Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Helavisa: Christmas concert moved to the Arena!

A concert held - group "Mill" has found a way out of the scandal with the abolition of Christmas concerts in Moscow. Yesterday, the group released a statement about the forced cancellation of the traditional Christmas concert in the theater works because of the unavailability of Estrada in the organization of the exhibition organizing company RSP. We asked the group leader Helavisa the reasons for the exceptional solutions. Helavisa - Why has the canceling Christmas concert? - We suddenly realized that we were cheated. Judge for yourself. There was virtually no outdoor advertising concerts, although they all written in the contract with RSP. Instead of three prokleek posters posters appeared from November to the end of December, and they were few. Radio ads are not, even though it was in the contract. Seeing the critical situation, our Navigator Records on advertising "Nashe Radio" even paid off! And yet, despite the meager advertising as having five days ago, tickets sold in 1600. That is, a full house was virtually guaranteed at both concerts. However, new problems occurred. Variety - living room, it has to show proof. We had with the director Anton Chukaeva that has worked time and time again, agreed on the preparation of video art. It came with a beautiful light, a video created invented incredible lighting blocks. But .. RSP has no equipment dealer. We are concerned. Three days ago, RBS has informed us that they are ready to send the sound to 270 thousand rubles are made, and the world - it will not be, they have no money. We ask, why not take the money from tickets sold already. They answer: money from tickets will be sent to the owners website. That is the basic pension for a few days before the two-day concert is not even paid! - This is really incredible. - More - more. Our director, gently asks - if the rent money go out of tickets, how and when you pay the price, in fact, with the artist? They meet literally: "And with the artist we mean the beginning of February." Now, if there were some small provincial town villain, but it is a serious company in Moscow! But we also understand that people are going to a concert at the Variety Theatre to see the show. It grandmother come with children, this is a special audience. And we wanted was to make a light concert in the theater, as we would a regular club gig otherwise have arranged. I literally turned to gray in the three days of experience, now by the osteopath. And they ask - what's the problem? - Is the Christmas concerts in Moscow and will not? - We found a solution. I do not even know if the variety theater canceled the sale of tickets. But we can not afford to leave Moscow without the traditional and is in fact already prepared to show full of us. For last night, decided to issue a concert! We will do a concert for yourself, with our label. We turned to take on trusted sites to our concert. And the concert will be on 12 January at the Club Arena will be held with the production of "Euro Show," with all the video art and the planned program. In addition, the concert will be able to, people who bought tickets to reach to the stage! The concert takes place on 12 January in 20 hours. - That is, people will be able to present the tickets for the variety theater? - Yes. And if tickets are bought, then buy them already in the club box office "Arena". I am very grateful for the friends of the "Arena" and "Euro Show," which helped us correct the situation. - Live in St. Petersburg will be the same? - Yes, in St. Petersburg, all the same, 14 December was "Aurora". By the way, we have a surprise that we have been waiting for. Already printed with the DVD presentation of the album "Wild Grass" in SC "Olympic". And in Moscow and St. Petersburg concert DVD will be on sale for the first time. Guru KEN

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