Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ira Bully returned with trophies from Chukotka

Wolf skin and costumes Chukchi girl with fur untami Ira Bully saved from almost 50-degree frost in Chukotka, where the group got "Chi-Li" with concerts. Life were Ira Bully and musicians of the "Chi-Li" cast in Anadyr. After concerts in Yakutia guys as isolated, but frivolous Moscow jackets and UGG boots were still frail clothing of Chukotka and permafrost, and endless expanses of snow. Therefore Ira was so excited when she was presented with a real wolf's clothing, she wore a joy to colleagues after the concert. And she was given a real costume girl Chukchi and boots. So if the weather is right, and Moscow finally true Epiphany Frost, Ira Bantam they are not so bad. Ira Bully "After I have no frosts Chukotka not afraid! Mainly because I isolate overhaul! But still the most important aspect of Chukotka not bitterly cold, and the dazzling white snow, fantastic, I've ever seen so beautiful!"

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