Thursday, March 21, 2013

Alexander Showa tamed raccoon

Singer Alexander Showa but rather primarily with reptiles (snakes and the singers were yascheretsy) recently became the guardian at the time the raccoon. It is more likely these raccoons enotihi named Vasilisa. This animal belongs to a friend. By the time he found her wounded puppy raccoon and decided to leave it at home. If the animal is raised in the forest, has refused to go away. So it happened that Basil was home. Of course, the habits of the animal in the wild and fend for themselves, only held off the host. However, when Alex Showa visit came Vasilisa recognized him as his literally and not from the host. For this reason, when a friend of Sasha after Russia had to leave for a long time, he did not hesitate to ensure Vasilisa confide only Showa. They got along well, and the most favorite activity raccoons were "music" of the day, when Sasha sat down at the piano and working out the songs from the new solo program. Vasilisa was second favorite TV. They particularly appreciate the music channel. Alex jokes that she be the first audience to be the new video, the filming in Mexico to take while away. Musician pitomitsy so much time that he had to think about how to marry Vasilisa similar home began to think raccoon. Thus, if someone maintain Vaska - Showa ready to be a matchmaker.

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