Monday, September 2, 2013

Helavisa: Angels - as mythologically rich topic, like dragons!

On the eve of the presentation of the new album "The Mill" - "Angelofreniya" Helavisa tells him as an angel in the group. Presentation of the new album "Angelofreniya" instead of 28 April at the Club Arena in Moscow. - The new album is on the 28th April will be released for a concert? - Yes, everything is printed. Now printed copies of hard disks and in the first few weeks everything should be ready. 28th April - the day of the presentation of Moscow and simultaneously Release Date. Discs are available shortly before the concert. Mill - Angelofreniya - we cover have seen. Why is the word "mill" is written in the same font, and that the album "Wild Grass"? - Because the writing is good! We have long been the font that we had previously used. He was either a Gothic, or Slavic and ... just tired. And this scripture we bought from Lebedev, bought officially, and it is now our own. It is beautiful, fits well in the poster looks great on the cover. We decided to use it further. - The name of the album "Angelofreniya" is associated with "Kalifreniey." - The name of the series "Kalifreniya" in the original - Californication, which in turn -. A reference to the famous song by the Red Hot Chili Peppers - In any case - a play on words? - Yes, I at first thought "Angelofilii," but then I realized that I was not so top silly jokes in your address book. "I think I zoophyte" - "Crematorium" was. And stopped on "Angelofrenii." It seems the same, but it is a decadence Raid pain. - Disease of the angels? - Yes, that too. And the word of a noble (smiles). Implied rather obsession. "Freni" comes from the Greek word PHREN, ie.'s Skull Angels in the head! So that's probably do not a disease, but to do with the head. - Obsession with angels? Not the worst disease. - I think too! And in the course of the album, the band members "mill" these sick, and now communicate with angelic emails: "Seryozhenka you write Seryozhenka Let me express my admiration for the work that you track on a solo exhibition in such a!. made. "We have a common mailing list, we see that someone wrote in Gmail'e, and we see the delicate angelic writing. Compliments to all so nice ... So now we have to communicate. - What's next record the album? - Not for long. We sat in the studio in December and ended in March. But predstudiynaya work lasted very long. In fact, the album - the result of the last two years. Much of the material I wrote in the first half of 2010, and then we work on the arrangements, and then I went on vacation. During this time we found sound generator. We would really like a normal party and a very professional person. Optional foreign, but one that thought the role of, what was our arrangements, would resolve. When we worked with Ivan Evdokimov with MDM studio on "The Call of Blood", he wrote a lot of himself, and he himself acted as a tone generator, and offers a lot in the process. On the "Wild Grass" sautsnd producer we had, we did everything ourselves and were not too happy with the result. We knew that it could be better. Therefore, the basic "fish" arrangements have been invited to work on the material Sasha Samoilov. We found him when we worked on Channel over honors Vysotsky. Samoilov singing accompanied various artists, and made their tracks - Bezrukov, Dyuzheva etc. You can not speak about the artistic value of the agreements, but they were made suitable individuality of each artist appropriately. Have him by Lesha Kozina know the Navigator Records, and asked him to work on the album, "Uncle Sasha, you. Our stuff with sketches of the rules, please help us to bring this matter to the mind" In the credits of the album, we have to write arrangements of "The Mill" and Alexander Samoilov, write the name of the sound producer. That is, we asked him to anonymous guitarist behind Bezrukov, and the name on the cover of his. Nobody knows, and he is very good to work with the mass of artists. He arranger while., A group of casual, the singing actor has accompanied There are great musicians, but they are not known. Need help! He set to work, carefully walked over to us. It is often the case that the Arranger all said and done no good, but he will be ready to change and radio hit. And then sends a demo knee riveted 15 minutes. Goodbye! Finally, we will go up. "Wild Grass" was not to jump for us, and the same step that the "Call of the Blood". Although I like this record more than any other. But "Angelofreniya" will be better. I know better! - Take the information that was included on the album, Ian Anderson. - It was a joke! And about a famous reggae artist, and the rest - it was a great April Fool's joke, which many believe suddenly. On the album there are virtually no guest musicians, except trumpeter Alexander Ditkovskite - a track really needs a trumpet, and Sasha helped us. Everything else we recorded exclusively for themselves. Alexander Orlov wrote a cello nearly 50 parties for the album's songs. There were many possibilities. - What instruments were used in the recording? - All the usual tools - guitars, a cello, a variety of wind instruments, including the saxophone and accordion, my two harps, bass, drums and all percussion. Since 2010, the center plays guitarist Sergey Vishnyakov, came from a group of Anna Pinginoy, and he wrote a lot of guitars - and acoustic and electric, and the modalities are required. - We come now to the concept of the album turn. It was the desire to raise new issues? - Not that it's written all alone. It all started with the fact that I went to New Zealand, I liked the idea of the land birds. I thought about it, I thought, I thought, wrote the song "Nepereletnaya." Then for some reason birds theme reborn in my mind on this subject of angels. No cherubs of gold leaf, and in terms of the mythology of the Old Testament. I took the book of Enoch, see the names of the angels, read the novel by Daniel Trussoni "Angelology." And I realized that the angels - rich as mythological theme, such as dragons, for example. Even more interesting, because angels anthropomorphic. Hence the title "Angel" are the words: "My co-driver, he zelenokryly almost human." I went to the club, post-modernism to the fullest. And everything started to form in the concept. It was a rock-and-roll, I wanted to write a hundred years, and eventually wrote, as it passed. Birds - the angels - the stars - Elvis Presley. This was a rock 'n' roll of Elvis. And when Elvis, then without Freddie Mercury was no longer necessary. There were a lot of funny characters. - The world is an old and the music - newer. - The sound is heavier or lighter? - And the harder and more transparent. Peremasterennye hear footsteps, and there are great views, transparent, well-mixed vocals. Arrangements, of course, were harder than before. But look, in my opinion, without heaviness. Sound delicious, grain-free. - What's next in the presentation? Transfer the concert "stage" affects the plans? - Transfer was seriously injured. The more it hurt more, than they of the posters "stage" know. We say no! No one! A date has been long planned, we specially prepared her for the presentation, we needed this very hall - with high ceilings and grates. And then - bam! - Posters of the site itself, we learn that the concert was canceled. I think that bad. Causes within the site can be very different, but to do so with the artist - not very pleasant. It is good that we have this peredogovoritsya date of "Arena", is from our area, we are always ready to play. We will do everything that was planned. But it is smaller and it is clear that the stuff people like herring in a jar. But I would be the story with "stage" to continue like we will invite them to our shows, and we want to play it all the same. I was invited to the presentation of my good friend and People's Artist of Russia Elena Petříková circus Zapashny fly across the stage to speak. She - aerialist. We have their number on the song "The Witch". Lena black hair, she looks good, and we always wanted to work with her. But ... "Arena" is impossible for trapeze artists hanging hook, so not that idea even happened. There will be surprises, but I will not say. But the main thing - do not overdo it with the tricks, as the most significant new material has to be from the new record. Thus, for example, the heating will be. Audience and so hard, a large amount of songs they have never heard of taking. - Will there be laid before the presentation of the album to the network? - I think so. Have as well as the "Navigator" with the album "Golden Oatmeal" "Kalinov Bridge" made - for sale at a nominal price put on your site. And now due to "cheap" version of the album with 10 tracks and a bonus. In the fall, we want to plan a more expensive version with a different printing process, it is. 12 tracks and other bonus Must buy two plates! - What does the "Navigator"? CD is sold? - Sale-sold! We have such a quantity that may collect lovingly drives on the shelf. We were even asked to produce on vinyl! Can be, and eventually let go ... - How about many mother, tell me if the situation with a lot of trips to the birth of her second child complicated? - Not to say that complicated. I like the fact that I have two children. Both are very nice, and very fond of each other. But the logistics needed now be considered very carefully. Do not worry, you get to ... She used to think about how they think better. For example, to fly from Vienna to Moscow particular flight, not to disturb her sleep. I have two sisters. What does living my salary? To pay for nurses who can make me to play concerts. A vicious circle. We go on tour with the nurse and two children. With Mom, I do not want to leave - it works, it is a leading researcher at the Moscow State University, and she needs to for his mother to look for my grandmother. I am not going to move her problems with her mother, I know that they have many of their cases. Be the nurse can not - we had such a great apartment. Although in each case, and my mother and my grandmother sometimes take care of children, no matter what a nanny. We are trying to find a balance. And of course I always take my kids to Moscow. Leave them with my father, who works 20 hours a day - he is now working in the OSCE - is unrealistic in general. He travels more than I do. We come, he met us the next day to fly to Tbilisi, making a tour of all the hot spots in the Caucasus fly for a week, a few days back to Berlin and back in three days for any reason, from Bucharest. I see my husband as a joke, "Yesterday at the funeral of Comrade Suslov ... By the way, where is he?" I regularly ask where is James, I do not know what to say. But we both celebrate where we are on Facebook. You go on Facebook, watch my husband profile and know where he is ... Book your tickets immediately, "Mill", April 28, "Arena Moscow" - is what projects the public reaction to the album? - I think the word preporyadochno tomatoes. Cover and scandalous, and weird stuff - tomatoes arrive. Say it is a rather heavy song "Angel", but the main riff it plays Celtic harp. She is quite a piano sound, could play a riff piano player in Fleetwood Mac. Harp in our team is used for this piece - like piano riffs for bass lines, harmonics, thickeners guitar smashing ... I never care what they normally do with the harp. I care about what I do specifically with the harp I, and why it may be necessary to me. In this composition Perhaps it would be called pop - the song "Roads" is in the "Chart Dozen" listen to "Nashe Radio". You ascending melodic line in the chorus, and it's good "sticky" in the ears. It reminds - certainly say that this pop. Although this rock 'n' roll, even country somewhere, with the accordion. Accordion plays Sergei Zaslavsky, he used a record amount of wind - a variety of pipes, flute, saxophone, accordion. The Chinese brought bagpipes dugout pumpkins Hulusi as it sounds in the song "Nepereletnaya" - a beautiful sound. In general, we have enjoyed this album! Ken Guru, "Showbiz News»

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