Monday, March 18, 2013

Alena Sviridova son sang

On the recording of the concert "Christmas Song of the Year" Alain Sviridov first appeared on the scene with his son Grisha. They sang a duet, "I will come to your aid." Grisha was nervous before going out does not disappoint, however. By Alena, she still does not know whether her Grisha tie his future to show business, but it is already clear that the musical talent of the boy. Now Grisha goes to school. Recently, he took second place in a school competition dedicated works of Beethoven. Grisha was hidden very front of the cameras and interviews, embarrassed behind their mother. Alain Sviridov But our reporters have managed to get out of Grisha, that he believes in Santa Claus, and even sent him a letter. Alain revenge jokes during the interview: "Mom, you, Grisha, terrible, and she thrashes you tell me" - Inspired her son. Allen later admitted that they were familiar with Grisha, and she cares for him. Full speech son Sviridova You can look at Christmas in the full version of the broadcast concert. Olga ERMAK,

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