Spent on the anniversary of their engagement with Kirkorov Pugacheva had the night in the company of Maxim Galkin. Alla Pugacheva celebrates the thirteenth anniversary of the engagement with Philip Kirkorov in the company of his favorite Maxim Galkin that. Geneva, who had returned personally met at the airport Domodedovo Diva, unable to stand, and the two-week separation from his close friend Maxim Galkin, on learning his return, decided to surprise him and went personally to the airport. On the way to Domodedovo Pugacheva Galkin phone rang and said that for technical reasons delayed his departure from Geneva to four hours. But even this could not stop Alla Borisovna, and she did not want to return home, and decided to pass the time riding around Moscow. Finally favorite impersonator diva arrived in the capital in the late afternoon and was very happy to see in the arrival hall, her friend and protector. After fierce hug Alla, in his gold Maxima "Mercedes Pullman" sitting, went with him to his apartment in Ôèëèïïîâñêîì Lane. After spending a few hours at home, wanted to celebrate a meeting with Maxim Pugacheva in the capital city restaurants. Ironically, Philip, flew to Moscow almost simultaneously with Galkin, only to Sheremetyevo-2. And a security guard saw him and the director. True, Philip cherished a faint hope that he can see in this festive evening with Alla Borisovna. Therefore, literally came to his apartment on the Earthen Val half an hour, he gave up and went home. However, the ex-wife that evening Kirkorov not get through. She was too busy talking to Maxim. The finding that apparently the thirteenth anniversary of the engagement to the former spouse does not mean anything, took Philip's affairs. And a few days Pugacheva and Kirkorov celebrating Christmas together in one of the restaurants in the capital near the house divas. Administrator institutions recognize that the legendary singer preferably in the dim light of her little sitting room with comfortable sofas. - Alla usually prefer tequila and red wine - said: "TD" restaurant manager. - As a rule, their accounts over $ 150, and it is always worth Philip. It was on Christmas Eve Pugacheva and Kirkorov agreed to celebrate with him the anniversary of their joint commitment. True asked the last Alla her ex-husband to be less emotional in the public expression of feelings for her. But once again interrupted the true agenda of Philip suddenly Maxim Galkin, the Pugacheva spent the whole evening. According to friends of the divas, parodist in Moscow missing to close for two weeks and during that time Alla greatly missed by him. So if Galkin appeared in the capital, Pugacheva forgot about her ex-husband and went to the arrival of a friend at a restaurant to celebrate.
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