmurtia, which came in second place in the international competition "Euro Vision", released his own album. Teacher and assistant principal in such a difficult matter, a producer of older singers - Victor Drobysh. Victor Y. found the key to the hearts of our grandmothers, they love to work with him - tell Life Showbiz assistant candidate Maria. - It is only necessary to write the arrangements, I do not think the problem is caused in Drobysha. "Buranovskie grandmother" listening party for all to live in the dream of retired fans around the world - the grandmothers have invited a number of countries on tour. But the old woman in the world tour will not want to start a band from Udmurtia recorded several hits that will delight the public. On what the song in the first disc of the older singers, producers get is while. One thing is clear: the song "Buranovskie grandmother" will sing in their native language Udmurt, but it is possible that some of the tracks will be performed in English. Now the old lady is not to wait until victorious in his home village Buranovo. There, children, grandchildren and, of course, wait for things around the house. - First of all, we want to go to weed beds - told Life Showbiz mature artists. - There we have the potatoes have probably divorced potato, we urgently need to improve the situation.

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