Beloved grandson of Alla Pugacheva 15-year-old Nikita made her 58-year-old grandmother an offer he could not refuse. Son wants a star Alla Borisovna in his debut film, shoot the script of the acclaimed blockbuster "The Matrix". And his beloved grandmother was dark-skinned young filmmakers clairvoyant Oracle. It looks like Nikita Presnyakov decided in its stellar family to follow and do creative work. But chose not to the stage and cinema. Astute boy decided to make a fantastic blockbuster with all their relatives under the title "The Matrix Pugacheva in the country." And how was it possible, "Life" learn from reliable sources, Nikita personally negotiated with the film company STARPROM to sell his film in a few tens of dollars. But fate intervened grandmother, who assumed the role of an agent and grandson joined the negotiations. True, the assessment of creativity beloved grandson at Pugacheva extremely low. - I believe that this movie is not one, but only amateur children - admitted Alla Pugacheva. - In addition, it has a kind of common household sketches. I just do not want me to say to him that this is not serious, and usually do not spoil the boy and gave him the right to buy. He has. To criticism from people who know and are trying to listen to do something better These stories can be used as an insert in the clip. While there are the makings of a good. The film has already played Nikita Presnyakov Jr. as Neo, his younger brother Danny is evil Agent Smith, Vladimir Presnyakov - Morpheus, Christina Aguilera - his girlfriend Trinity. Alla Borisovna assigned the role of a wise prophetess Oracle. - Grandma, we have not shot - gave Nikita. - I think I will start by the end of filming. During the same scene shot with me and his brother Danny. I gave him explicit the role of Agent Smith, as he was so small as his hero. The idea of making a film about his family in the fantasy genre Nikita came to remember for a long time. The real work of the boys began four years ago. According to him, the film would have done, but because of the fact that he and Danny matured greatly over the years, most of the scenes retake again. - Although my screenplay "The Matrix" are based, all our actors play themselves, while not forgetting their prototypes - said Nikita. It is worth mentioning that the script grandson diva he personally saved the world. And all this is the hero in a country house in the village of Klein Berezhki Pugacheva. - First played with Danny in the "matrix" in the computer - continue Nikita. - But then we face on the screen and tells Neo that he is dying, and we must continue. The result is a window of time to get home Pugacheva, where we see a strange phenomenon. For example, right before our eyes begins to disappear the wall, flying bullets from the gun, and suddenly there is this mess ... Grandmother. According to employees of the film company, they are doing a very large bet on this movie. - It will be interesting to see Alla Borisovna the unexpected for her role - creative director confessed to us STARPROM. - It's a new role we Pugacheva build the entire PR campaign of the film.
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