After a recent heart surgery Alla was quickly gaining weight. Diva who has to struggle for many years with the weight, is very excited. Pugacheva has recently stenting four vessels of the heart. After the surgery, doctors warned the singer about the possible unpleasant consequences, including those who may be a bit disturbed metabolism. And as a result - have a problem with obesity. At the time, very happy not to hear the words of the doctors on Alla. It is terribly worried about the outcome of the operation and was glad that everything went well. Their relatives and friends, she said, that feels good and it is important for them. But after some time the diva said that rapidly increasing. If the weight exceeds ten kilograms Pugacheva has sounded the alarm. For her entire life struggling with every additional kilogram, it was a terrible blow. Although the Diva looks gorgeous and friendly, they took seriously to the problem. Because of changes in weight singer his clothes had changed. For example, at the opening of the "New Wave" in Jurmala Alla their traditional short hoodie changed to a longer and roomier dress. Besides Pugacheva more liquid was used, not to disturb the water balance. As the "Life" has not give up and soon Alla promises to lose unwanted pounds. Now the singer has started a diet that will help her to cope with excess weight and get in shape in a short time to think. Comment Specialist, MD, a specialist in vascular surgery Simon Papoyan: - I do not believe that the cause of obesity in this case stenting. Probably this is due to a sedentary life of the singer. Should not be afraid this - all fixable. I would recommend to keep the patient on a diet. Not greasy food and junk food, smoking in any case not (!) And limited in alcohol. While a glass of red wine per day will not hurt, because it has the ability to thin the blood. And above all - on all medications that you the doctor performed the recommended surgery. Particularly aspirin. And even more moving.
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