Monday, September 2, 2013

"Wild Mint 2012" rainbow and Bregovic

To understand what a "Wild Mint" Today, we must have a clear idea of the festival of the summer landscape of today. Because of the aversion to mass Orgov canceled Festival "Empty Hills". The replacement of most mass independent festival was announced Festival "to be good," but that's clearly unequal exchange. There is an "invasion" and "Maxidrome" but obviously commercial. It is a "Homestead Jazz" and "Rock the Volga", but they only profile. Still here "Ivan Kupala" - but it clearly tastes. The summer was not generous with positive festivals and as a matter of him having not stand in a number of previous festivals, "Wild Mint" was special, multicultural. Nino Katamadze festival was under the drill, 100 km from Moscow instead, in the field of "Ethnomir" - perhaps the best solution. The festival venue was really ready for anything, even to what the organizers do not expect the worst nightmares - the three days of continuous bad weather, rain, hail and even a hurricane. In fact, the storm affected all festivals held at the same time - and "Barton Jazz", and Ahmad Tea Festival - but the "Wild Mint" particularly affected, not least because the majority of visitors came from the tents, not for a tag. Someone demolished, someone flooded, someone immediately went, and someone did not come - the audience is about 20,000 more modest, which organizers expect with such a line-APOM: Goran Bregovic, Nino Katamadze, Billi band, Zdob Si Zdub, etc. a separate storage, separate two scenes - including mass cafes and art objects in the spirit of the same "Empty Hills". That's where the difference is very important: with all of the field, smart sound system, equipped professional lighting. I would rather say: never not the native folk-rock act so comfortable conditions. Never before ethno-musicians at his disposal really competent sound and light and comfort of the hotel to the power supply. Our folk musicians are simply not accustomed to such a European level, and that's why many look literally speechless. Tonino Caratone first of three days of the festival was founded by a Portuguese phrases OqueStrada Spaniard Tonino Caratone and full Georgian Festival on stage "Verenada" marked under the direction of Nino Katamadze. The fact of the Georgian delegation on arrival was a sensation habitually clouded the existing national border guards and customs, - but how they were received! Nino Katamadze become a mini-sensation on "Wild Mint" Seth Katamadze - Nino easily jump from the stage to the field, has literally done thousands of listeners and released elegantly gloomy festival traces its latest version - was just the hits, "Suliko" chorus with the audience and with the Prime Minister of the new dress, with a feast of three Georgians in the foreground. Nino is often possible to see, but not so happy (though tired) - not often. What is characteristic of the "Wild Mint", immediately next to the Georgian "khinkali" is: although nothing happened unfortunately no Georgian wine was, other specialties of national cuisine enough. Believe me, to promote Georgian culture "khinkali" means nothing less than the preceding them Katamadze or jazz-rock "Egari." This was a mixed day Ibero-Georgian "wild mint", but the audience was waiting for further intrigue. The second day of the festival was the most numerous in the number of viewers - Good morning sun shone. And "Russian" style. The number of first-class ethnic groups out of scale "of the century", "Oyme", "Iva Nova," "Aftermath E", "Ivan Kupala", Anna Pingina, Inna A welcome - and still had wonderful musicians world-class safety Magic, InWhite, Theodor Bastard, Tintal and foreign magicians Katzenjammer (Norway), Stout (Switzerland), Värttinä (Finland), BudZillus (Germany). I would like to highlight Aftermath sets Inna coveted safety and Magic - the quality of sound and culture. Desired partner cheerful despite habits, could not help but praise the positive audience "mint", "The first time that I have the audience, which opens directly (for the second share - Ed.) Go on!". But at a press Inna admitted that right now recording a new album, and it's worth the wait for the fall. One of the best world-jazz groups of the country planned without security magic Masha Makarova (she could not come on Saturday), but remained a strong instrumental set has played his The Best, Leave the latest experiments with the singing of songs and ragas but showed amazing skills and professionalism. Safety Magic is worth mentioning that the folk scene of the leaders of the "tintala" Fedor resurrection and VJ Yuklya were - they tactfully and provided appropriate music that was sometimes difficult. Say, a soloist of "Oyme" BlackBerry itself was willing to talk for hours about Mordovian inch, swinging his staff intact male fertility. "Aftermath E 'forced all chipped rainfall field arrangements to dance for his provocative Russian folk songs, as" Ivan Kupala "even their jaded hit was to amuse the audience and yourself (dropping symbolic scarf). By the way, at a press conference musician promised to give more heat. It was the second day there was a storm that found nearly cost the festival's reputation. MOE that close from Kaluga Borovsk moving hurricane and advised to concerts. festival organizer Andrew Klyukin even covered one of the scenes, but Fortunately, the hurricane of 4 km passed, and the festival continues. Later learned that in Borowski (about 10 km from the "Ethnomir") powerless power - and the "Wild Mint", thanks to Providence and a prime generator, not the life subside for a moment. The third day of the festival turned out to be almost in the Balkans. Weight Ukrainian team led by Sansay, Moldovan - Cuibul and Zdob Si Zdub performed klezmer "Dobra Still" and "Oops!" And the final chord of the festival - Goran Bregovic. The rain fell, nor why many visitors took in the middle of the day out of the place and left. The rest saw unforgettable. Zdob si Zdub to "Wild Mint" I had to see the soloists Radikkl Beatz in a white robe, dangling his feet from the stage and led the singing phrase hit the field. You should have seen dancing in the mud under the Odessa have ditty "Dobra yet." After hits SanSay the musicians joined the American way singer John Forte, and only went unbridled improvisation. John admitted that after a recent tour of Russia. Local musicians directly to the release of a video album and a CD of them in America, a presentation that will be held in New York in autumn Sunsay and John Forte ended on "Wild Mint" faery the "Wild Mint Goran Bregovic. His orchestra played not only songs from the soundtrack, but a lot of folk songs in original arrangements. Bregovic himself said that especially in a hostile environment and the Serbs "in order not to get a new enemy" in his songs, many oriental motifs used. And during the performance Bregovic sky bloomed with incredibly beautiful rainbow. Goran Bregovic And heaven during the performance Bregovic flourished with incredibly beautiful rainbow parentheses report left much to be honest. Massages from invited experts, Chi Kung zehn clock in the morning, flying two thousand lanterns weave into the sky in the evening, cornrows, ethnic cuisine and Indians, the market of ethnic clothing and jewelry, a DJ set on the record player, autographs sports commentator Victor Gusev, barbecues in the rain, even strangers, give the flower girl. Much more memorable happy eyes of the audience - no matter what kind of rain and hail. "Wild Mint" was unsurpassed festival - and the sound quality and the overall mood. Their behavior in "Ethnomir" - an incredibly good idea to continue the literally. Guru KEN Photo - Svetlana Maltsev, star photo More photos of the festival, "Wild Mint 2012» Tonino Caratone Andrew Klyukin Doppelbock Zhenya Lubich Billy Novick, Andrew Klyukin and Inna a welcome Billi the band Morj Yoki Exilados novel Yagupov (Zdob si Zdub) and Andrew Klyukin Radikkl Beatz on "Wild Mint" Goran Bregovic on "Wild Mint"

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