Monday, September 2, 2013

"The Mill" - "Angelofreniya"

Previous album, "The Mill" was released in 2009. Over such a long period between the two albums the group made a bold attempt to decorate your brand new musical tones. CD. Navigator Records, 2012. Genre: Folk-Rock's new album titled "Angelofreniya" can be divided into two parts: "Gori, Moscow," the first track ends with "The River", and the second begins the song. However, the album is holistic and conceptual. His latest feature proves Helavisa "terrible and exciting time - crazy when songs touch each other, take, and you will see that it appears for the first time wrote a conceptual material for the record, not a collection of the world, as usual ... "" The Mill "-" Angelofreniya "track listing" The Mill "-" Angelofreniya ": 1 One krovi2 Dorogi3Nepereletnaya4 Kontrabanda5Reka6 Gori, Moscow 7NE uspevayu8 Train to Memfis9Chto znaesh10 Angel11Ballada against you in the first part of the album, the band sets musical traditions of the earlier version of 'Wild Grass. "In step with the elegant folk wind and string instruments from track" One Blood "skillfully integrated elements of blues-rock. Particularly inventive the song" Roads ", move beautifully in the musical instruments travel sites . the track "Contraband" was performed for the first time at concerts in the middle of the last decade, accompanied by two guitars. Here it is presented in a new interpretation of the elements of reggae. After a quiet ballad gizmos "The River", the solo, a saxophone, the sound track "Shine, Moscow" begins the second part of the album, stronger and more assertive. Composition regales listeners heavy hard rock sound with a tight rhythm section. Important role in shaping the final sound of the "mill" on the album "Angelofreniya" played Arranger Alexander Samoilov, with which the band embodies everything that was designed longpley before the recording studio. Psychedelic atmosphere in the spirit of the best American rock bands: The track "Angel" command does not know, not being a vocal Helavisa. At the sound of the album was influenced by artists such as Elvis Presley, The Aquarium and "Quenn". Echoes of the Past and hear in the song "Do not have time", which co-exist in harmony, rock and jazz. "Ballad of the struggle" - a tribute to Vladimir Vysotsky. The song, first performed in the final of Rock Festival in 2007, the completion of the work in the studio of the group. Helavisa sang the ballad in his authentic style, do not try to emulate the great musicians and poets. "Angelofreniya" - a good sound upgrade "mill", a milestone in the career of a professional musician and a significant change from the musicians. Dmitry Prochukhan "Showbiz News 'rating: 8.5 out of 10.

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