Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cornelia Mango: On the island, I was the only strong man

His performance in the clique "fabrikantka" Cornelia Mango another shock. - Who's got them so bad? - Surprise guests at one of the events. - Yes, it's all black and blue! Cornelia Mango actually looked sexy chubby woman beaten. Despite the long dress to hide the bruises on the legs they could not. By fishnets course through the different sizes looked bruised. To even be on a dark skin. Naked eye - This is the "jewelry" that I earned "The Last Hero" - confessed Cornelia "yellow paper". - Recently returned from the island and try to adapt the conditions of civilization. Cornelius was one of the stars, which were sent into the jungle to join the new season of the show "Survivor". But after two weeks, they turned the project. - That was the most difficult test of my life! - Said Cornelia. - I think I was on the island only a strong man, and all the others were fragile and small. I felt a strong, morally and physically. Took over the command, and the boat, the rudder of coconut milk, coconut, against a rough stone.

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