Russia's oldest record company used to pay the Ministry of Culture and the Federal Property Management Agency with a request for a partial for the digitization of the archive. - Right now, the "Melody" focuses on the production of a complete catalog that meets all modern requirements and standards of the global music industry, - said General Director of FSUE "Firm Melody" Andrew Krichevsky. - The catalog is all the unique historical records date library. We are absolutely sure that this directory will be comparable with the world's largest catalogs of major labels. He stressed that the creation of the catalog - a vital necessity. Digital sales are possible without them. - To create work is very complex. But this is only a small part of the work, the crucial question - digitized library and the processing of these files - continue Krichevsky. - There is a lot of money, millions of dollars. In this context, we hope to help the state. We will make a request to the Ministry of Culture. In Soviet times, the balance of "Melody" - FSUE this year could not be privatized - a hotel with the same name. Privatization of the hotel turned out that the hotel was sold in 2011 for 206 million rubles, and now, Krichevsky says half as much. - We then asked the Federal Property Management Agency, half of the money from the sale of the hotel came to digitize library.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Equipment manufacturers criticized the 1% income tax benefit of authors
Government Decree № 829 of 14 October 2010 "On remuneration for free reproduction of phonograms and audiovisual works for personal use" is the royalty of 1% of the value in the field of electronic devices, the realized directly or remotely on the recording and playback of audio in the context and video not reflected in the market, many of the participants interviewed by RIA Novosti on Monday, none of them, but do not apply to the government's decision to consent. Decree identified a very extensive range of products, production or import of which by a 1% reduction in favor of an organization that accompanied the holders of the rights to the audio and video needs. This range includes all types of computers, cell phones, digital cameras, all types of media (not only digital, but analog), color TV, black and white video recorder, optical drives, flash drives, hard disks, DVD and other players, etc. A exception, however, for "professional equipment is not intended for use in the home." This means that, for example, on the value of networking equipment - that works with your Internet provider - holders receive 1% of any royalties. This is a very large quantities: the former president of the Association of trading companies and manufacturers of Consumer Electronic and Computer Equipment (RATEK) Alexander Onischuk told RIA Novosti that the royalties would amount to 150-200 million dollars per year.
Vera Brezhnev took boxing
STV film company and a happy ending 5th February shooting a new film by Alexander Voitinsky "Jungle". Stakeholders in the project and Sergei Svetlakov Vera Brezhnev occupied. Shooting will take in Kiev and Thailand, on the island of Krabi. The beaches of the island is always the film set for worldwide blockbusters like "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "The Beach". Filmmakers define the genre as adventure action. "We do not want another romantic comedy, nothing to do with the genre, but I want" healthy ", bright, energetic action - says Intermedia director Alexander Voitinskii - wants a high level of adventure Another of our ambitious goal -. A new facet our finest actors open, a little more than usual to find the frivolous and romantic roles I'm sure Vera and Sergei enormous potential -.. Just do not become national darlings "staging action sequences is experienced specialist Oleg Chemodurov. Larger share tricks bear the actors also prepared for filming: Faith boxing and archery had to learn boxing Sergey. The film's release is scheduled for December.
Vera Brezhnev divorce
One of the most beautiful stars of the Ukrainian and Russian showbiz Vera Brezhnev soon be free again: singer divorce her husband, businessman Mikhail Kipermanom Kiev. With the thought that in a family of faith, everything is perfect: In 2007 solitska "VIA Gra" married one of the richest people in Ukraine, the son of the Director General of the telephone company "Optima Telekom." Michael was a surrogate father to eldest daughter Sonia Vera. Two years ago, the couple had a daughter - Sarah. Brezhnev was always that emphasized for her family - above all, and that at home - is a rugged strength - everyone has flaws ... Probably my fault - intolerance to some degree - said the conviction in an interview about himself and Michael - and he has just this tolerance, and many things he balances his kindness and calms me. This is my short temper, he brings, you might say. Although after the birth of her second child, I was much smoother. When I get home, I become a different person. Particularly in and Sarah. Vera Brezhnev, but fractured family: indicated a month ago Kiev tabloids that the couple is not in the house all right. Rumor Kiperman jealous wife of the Russian artists. Although it is likely, in fact, Michael always tired touring wife prefers the singing half naked on stage, than stay at home and raise children.
Vera Brezhnev removed in the new project of the First channel
Vera Brezhnev at the filming of a new project on the first channel. Information about the project under strict classified, according to Intermedia. Vera Brezhnev lost on set for 16 hours a day and gets great pleasure when in music lessons at the time, it now remains. The estimated date of the premiere of the project - 8 September.
Vera Brezhnev shoot a new video in Nepal
Singer Vera Brezhnev flies Nepal. Blonde babe is leaving us for a long time - away in this sunny land, the new video-artist. Production of a video called "Real Life" will take a few days. - This song should be the anthem of the next summer - along with the "Your Day" 29-year-old singer. - The video was directed by director Alan unique Badoev. Vera Brezhnev Alan worked for a long time with the faith, but its hit list - Meladze, Mack and Philip.
Vera Brezhnev shot a video in bed
Vera Brezhnev sang the famous song "Always the man not" from the hit movie "31 June" and even managed to remove her clip. But in contrast to the very romantic original 70s, today's video is not so innocent: The property is set in the main ... in bed. Fans of the singer will provide a unique opportunity to see how one of the most sexy blonde Russian show business after morning awakening sees, says: "EH". In the video, dressed in Vera, nestled lazily in bed, only to erotic pajamas and shorts. Song performed Brezhnev was the soundtrack for the romantic comedy "8 First Dates": The picture in theaters on 8 March. Despite the hot air into the frame, on the set of the faith had a hard time: the singer quite pomerzla because there was a terrible movie studios cold. Actress crawled and then wrapped in a warm blanket and hot tea. Another test of faith was a scene where she was supposed to fly in a dream. Brezhnev connected to special ropes and lifted her into the air. In this case, the singer had to say that they sleep calmly.
Vera Brezhnev had to sing twice
Vera Brezhnev in the evening on stage twice. The culprit was the head of the group "Basic Element" Oleg Deripaska. The owner of the sixth largest state in Russia missed a singer on New Year's show for the employees own the company. - Think you able to go on stage in a few hours - jokingly said Ivan Urgant host of the evening. - Brezhnev returned to you - through the crowd turned showman. And they came back. But at that time gave his songs not star is the common people, and Oleg Deripaska, who appeared a few minutes before taking the stage, still at his desk in the VIP box. However, could the show of sexy blonde somehow not to entertain billionaire. Deripaska is not to leave his place for a moment - the big boss, after a hard day of work tired, ate, and only occasionally look at what is happening on stage. While Ivan Urgant held competitions for employees and gifts at the best holiday package to warm countries, thousands led by the Company not for entertainment. Get as a true workaholic, Oleg Deripaska, also at the corporate level to the heart of the next contract and signed the documents. Left Party Deripaska also quietly as he come upon him, wrote Life News: Some of the staff did not even see the Wizard, it gives them a celebration every year for the whole world.
Meladze take Vera Brezhnev name
Producer and co-owner of Velvet Music Liana Meladze wants the right stage name known singer Vera Brezhnev. She filed an application for registration of the mark "Vera Brezhnev." If Rospatent register, then Liana Meladze entitled to dispose of a star on his own. Lawyers believe that because the manufacturer wants to keep the client's home. The patent for the singer Vera Brezhnev - is the stage name of Russian singer of Ukrainian origin Kiperman Vera (nee Galuska). Pop star with a name for the former producer of the group VIA Gra came Dmitry Kostyuk, where Brezhnev began her career. The reason claimed that faith Galuska and General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev - born in the Ukrainian city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. However, in order for a patent for the phrase "Vera Brezhnev" not the author and performer of new producers are interested, the now solo act - Liana Meladze. She filed an application for registration of the mark "Vera Brezhnev" in Rospatent. It should be noted that the Liana Meladze "Vera Brezhnev" recorded exclusively for himself, and not to the production center Velvet Music, which is a co-founder. Vera Brezhnev According to lawyers, the producer wants to keep in his artist friends and to try to acquire additional controls non-musical activities of the Trust. With the protection and promotion of the artist, according to experts of copyright it is nothing to do.
Vera Brezhnev keep the family of Sergey Svetlakovym
Vera Brezhnev perform an important role in the family comedy Alexander Voitinsky "Jungle". The crew recently returned from Thailand, where the main action shot pictures returned, and now need to work in Moscow and Kiev, according to Intermedia. On a plot of Vera Brezhnev crisis in family relations with Sergei Svetlakovym. Few attempts to solve the problem and goes on holiday to South East Asia. So they get fixed on a deserted island to fend militant natives, and experience many adventures together. It is easy to guess that the action brought together family and problems remain in the past. For the film, Vera Brezhnev had a lot of training for the part, which was filmed in the jungle, full of tricks and physical activity. Vera Brezhnev on screen comedy is at the end of the year, before the new year will be released when the visitors would like to visit, especially in cinemas romkomy.
Vera Brezhnev flew with children in Turkey
After working on the "big difference" in Odessa, Vera Brezhnev decided to give themselves a break and went to the Turkish resort. The only thing that upset the actress, it is to leave early in the morning. "If you have always been no time, it is to stop time to time, the race is not to go to a standstill." - Said philosophically eve faith. The next blog post, it's already done just before leaving: "3.50 clock, I was sitting in an airplane, I think ... the pilot and the companies that put on a flight to Antalya 3.55 Sorry kids" It is hoped that the Turkish actress quickly a positive way. Recently, the "Twitter" Faith is full of deep thought, and it seems that they would have it deal with its internal problems. "I love to listen to music, go behind the wheel, to be lazy, be with the kids, look at the sun to family, friends, be yourself, be love. Love to kiss, the smell of rain , the laughter of children, their work, to make surprises to help, please eat, sleep, live, "- shared Brezhnev with the readers of his blog. "You either appreciate or not - she wrote a day later -.. It is impossible to plant, it is impossible to teach Sometimes it depends on what you do, sometimes they do not depend on anything." Delfi
Vera Brezhnev property arrested
It is learned that the state executive office confiscated the property of Michael Kiperman, and asked the court to impose a tax on the property of his wife - Vera Brezhnev. Member of the Supervisory Board "Ukrtatnafta" Mr. Kiperman few years ago "under his impeccable reputation," issued in a Ukrainian bank credit card, it took more than 1.3 million. And decided not to give it. Bank lawyers went to court - and won: The court ordered Mr. Kiperman pay the debt and interest, write "version". When Michael Kiperman no hurry to fulfill the court's decision - the executive office Holosiivskyi district in late 2011 opened the enforcement enforce the collection thereof, and seized all the property has known Ukrainian businessman. At the disposal of the media treatment Holoseievski have punish government enforcer of justice Kiev to the district court, not only on the property of Mr. Kiperman, but the property of his wife Vera Kiperman (former lead singer of the band "VIA Gra"), the apartment is a on the street Saksaganskogo holds in Kiev, where. pair with premium cars Hummer H2 Michael Kiperman hide his personal life from others, and demands the same from his wife, so that the information about the property the couple a little. Rumor has it that after the wedding, Vera Brezhnev was presented with a sports Mercedes for 200 thousand dollars and Cadillac SUV - in everyday use.
Vera Brezhnev obmateril
Trouble is over for Vera Brezhnev traveled on tour to Krasnoyarsk. If the capital of the star basking in the glory, outside the MKAD, it tasted "real life." In Krasnoyarsk singer was in a good mood. - Greyus a cozy and delicious place. Krasnoyarsk to meet for a few hours - a celebrity has reported on his Twitter. After the concert, filled with the faith was very welcomed. - Get the buzz on the Today show. Krasnoyarsk heated! Glad I came! Thank you! - Wrote to the performance artist. Vera Brezhnev, but was expected at the airport before flying to Moscow star an unpleasant encounter with local Gopnik, wrote "EC". For celebrities, famous for filming in lingerie as well, "nude", came a noisy business, and tried to persuade her to take a picture. Singer politely refused, because they do not appear on the amateur shots without make-up and daily form. Fan behavior Brezhnev injured. - Yeah, it's kind of wild bl ...! - They threw a farewell. However, the actress did not take offense at him and laughed.
Legal music sales in Russia fell by 14.5%
Legal audio content is becoming increasingly popular among students. Its sales in Russia fell in 2009 by 14.5% to $ 374.6 million, falling by ten percent in the world In this case, the Internet and mobile phones were sold almost twice more music than a year earlier. But this channel is not more than 20% of the legal market: it prevents the development of a large number of pirated downloads. Legal decline audio production in Russia has accelerated, according to the agency InterMedia: Last year they fell by 14.5% to $ 374.6 million, while in 2008, a decrease of only 1.6%. Proceeds from the sale of the official audio content in the world declined in 2009 by 10%, reported earlier in the report Digital Music Report, presented by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI). The Russian market is bound to fall mainly the physical media (CDs, tapes, etc.), whose sales fell immediately by 25% to $ 300 million, writes Kommersant. Digital content sales doubled almost opposite - $ 74,600,000 However, they make only 20% of total sales. Purchase offer, the share of online stores the full version of the songs, is about 5-10%, said Chief Expert Intermedia Alexander Tikhonov. The remaining 90-95% - a mobile content: RBT (ringback tone - a melody or song that the caller hears instead of beeps), ringtones, realtones. Legal sales of digital audio content is rising around the world, although less so than in Russia, and the pace: last year, global sales rose 12% to $ 4.2 billion in the MTS (developed online shop Russian market of digital distribution, legal audio content higher - about $ 150 million for 2009.
Labels established partnership against pirates
Russian offices of Universal Music, Sony Music and other rights holders, as well as distributors and sellers of online music have formed an alliance to fight the pirates established. Nonprofit Partnership (NP) is registered, his task - lobbying majors rights and prosecution of pirates, said CEO Universal Music Russia Dmitry Konnov. Identify among the co-sponsors as "the first music publisher," Russian Authors' Society and other associations databases pirated resources, explained CEO of Sony Music Entertainment Leonid Agron. NP goal - to reduce the level of piracy, and that is in the interest of legitimate sellers, says CEO Sergei Sichkar. NP is also the legalization of forms of music content on the Internet, says Konnov. Owners are trying to convince the pirate sites operate legally. Major portals could online broadcasting without the possibility of downloading music (streaming) to organize or download allow for viewing ads. According to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), in 2008, illegally downloaded 40 billion (95%) of the music. Online broadcasting soon have to "Yandex", said managing director, sales and confirmed the source of "Yandex". For users, it will be free, and to make plans for advertising and subscriptions. Sony Music Entertainment is in talks with "Yandex" says Agron.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
DJ Smash and Vera Brezhnev made a "love at a distance"
Premiere video works together DJ Smash and Vera Brezhnev on the song "Love at a distance" was held at the online music channel Ello. - First of all, I liked the text, - says Intermedia artist. - Words are very in tune with my feelings when I get home after traveling. For me it is important issue, because I. A lot of time away from home and spend coming back in a good mood, just fly on the wings DJ Smash subtly conveys this mood in music.
Vera Brezhnev confirmed that divorced
Has long been rumored that Vera Brezhnev split with husband Michael Kipermanom. But the singer strenuously denied it, as their eldest daughter Sonia. They claimed that their family are all very good. But recently, on the air, "Russian Radio" Brezhnev opened the truth, writes 7D. The singer said that she divorced her husband a few months ago and then stopped wearing a wedding ring. Now she is a free woman. What caused such a serious decision, Faith said, but many believe that it was due to financial problems.
Brezhnev allowed the audience to examine their breasts
Unexpected surprise, Vera Brezhnev audience at a concert for the birthday of the club, "The Artist". In the middle of his speech, the singer took to the stage, the audience of the guests of the club and invited them personally to ensure that her breasts ... not a drop of silicone. - About me, it just does not say! - Brezhnev decided to share my soul with the audience. - And my chest is silicone and hair graft and lips with Botox ... You girls, me to come here! Let us out! Vera Brezhnev seemingly constant criticism that. The benefits of silicone, finally Faith The young lady that the singer "experiment" called he immediately climbed onto the stage, writes Lifeshowbiz .. - Where can my chest. You see, I have it naturally? - Vera took her hand and put his charms. - Do you feel that your hair ... No graft? Sponge ... How is it? "Examination" Lay all the proposed locations singer viewers easily. But soon completed: - all natural! - Well, she had me obtrogala all! Now I am calm! - Laughed Brezhnev and with the hit "Love Will Save the World", which jumped up so quickly that the entire hall more exciting view of legs and other no less "natural" part of the body of faith was opened.
John Kennedy is concerned outrage collecting royalties in Russia
John Kennedy, chairman and CEO of IFPI, the letter of the music industry worldwide, the Chairman of the Russian Government Vladimir Putin one. The letter was in support of the introduction of the Russian government towards the 31st July national accreditation body organizations for collective management of the rights of performers and producers of phonograms, expressed the hope that the process will be the selection of an accredited institution of transparent and fair in terms of domestic and foreign owners. Part Four of the Civil Code, the state approved collecting societies, the rights of performers and phonogram producers, was laid in 2008, but the meeting of the Accreditation Commission is still delayed. This delay means that artists and record companies all the time. Not receive legal compensation for the use of their work in their public services or channels Broadcasters actually boycotting Russian law does not pay compensation for the use of music. Many Russian and foreign record companies and artists charged just Phonographic Alliance (RFA) to represent their interests in Russia as a society for the collective management of rights that they can really trust. IFPI members about the facts of the Russian Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) are affected, reports the WIPO already acts as an accredited organization.
Rising prices for music equipment in 2011 more than 25%
As of 2011, the cost of the equipment, as well as various storage devices that can play music and movies, to increase to 25%. The reason - required license fees that should do the manufacturers and importers of such equipment. These devices include laptops, computers, digital cameras, cell phones, DVD drives, flash drives. The relevant provision in the Russian government approved. According to the paper size of the copyright in the amount of 1% of the sale price. In this case, all costs, according to experts, worn by the buyers. According to the Chairman of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies, Dmitry Yanin, the percentage of reduction in the fees for a number of electronic devices, including computers, laptops, DVD players, digital cameras, the "work" to block. As a result, the prices of these goods are not covered (as is normally the case with the advent of more advanced devices), but to increase. As CEO of the publication of the audit and consulting company "Fineksper-tiza" Aghvan Mikaelian, the average increase in the cost up to 20%. But according to experts, in some cases, higher prices could reach to 25%. According to the Association of trading companies and manufacturers of consumer electronics and computer technology, the market for the manufacture and import of technology is about 15-20 billion dollars a year.
Copyright fees go into the final round
Rosokhrankultura yesterday could not decide who the royalties from importers and manufacturers of electronic devices and blank media are collected in the next five years. To assert these deductions are only two organizations, the leader of the Russian Union of the copyright holder (CPR) by Nikita Mikhalkov considered. But even after receiving the accreditation, it would not be able to start work: The government has not yet the prices (the most probable size - 1-3% of the declared value of the goods) is determined and picking. Unenclosed area only in the collective management of copyright is a private copy, for which the authors should be rewarded. To copy can potentially be used mobile phones, computers, digital cameras, DVD players, cassettes, CDs, flash drives and other technology and media companies. Collect payments from customers-individuals is not possible, and the Civil Code of the payments it is obliged importers and local manufacturers of goods. Yesterday, 20 September, it was the Commission Rosokhrankultura. Themselves according to the approved schedule, finally accredited organization for this category of copyright fees For the right to a reward to get in only two organizations - CPR, led led by Nikita Mikhalkov, Russian society and Related Rights (painting), followed by Angelica Korotaeva.
NP IAC gave the names of the music pirates Runet
NP IAC gave the names of the music pirates Runet The list includes very popular internet sites. NP IAC-profit partnership, the development of the market for music and audiovisual content on the Internet, founded in 2008 to promote the biggest players on the market, began regular information to the Russian public about the unlawful use of content owners on the Internet. Since December 2010, NP IAC issue a monthly report on the current work of the partnership, and also contains a list of organizations. Systematically violate the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of audio-visual content on the Internet After IAC NA, are large organizations that violate the law and refuses to legalize their activities, the owners of the following websites: and its mirror image,,,,,,, Bisaund.kom. Best Against some of the above organizations have complaints filed and other organizations on the application of NP IAC and its members are involved in law enforcement collected on the basis of evidence. NP IAC believes that companies that value their business reputation are no ads to illegal means and are participating in the theft of intellectual property.
Members will be taken to dealer 2% "for the benefit of authors of music"
Mobile operators and Internet service providers can refer to quarterly to 2% of total revenue for the benefit of authors of musical works required. Appropriate amendments to the draft law "On communication" and the Civil Code in the State Duma yesterday introduced a group of MPs, led by Vladislav Reznik. The Russian Union of Nikita Mikhalkov owner, the newspaper "Kommersant" - Collect the money is the same organization that the right of importers and manufacturers of recording equipment and blank, his collecting likely receive. Under Part 4 of the Civil Code, which entered into force on 1 January 2008 came, has accredited non-profit organization to collect centrally Rosokhrankultura remuneration in favor of all authors, their phonograms and audiovisual works may be used for personal purposes. Since the tax deductions from actual users - individuals - not, nor were payments made importers and manufacturers on recording equipment blank (cell phones, computers, digital cameras, DVD players, CDs, flash drives, etc. required). But that was not enough MPs. To play, and copy tracks and clips for personal use are often used communications services so that all mobile operators and Internet service providers are also required to transfer the money to the authors chose Russia, Vladislav Reznik (Chairman of the Duma Committee on Financial Markets), Yury Isaev, Natalia Burykina, Gregory Ivliev (Chairman of the Committee on Culture) and Nikolai Rastorguev.
Mikhalkov received permission to collect copyright royalties
After continuing for more than a month still Rosokhrankultura think accredited "Russian Union of Owners" whose president Nikita Mikhalkov, royalties from manufacturers and importers of vehicles and blank as to collect in order of the services described, posted on her official site Oct. 26 . As stated in the text of the order, was the choice with the advice of the Accreditation Committee, on the 20th September met made. Choose between the RSP and its only competitor, Russian Society of related rights (painting), originally had, within five business days. What makes for such a long break, Rosokhrankultura not explained. Previously the Board was determined by the amount of deductions - it's 1% of each item of equipment or blank media used for visual work for personal reasons. The list of equipment and vehicles that are the subject of this collection, were especially DVD players, computers, laptops, mobile phones and headsets to them, camcorders, CDs, flash cards, and film. According to current laws, the RSP Fund of the manufacturers and importers of each quarter to collect and distribute them to authors, performers and producers of phonograms and audiovisual works - according to their own laws, but at least once a year. In return, the collector itself is committed license fees before the federal executive branch responsible for the protection of copyright, information about equipment manufacturers and material support and the volume of funds for the payment of compensation.
Opened the first legal music service in the Russian social networks
Social network Gaydpark provided its users with a unique opportunity. Legal access to tens of thousands of folk songs For each hearing Gaydpark will pay off with the owners - are completely free for the users of this service for free. Music content providers, the company "Stereo Killer" - platform aggregator licensed music content, which has the largest in the Russian catalog of music - over 750,000 tracks from very different musical style and direction. This is the first of its kind for a form of cooperation of Russian social network that gives the user the ability to listen to licensed music and share it with your online friends. May be an example of such a free and at the same time, absolutely legitimate music service, for example, "Yandeks.Muzyka", one of the major suppliers, the company also "Stereo Killer." Sure, in the Russian social networks, it is possible to listen to different music. But the main problem with these services is that the musical content in them for the most part - to hear piracy and location and to him, social network users are breaking the law. "The need for legal certainty audio content to the major social networks of the Russian Internet for us very clearly defined We are confident that we will soon no other alternatives -. Says the head of the social network Gaydpark Sergei Malinin. - In the near future, all well-known Projects in RuNet inevitably forced to pay for the opportunity to provide its users with audio content.
The painting will compete with Mikhalkov in court
The Arbitration Court in Moscow on 18 October registered complaint profit partnership "Russian society Related Rights" (Painting) of the Federal Service for Supervision of legislation in the field of Cultural Heritage (Rosokhrankultura). Painting requires as unfair competition in September at the option collector royalties from importers and producers of sound recordings and media, "Kommersant" instead. Winner has not been announced yet, but all said they would be the Russian Union of the rights holders (CPR) by Nikita Mikhalkov. Lawyer Painting Azamat Shapiev told "Kommersant" that the claim of "clear violation of the accreditation process," submitted: Rosokhrankultura held a contest before the government issued a decree on the velocity and therefore tasks without the could not start the accredited organization activities their . The fact that in the absence of such an order, the accreditation is really possible to the Ministry of Culture and 5th February 2010 indicated in the official response to the query signature. The painting took part in the competition, in the hope that the decision is all the same to be made before the meeting of the Committee Rosokhrankultura. RSP CEO Andrew Krichevsky turn, said that the accreditation of the opinion "completely legal." "In GC there was no evidence that the accreditation of the decision needs to be made," he said, "Kommersant".
Russian labels from Nokia and Samsung offended
Representatives of the music industry in Russia stopped issuing permits for the use of their music content from Nokia and Samsung, the "do not pay the fee for the free reproduction of music content for personal use." The leaders of the company, "Tune", "SBA / Gala Records", "SBA Music Publishing," "Oll Music Publishing" (licensee Sony / ATV Music Publishing), "Recording Company" Nikitin "(licensee Warner Music Group)," The first music publisher, "" Studio Union "(licensee Playground Music and Ministry of Sound)" Warner / Chappell "(Russian office of Warner / Chappell Music) wrote:" Union of Music "," RDS Records "," Government of Sound " (licensee Armada Music), Nikitin Media Digital Content and "National Music Publishing" a manifesto required "in the Russian Federation from Nokia and Samsung in full compliance operation with the Russian legislation in the field of intellectual property have been." "rights holders have a serious problem - there is a certain Nokia and Samsung, which have powerful digital services, sewn into the phone - it is possible to buy music, listen to it and so on, these companies come to the record labels and buy to use the license. Music for all such purposes is legal, because if they do not buy a license, it would simply make the criminal code But civil law, namely the payment of compensation, they "do not meet - ..
NFPF called to the whole pirate Web content to replace the one jurisdiction
The National Federation of the Phonographic Industry (NFPF) today published an open letter to Internet companies, urging them to immediately stop violating copyrights and. Profits with owners This letter is a response to an open letter on behalf of online companies, signed by Google Russia, Mail.Ru, Vkontakte, Rambler, Yandex and Wikimedia, the publishers offered to identify pirated content owner, which deleted immediately. "We appeal to the owners with a proposal to amend the existing mechanisms of termination of copyright and related rights to use -. Those who have long believed in our company according to their social and technological advances, this regulation in accordance with the decisions used in the global information society space, are "- said in an address, the full text of which can be read here. Publish the full text of the response NFPF. Moscow, 11/29/10, the appeal to the owners of the owners of sound recordings Internet companies is obvious that the Internet is an important channel for the distribution of audio and video content. Unfortunately, at the present time, the share of legal audio and video content on the Russian sites is extremely low and we estimate less than one percent. This situation is very serious. We make a significant investment in the development and creation of new and interesting content.
Network "VKontakte" officially recognized as a pirate
Social network "VKontakte" made the list of sites with illegal content which is compiled by the RIAA (RIAA). It is stated in the blog TorrentFreak. Russia's largest social network. TorrentFreak called "the Russian equivalent of Facebook" on the "black list" RIAA because users can upload not only their pictures, but also audio and video without permission Separately to that of the "VKontakte" easy to download music via special clients. As an example of such a program RIAA Downloader leads Mulve whose page has been closed by its creators, because of problems with the law. In addition, the report mentions RIAA Russian resources and Mp3ninja MP3Fiesta that "harm the U.S. economy." Authors TorrentFreak also surprised that the RIAA has named one of the most important resources of pirated Chinese search engine Baidu. Claims Association record for Chinese rival Google due to the fact that Baidu is one of the best search engines on sites with illegal audio content. Moreover, as I said, not without pride, TorrentFreak, a list of sites that "promote and popularize music theft" can not do without the mention of the torrent tracker. The list of the RIAA, resources such as The Pirate Bay, Torrentz, isoHunt, btjunkie and demonoid. RIAA not escape the attention and popular file sharing RapidShare.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Peter Square in possibly the Victor Tsoi
Toponymy Commission recommended Petersburg on Friday, the city authorities called one of the empty seats in the Petrograd district in memory of the famous musician Victor Tsoy. This was reported by RIA Novosti press-secretary of the vice-governor Vasily Kichedzhi Julia Strizhak. "During the meeting with the question of how one of the squares in the legendary name" Kamchatka ", who once worked Choi, in his honor," - said Strizhak. She noted that the Commission was the desire of the public who wanted to call Choi considered one of the streets, but according to her, in this appeal, and asks that this place was connected to a musician. Since Toponymy Commission rename not only on the streets and say anonymous or is the old name, it was decided to recommend for this one of the nameless places. "It is said to committee members, over time, could not appear and the monument Choi" - has Strizhak. She said that the Commission's decision is a recommendation and approval of the Governor comes to town. Russia 21 June marks the 50th Anniversary of Viktor Tsoi. In 1981, at age 19 Choi founded the "Cinema" - one of the most popular Soviet rock bands. By the end of his life he remained the leader, the author of all the text and music. Total team took nine years. During this time it was published more than a hundred songs, several compilations and live recordings.
Nokia and Samsung owners owe more than a billion
To order the Russian Union of the copyright holder (FPR), collect and distribute royalties in public performance, plans to file a lawsuit against Nokia and Samsung, if they do not begin to withdraw money holder "for the free reproduction of music content for personal purposes" as required Russian legislation. Representatives of the music industry in Russia published a manifesto accuses Nokia and Samsung, has powerful digital services, with evasion of payment of royalties. Heads of major Russian labels stopped using these mobile giants grant permission music content, as long as royalties not accredited - Russian Union of ownership. According to Director General Sergei Fedotov CPR CPR owner support in the face of the record companies, the members of the organization, because today in the music royalties - probably the single most important source of income that allows us today to somehow survive the music business. "If we're talking specifically about the two importers -. Nokia and Samsung, then, according to the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, is only the amount of their debt, more than 1 billion 200 million rubles And speaking of the beginning of the normal operation of at least two importers, it is important quarter sales compared to our owners - music publishers, record labels, authors and artists, film and much more, "- said the agency. Fedotov noted, along with the fact that Nokia and Samsung - although the largest, but not the only culprit and RSP to the Ministry of Culture and the General Prosecutor's Office with a list of 20 companies.
MTV owner demanded that YouTube remove 100,000 clips
The company Viacom, which requires multiple entertainment channels, including MTV heard that YouTube video from your server to remove more than 100 thousand videos where she owns copyrights. However, the company did not apply for YouTube to court. This Friday night, said the Associated Press. Viacom accused the video service and its owner, Google, and the fact that they do not create "filters" that prevent the server clips are copyrighted. Furthermore makes the media company that YouTube and Google "will not give a fair market agreement to YouTube users would have access to content owned by Viacom." YouTube, for its part, has promised to remove the clip, the owners require it formally. In this YouTube representative regretted that Viacom is not able to continue in the placement of their clips on such popular video service that the popularity of TV programs increased benefit. U.S. television network CBS, and NBC have to use YouTube with approval of their content video service. We have an agreement with MTV, Google, according to which the users of the Internet search engine search for clips owned television station. Revenues from the use of this content shared between them. Associated Press recalled that in November 2006 with the YouTube server, 30,000 videos removed at the request of the Japanese society in copyright protection.
Yandex opened a page to the memory of Viktor Tsoi
On the 50th Birthday of Viktor Tsoi Yandex has a special project. He collected all discography, writing speeches and old albums with photos of Viktor Tsoi Viktor Tsoi on resources of a video with excerpts from speeches by Viktor Tsoi and the band "Cinema" in the different periods of activity, as well as fragments of films and interviews with Viktor Tsoi . In addition, the texts collected 90 songs of Victor Tsoi. Resource #! / Artist/41075 /
Victor Tsoi remember to channel
On the 50th Anniversary of Viktor Tsoi Channel shows a documentary about him and TV version of the last concerts of the "Cinema". The film, titled "Choi -" Cinema "will air June 22 at 21.30 clock is made in the form of a trip from Moscow to St. Petersburg last girlfriend of Viktor Tsoi Natalia Razlogov: it carries with it a home cassette recording of. Songs "Ataman" The musicians of the "Cinema", in the same meeting with her son, Alexander Victor Tsoi, Mariana mother Choi (first female musician) - Inna Nikolaevna, and finally George Guryanov, Yuri Kasparyanom and Igor Tikhomirov ("Cinema") . By Dmitry Mishenina - Everything she tells Victor, but everything that happens is represented by drawings of other Tsoi At the end of the film is the last concert in Moscow "Movie" in the "Olympic", May 5, 1990, three and a half months. aired before the death of Choi are. Intermedia
Choi published poems on the 50th Anniversary of his birth
Publisher "Eksmo" has a collection of Viktor Tsoi "We are waiting for change." "- Gift Edition Poetry" for the 50th Anniversary of the musician, on the 21st Celebrated June, the book will be published in the series. Choi, a collection of poems, prose, and his drawings of the leaders of the "Cinema" while studying at the Serov Art College. Edition with photographs musicians. Intermedia
Concert and exhibition center opens at VVC
28th April 2012 in the VVC was one of the most important cultural events of spring in Moscow - opening concert and exhibition center. The complex is located in a former palace of culture ENEA (Hall 84), where for many decades, of course, there were different genres and impressed for a living history is. Many of the documents reflect the historical records, the creation of 16 Soviet republics (along with Karelia) and other important events in the unique exhibition "Glory to Soviet power" to resist using the materials and documents held by the Library Based ENEA. At the same time on the stage of this universal platform feature a variety of gala - the program: "Star Theatre Flamenco Thomas yes Madrid" (Spain), "Scent Tango" - the best dancer with unmatched tango singer Mariel Martinez, "The Art of the USSR "-. a virtuoso ensemble National Instruments (Moscow), included in the delivery - not only traditional instruments like accordion and balalaika, but also exotic pools, yes Panduri The repertoire are daily performances, and night-club program. New Concert and Exhibition Centre VVC will produce a century of tradition and rich life of the modern eclectic site. With a new team of professionals, headed by producer Nikolai Anokhin, busy Concert and Exhibition Center soon to a true cultural center with the corresponding infrastruktoroy and become broad repertoire.
On the grave of Choi began a struggle with shooting
The fight ended in gunfire and memorial services in honor of the anniversary of the death of the leader of the "Movie" Viktor Tsoi in St. Petersburg. On Wednesday, 15 August 22 years since. As a famous musician to death in a car accident near Riga Every year on this day, fans gather at the grave of the singer of his idol at the Theological cemetery. Yesterday at approximately 22:15 between youths fight started after Izvestia. At this time, when the area guarded by the police. They tried to remove the conflict, but "movie fans" were aggressive mood and headed toward police officers. One of the officers had to use service weapon, he fired warning shots into the air. In the end, no one was injured. Arrested three unemployed population aged 21 to 26 years. For them, the administrative report in accordance with Article 20.1 of the Administrative Code ("disorderly conduct"). After reviewing reports of the incident to the Ministry of the Interior of Russia in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.
Victor Tsoi depicted on coins
In the 50th Issued anniversary of the birth of the Soviet rock musician in Russia coins with Viktor Tsoi. They went on sale in branches of Sberbank. After on the front engraved portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and the face value - Ten Dollar Fiji. Each of them is made of silver 999-carat and weighs 19.98 grams coins issued eight thousand. On the back next to the portrait of Viktor Tsoi, shows a guitar, left a fragment of the capital of the "Wall of Tsoi" with graffiti by the fans, and from the alley figure rock musician.
Anita Choi, the anniversary of James Bond
Anita Choi on the 50th Anniversary of the James Bond films has released a new dance song "007". This is the first collaboration of the singer with a young writer Notmanom Otto, member of "Knockin 'on Heaven," said Intermedia.
Choi establish monument near his home in St. Petersburg
Monument rock musician Viktor Tsoi in St. Petersburg is based on two projects, the experts have chosen city committee on urban planning and architecture, along with his father Robert musician Tsoi. Going to establish a memorial in a residential area of the city on the road Korzun soldiers far from home, where he lived Choi. The concept of the project are two sculptors Matthew Makushkina Nicheporchuk and Alexei, who was chosen from four options. . "The topic was discussed very seriously easy task stands before the council members and the father Victor ... agreed with the architects that they together complete this composition on sculptures Makushkina base" - told reporters on Thursday, the chief architect of St. Petersburg Yury Mityurev. Monument Choi, whose height of about three meters, will be cast in bronze. On the choice of the project affected father's opinion a musician, that the entire image, transmitted Makushkina decided entirely reflected his views. "We were given a place to erect a monument to ... You do not build giant structures", - he said. Makushkin said that he, together with his colleague, you will see an image, create complement the already prepared project. According to him, this is a difficult and unusual work, the basic details of the sculpture of a guitar that Choi spoke at all concerts. RIA Noaosti
Attacked at Anita Tsoi jellyfish
Anita Choi spent a few days with friends in Spain to visit. Short breaks almost finished in tragedy. Anita Tsoi stung by a jellyfish when she walked along the coast. In his microblog star said: "Despite the fact that I smeared protective cream from jellyfish, they have me still bitten.! (Tin" Singer, a physician at the hospital where they are held to see a set of procedures Anita Tsoi. stung by a jellyfish when you was along the coast on foot this year, just as in 2011 Beaches of Spain and France attacked the jellyfish Pelagia. biologists warn that burn Pelagia noctiluca can be very painful, cause severe allergic reactions and to harass the victim for up to two weeks. jellyfish are small, but they have long tentacles, and many of them can be found in one square meter immediately dozen Pelagia.
Anita Choi returned to his childhood
Successful tour with the first 3-D show "Tvoya_A" continues to win the hearts of the Russian cities. Anita Choi is in the Far East. In each city the tour Anita brings not only a true story, but mainly dry weather. Khabarovsk is no exception. Despite a busy schedule of concerts, press conferences, radio and TV singer time for a stroll along the promenade to take, visit the cliffs, look at a local café, and of course to meet with their relatives. Family actress has lived for a long time in Khabarovsk. Spent her childhood here and a little Anita. The singer was born in Moscow but raised with four months to 4 years of her grandparents at number 38 on the street of Kalinin. Relatives have long moved out of this place, but the stars do not come to the house where she spent her childhood. Anita met in the evening with his great aunt, relatives and close friends of the family.
Anita Choi James Bond Girl
Anita Choi can turn their dreams into reality. James Bond - One of these days the singer in the role of a girl acted most famous secret agent. The film is set in Tokyo, car racing, fighting, shooting, undercover tasks, passionate love, were quite realistic, not just on the screen, but also on the set. At the beginning of filming the first scene up to the head Anita Tsoi to two meters hit the mirror, fortunately not seriously hurt the singer will only escaped with bruises on his shoulders. The incident hit the star of the working process and the shooting continued. Anita Choi None of the crew had no idea that turn passionate sex scenes of the main characters in bloody. According to the script, to kill the character of Anita with her lover, it hides a sharp knife to be bound for stockings. The murder weapon was real and not a sham. Anita got so the role is used, it has not realized how slices his left hand. The shooting for more than ten minutes, was exposed to stop the bleeding. After a series of unpleasant events, many members of the crew were afraid to come to shoot the final scene of the massacre. This time, injured at the hands of a small and fragile to Anita, James Bond. Staged during the test fights players sent Director tasks without another run, but once the team's "engine" sounded Anita Choi rushed into battle and cut chin partner set.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Anita Choi was awarded the Order of Merit of the Kuzbass
Author and performer was awarded by "Hymn to the miners Anita Choi, the Medal of Honor Kuzbass August 24, 2012 Kemerovo Governor Aman Tuleyev awarded Gumirovich Star of Order of Merit of the Kuzbass popular Russian singer, Merited Artist of Russia Anita Tsoi. This morning came Anita in Novokuznetsk, the miners congratulate on their professional holiday and give them their best songs. region, which produces every second ton of coal in the country, the actor met with a special warmth. In 2006, Anita, along with the miners under days "Raspadskaya" and then, inspired by the rise to the surface, she wrote the song "When the coal." Soulful song about heroes, production for the country "black gold", won a people's love and has modern "Hymn of the miners." For many years, Anita is actively involved in community service projects, support the miners and the cities of Kuzbass always in the tour schedule of the artist. April 30 they will present to the audience Kemerovo copyrights mega show "Tvoya_A." concert in the capital of Kuzbass was sold out and was stopped by a nationwide tour of the artist and 16 major cities.
Anita Choi proves that it is not "sick in the head"
Anita Choi has on his site VKontakte announced that as from the first September 2012, it will close all your accounts and social networks exactly one year. In the last five years, Anita Choi is an avid user of social networks. In his micro-blog singer personally to communicate with fans, colleagues and journalists. Communication in the virtual world is an integral part of the life of Anita. During this time, the star is not only acquired a vast army of people but they released their fifth studio album "Tvoya_A" and created a show with the same name, which is dedicated to his friends on the net. Anita Choi singer told why made this decision: "... Recently a business dinner conversation turned to social networks Some were." For "the other" for no "to the question, in my opinion, of course I have done." . "In my address uncomplimentary remarks flew from one of the guests, I am sick to the whole head, zombie these networks, I was crazy insane and that I communicate in networks with the same people who are sick. And added he added I put on $ 1,000,000, and the day that I could not live, do not get into Twitter. And I accepted the challenge! 1 September 2012. I have all the social network for a period of 1 year to leave. I rise to defend my honor and dignity and the honor and dignity of the users of social networks.
Anita Choi organized a master class for orphans
Anita Choi last week gave concerts in three cities of Volgograd region. Star addressed not only the audience of 50 thousand people, but also made sure, philanthropy. Zhirnovsk, cats and Frolovo - that was the way Anita last weekend. In each city, Anita visited orphanages and collected the most gifted children at a local recreation center. Anita Choi Young-fans rejoiced the heart arrival favorite singer. Along with her dance group, Ballet Dance Cool Stars arranged a master class of orphans in cats and Frolov. Together with the children boys rehearsed dance routines, showing how actually the process of setting up a new song, and then an evening concert, they assess the situation, personally benefits were strength training. Students returned the favor and got ready for the long awaited guests many gifts: Anita has a skirt and a doll are treated by hand sewn cake and even a real concert. In his speech was one of the participants of the singer not keep silent and began to dance. She was joined by her band and dancers. Young singer did not like this turn of events and tearing applause Dopel his song to the end.
Personnel changes in the Universal Music Russia
The company Universal Music Russia were personnel changes. On 20 November Taufiq Sadikhov is almost half of the marketing department, and the head of the digital direction, which is now part of the structural unit headed by him. Digital one of the priorities of the Universal Music Group International is the world. In Russia, there is a separate entity was set up just a few months ago, but now the company has realized that. The best results by the "digital office" part of the overall Department of Marketing and Digital Content can be achieved To the position of manager of digital content Dryukov invited Catherine, who has worked at companies Universal Music and Universal Music Publishing since 2002, the position of copyright manager and deals with the relationship of radioactive waste and the largest music publishers (Publishing), in Russia operates. Sergey Semin continues to operate in a similar position on the Digital Content Manager and a difficult clock to gather information and monitor the use of digital content. On 20 November Natalia Sotnikova appointed director of international promotions and local repertoires. In their hands, the entire activity of the company is to focus on the promotion of new international publications and foreign musicians UMGI in Russia. At the same time fragile, but strong shoulders entrusted burden of responsibility for the full range of work by local artists have signed contacts with Universal Music Russia.
Father Victor Tsoi brought by a third party to the court in the suit against MTV
The Moscow Arbitration Court drew Father Victor Tsoi Robert as a third party in the dispute concert agency "Avalanche concert" with the TV channel MTV (JSC "Power TV") for the illegal use of the song "It's about time, but no money." "Avalanche Concert" in the suit asks the court to recover from channel 100 thousand of compensation. Through the integration of a new third-person action, the court adjourned on 10 December. The Court has repeatedly delayed the proceedings, the dispute new members. In May, the Moscow Arbitration Court took the son Victor Tsoi Alexander the Third to the dispute. In September, the court drew a third party JSC "MIG-3". Defendant under the contract, the company has. The video on the program In addition, as a third party to the court case brought CJSC "Frost Music". This company Alexander Choi transferred the rights to the product of the song, then "Frost Music" has the right to the product of the plaintiff. And the third party involved in the dispute manufacturer mission - LLC "BOW". The applicant believes that the channel used this song in a Tsoi transition that violates its exclusive rights to the text, music and performance. The defendant also told the court that the television channel MTV does not use the controversial work. In addition, the applicant has not submitted sufficient evidence broadcasting, said the defendant.
New event at Universal Music Russia
Connected to command Universal Music Russia by one of the most professional and in the world of Russian music managers known. On 5 June, the position of Director of Marketing, took Tofig Sadigov. Born in Baku, and came in the early '90s in Moscow, Taufiq Sadikhov was truly a legend, first as a DJ DJ "Mr. Radio" to the Director of Marketing at BMG Russia. Has left more than two years ago, the world of professional music business, he had the unique knowledge and experience in the publishing of "Bill", where he. Various positions in marketing and commercial services As part of the restructuring of Tawfiq Sadykhov headed the marketing activities of Universal Music Russia, including efforts to develop and promote new releases, strategic marketing and special projects. It is located directly under the Director General of the Universal Music Russia Dmitry Konnov. Biographical information. Tawfiq Sadikhov was in Baku, the born v1972. He studied at the Moscow State Academy of Printing in 1994, worked on the "Radio M" DJ since 1992. In 1996, he was Head of Marketing for BMG Russia. From 2004 he worked in publishing, "Bill".
Universal has found a new star. Instead of "Tattoo"
18th September, the company Universal Music Russia to sign a contract with the rising star of Russian pop music Alexey Vorobyov. Alexey Vorobyov - 18 years. The winner of many international competitions, in 2005, he became Olympic champion in the Delphic Games IV finalist and national competition, "The secret of success." His debut single, "Summer" a true anthem of the summer, and the clip on the song of the same name in the first week of the rotation on MTV took second place in the chart sms and not fall during the summer after the third and lost only to foreign teams. This fall Alex will be included in the first interactive TV channels MTV, where he played an important role. Track "Russian made." - In September, the second single from the new Star Universal will be published, this is the soundtrack, which was specifically for Alexei new Russian blockbuster "Countdown", where Alex serves an unexpected role for added all-rap. The first part of the video was filmed for the song "Russian beat" in stadium "Locomotive", where a part of the action thriller unfolds. By Alexis (in the past - the football team captain Thule) support, was the second part of the video shoot of Stars of Russian football Rolan Gusev (FC CSKA Moscow), Dmitry Bulykin (FC Dynamo), Ruslan Nigmatullin (ex-goalkeeper of the Russian FC Spartak, CSKA visited "Verona", etc.).
On Universal Music Russia was our
Natalia Sotnikova of 9 June took over the duties of general manager of the domestic repertoire in the company Universal Music Russia. Ms. Sotnikova is the head of all local projects of the company - from the famous "tATu", Alsou and Linda - promising newcomers - A'cappella Expresss, Band'eros and those who should soon join the family of Universal Music. "I am very pleased to Natasha as a new member of our team - said Dmitry Konnov, CEO of Universal Music Russia -. Poznakomivshiss her in 1999 and after together for more than three years, I can say was that Natalia Sotnikova - a professional of the highest class., which proves that the work can be performed with local artists at the level of international standards, unique personality and a great experience, I'm sure you have a good use for one of the most promising, but at the same time, challenging activities Universal Music Russia -. developing domestic music culture "The first project to be presented to the musical community with wife Sotnikova, is the signing of the contract between Universal Music Russia and MARC'om ARTHUR'om on 20 Will take place in June. Natalia Sotnikova was born in Orenburg region. She graduated from Magnitogorsk State University. Worked on MTV Russia in 1998, after having gone to work from the position of Marketing and Assistant to the Director of the Department with the music industry.
Universal is committed to the promotion of club projects
The company Universal Music Russia signed a contract with the artist Marc Arthur, he joined the ranks of the Russian artists directory majors - Linda, Dolphin, tattoo, etc. On this occasion of the 20th June, a private party in the courtyard of the offices universal. Marc Arthur was born in the Baltic States, grew up in Europe and will happen more often in Russia. Arthur English song completely and reflect the style of European pop music with light spots of funk, jazz and soul. In fact, it is a standard club music with live musicians in a relatively small room with a prepared public. 17th behind Mark Arthur performances in larger venues and festivals in the Baltics and Scandinavia, with bands and artists such as Scooter, Robert Miles and East However, revealed the latest live concert, the audience and show business journalists that even a relatively small target group of these artists "take" not in a position to and inspire their music. Public frankly boring to hear monotonous pop radio songs and again. Only in well-known covers The phenomenon of the event is the fact that so far the Russian office of Universal Music has taken no contracts with the club as clear performers. Marc Arthur was the first artist. Evidently does not have a great chance of success in Russia It is unlikely that he is interested in the position, even a small pop at the casino site.
Universal Music and Sony Buy EMI
Universal Music and Sony have to reach a consensus with EMI for $ 4100000000 universal sound recording department unit, and a consortium led by Sony Publishing business to buy. On Friday, the results of the tender for the sale of the legendary British media group EMI Group. As the current owner of EMI - U.S. bank Citigroup, recorded music unit to Universal Music Group (part of the French holding company Vivendi) sold for $ 1.9 billion publishing business will receive a consortium led by Sony Corp. for $ 2.2 billion led . the deal, Vivendi plans of the debt and the proceeds from the sale of non-strategic assets to finance. According to sources, Bloomberg, a consortium of Sony, which also funds the government of Abu Dhabi will get a substantial part of the funds from the GSO - unit fund Blackstone Group. Sony invested $ 325 million in the same EMI, worked with such renowned groups such as The Beatles and Pink Floyd, the property of Citigroup in February this year. The company went to the bank, since the private investment fund Terra Firma Capital, bought EMI lost in 2007 for $ 8 billion loan obligations ($ 5.5 billion). In June, EMI was offered for sale. In October, Citigroup set a minimum price: $ 1.9 billion for the recording unit and $ 2.5 billion for the smaller but more profitable publishing business (catalog contains 1.4 million songs). The tender results were unexpected, since neither Universal, Sony may not be the favorite in the fight for EMI Group are considered.
Dmitry Konnov: 50,000 - it's a good circulation, and in 2006 he was a failed!
"Experience shows that 50% of those who used music download free, it will continue to do so," - says CEO of Universal Music Russia Dmitry Konnov. - The world has seen a decline in sales of music on CDs. As far as the Russian market in the global trends fit? - Asks "Kommersant". - First, I like to would like to highlight a fundamental difference between the Russian market in the world - it is not transparent. Moreover, it also opaque to the consumer market, where popular "gray" schemes of import equipment. For example, mobile phone manufacturers a clear idea of how many units have been sold for some time. Distributors also information on fees. In this case, the music market is still living under the laws of the 1990s. A striking example - a wonderful magazine Billboard, which came to Russia in April of last year and the year without its traditional charts with sales of CDs. Therefore, all the estimates of the market, about which I speak on, are empirically. As for the sale of music CDs, in 2006-2007, we observed an increase in sales of so-called kirilliki. This is foreign music, released under license in Russia. Recorded growth of this trend, in particular, Universal Music, Sony BMG and Gala Records, which will be published in Russian music from EMI. We came to the conclusion to position the Western versions are more attractive in terms of domestic economy, although there are 100-150 rubles.
Universal Music and the "supermarket culture" separated
Company Universal Music, and "supermarket culture" decided to suspend cooperation. The parties consider the mutual obligations and have no claims against each other. Universal Music Group International intends artist Tatiana Tereshin and Ivan Alexeev and management "supermarket culture". Luck and success, on the website of Major
Universal Music was "exclusively for Ukraine
On 1 April 2009, the number of countries where the sale of physical media is exclusively of "Universal Music" added another - Ukraine. Built with the resources of a number of local partners, but all activities in marketing will be conducted independently. Recall that the digital sales on the territory of Ukraine, "Universal Music" started second April 2007.
Universal Music sells a license to regional ISP
Regional "ER-Telecom", the first Russian operator had agreed to pay Universal Music for its subscribers access to a music catalog. The signing of the license agreement, "Vedomosti" CEO Universal Music Russia Dmitry Konnov and deputy director of the "ER-Telecom" for trading Mikhail Vorobyov. Since 1 June subscribers high tariffs "ER-Telecom 'Web Site Turbodom Music Club have said Vorobyov. 1.5 million songs - The portal will be presented to a music catalog of Universal Music. Franchisor is of "monthly payments ER-Telecom", not the amount received open Vorobyov. And in the vicinity of one of the parties that negotiations source says that the entire transaction is measured by tens of millions of rubles. Contract be extended for six months and if the experiment is successful, he added. Subscribers will not have to pay extra for access to the portal, when the rate of the cost of access to the Internet 550 to 690 rubles drawn. per month. But the agreement includes not only payments, but also the marketing promotion of artists, Konnov says the Universal: If you can sign up for this service user to interact with the artists, go to a concert in another country - this model worked well in countries with high piracy rates. For example in India, where Universal has signed similar agreements with the operators of the most popular services "concert on the phone." It is very important that a strong interest in the telecom business model and operates Universal was an ally in the fight against piracy, adds Konnov.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Universal a lawsuit internet search engine 17 billion
Audiopodrazdelenie company Universal has filed a lawsuit for breach of copyright and related rights in Internet search engine Grooveshark, which allows the user to search your media files directly on the Web. Preliminary estimates of the plaintiffs' lawyers, free with Grooveshark inhabitants of the earth to play music for up to $ 17 billion, listen (that's as many that are less universal). Intermedia reference to the NME.
Yandeks.Muzyka proposes to support artists
Yandeks.Muzyke the ability to send money to your loved performer. This is a convenient way to help new authors or just thank the musicians. For example, the group "Liapis Trubetskoy" - Release of the new album "Rabkor" exclusive Yandeks.Muzyke yesterday. You can make money for musicians in any way that is in the system Yandex transfer. Now users can send money groups "Liapis Trubetskoy", "accident" and bands Peter camp. Fans get support and other artists working with Yandeks.Muzykoy. To do this, just tell the service your account number in the PayPal (no account should be anonymous.) On pages musician key the "support of the artists."
Universal revealed his new project Gordienko
The restaurant "Bellini" was a Christmas Universal Music Russia, which were Gravitonas (project by Alexander Bard, the ex-Army of Lovers), Roma Kenga, Leonid Rudenko, and a new project of the Ukrainian singer Natalia Gordienko. Under the motto "All in white - in spite of the winter and mud" while the guests came partly in white and walking on all-white interior. Dress code will only hurt artists. Alexander Bard ironic long handshake author of these words, and black-gloved hand, and then just as ironically played live (with playback) rate. Confirms once again that style of Army of Lovers will not go away, even in a vacuum, at least in Gravitonas, - but it can quite refreshing. Roma Kenga and Leonid Rudenko played their deeply introspective records, and it's your turn to tell about Gordienko. You have to explain. Transnational Universal Music worldwide support TV-project "Voice of the country." In Russia it is still (although channel considered) and in Ukraine, he goes on a popular TV channel "1 +1" on "kraÑ—ni Voice." It Natalia Gordienko (not to be confused with other Natalie, she won the "New Wave" in 2007) made confident and the team of Diana Arbenina. 12th December Universal officially sign the contract with her. The little brunette has a strong sharp voice reminiscent of Amy Winehouse and positive energy.
Club "Concert" on fire in Moscow
Fire at a nightclub in downtown Moscow on Monday, probably arose because a short circuit, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the capital. The fire broke out in the early morning hours in the basement of the club, located at: Earth Wall, 50 According to RIA Novosti source in law enforcement, there is a club "The Concert". Burned furniture and musical equipment in the radio room. Burnt area was 55 square meters. Nobody was hurt, all activity stopped at the club before the accident - about two-clock in the morning. "According to preliminary data, the cause of the fire was a short circuit in power," - said the source. Communication on the fire came "01" to 06.47, 7:55, the fire was completely extinguished.
Composers' Union appealed to the historic buildings
Urban Composers Union appeals the award of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, rejected the claim of territorial Federal Property Management Agency of the unlawfulness of the termination of the contract of trust management of the building of the creative union, according to the Court's website. Composers' Union of St. Petersburg was founded in 1932, with the 1948 creative organization in a historic mansion Princess Gagarina downtown. Previously, the building was completed in a trustee of the Union on the basis of a contract in February 1996. Once the ownership of the house to Rosimushchestvo were assigned was to transfer the building to the jurisdiction of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "E-commerce and security." Composers' Union continues to be in it for the rights of free use, but is not able to take place for rent. Completed in early April Petersburg arbitration that trust management agreement terminated lawfully, as in the Civil Code of the Russian public organization defined, can perform the functions of the trustee. Previously reported Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Igor Metelsky that the city government of the Union of Composers support in a dispute with the Federal Property Management Agency on the possible return of a historic building in the creative union of confidence. According to him, this will allow the creative union again, receive income from the rental of space for lease.
Penalty for singing at the sound recording will grow 133 times
Federation Council members propose to punish harder organizers of concerts, not to warn the public about the use of "plywood". On 1 February 2013 to warn visitors concerts that the track used at the event. In the absence of a penalty notice will be several hundred thousand. Such a bill submitted to the Duma by three members of the Bundesrat. The document proposes to force the organizers of the spectacular and entertaining events that are the interpreters of the music to warn the user about the use of phonograms. This information should be made available to the consumer "in a clear and understandable manner" when buying a ticket on the bill. Also changes the law, the law on advertising - a warning about the use of a sound recording will be placed on posters and announcements, including the media. - The consumer, if it's a concert, should understand what is the quality of service it is worth, - said one of the authors of the draft law, Federation Council member Yevgeny Tarle. He is convinced that the law protect musicians live, from unfair competition. - I talked to many musicians, especially classical. They agree that it is necessary to punish the organizers of concerts, misleading viewers and listeners, - he said. By Tarlo, the most difficult of the adoption of the Law on the stars of recent years, which toured on a small platform and Pop try to cash, to the splendor of bygone times is.
In Russia, a prototype platform of music content
CJSC "MUZ.RU" announced the creation of a prototype of a national platform for digital content for the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The main task of the platform - the interests of justice and the protection of the rights of all parties in the process of production, distribution and consumption of digital content on the Internet. The introduction of new technology solutions save users and Internet resources of the stigma of "pirates". Create a tool to be able to identify the content that determine uploaded by users on the Internet and who is the author and owner, and the conditions under which they are allowed to distribute your content, but it is the freedom the exchange of information and the inadmissibility of censorship on the Internet to preserve. Development platform is a prototype of the state register of rights in digital form, in which the holders of related rights and copyrights to be able to register their content for legal distribution is determined - e-books, images, audio and video. The platform enables the comparison of copyright and related rights, identify the disputed right to the content object. Likewise, the system is to identify the controversial law, if the various owners are trying to register in the register of the same content object. Developed mechanism provides rights holders the ability to set the price of the content object, you choose how to pay for or the right to their free distribution.
Gala Records okonchalno condemned the "Contact Us"
The Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the 17th "In Touch" compensation for the illegal distribution of music online and May 2012 Court of Appeals to rest in St. Petersburg, confirmed the decision of the arbitration court of St. Petersburg in the case to recover A56-57884/2010 with 'In Touch' compensation for the plaintiff - music companies JSC "SBA production" and CJSC "SBAMyuzik publishing" within the group of companies Gala Records. The decision was taken in case of violation of copyright and related rights in the music, that is, on the illegal distribution of music via the site Vkontakte. Gala Records alleged violations of the rights in the musical composition by Infiniti and singer Maksim. The Court of Appeal has confirmed the fact that the distribution of the music from the site Vkontate is illegal. Furthermore, the Court also confirmed that Vkontakte Gala Records must pay compensation in the amount of 210 thousand rubles. Ltd. "contact" had to admit that the distribution of music on the site is illegal, but in the process, representatives Vkontakte endeavor that would be to place all responsibility for the violations of the user's social network. Court both first and second instance, on the side of Gala Records, and that the responsibility should be exactly confirmed on Facebook. Vkontakte said that to rein in their own action to the illegal use of music on the site.
Founded grants for groups of folk art
Russian President Vladimir Putin has established grants to support creative projects leading to professional folk music and choreography. According to a decree signed by the head of state, from this year in the country, eight such grants are introduced. The total amount of funds for the payment of the grant is 397.3 million rubles a year, said the document. In 2012-2014, the head of the state support expected folk dance ensemble Igor Moiseyev, Russian Folk Choir Pyatnitsky, choreographic ensemble "Birch" name Nadezhdin, Osipov Russian Folk Orchestra, Song and Dance Ensemble Russian Interior Ministry, Song and Dance of the Alexandrov Russian army and Kuban Cossack choir and orchestra called Russian Andreev. RIA Novosti
The New Adventures of Belarus' Euro Vision 2005 "
It was known to sing the Euro Vision Song Contest 2005 Belarus spokeswoman Angelica "Love Me Tonight" Greek author Nikos Tertsisa and Nektarios Tirakisa. After a tour of the route polnedeli Netherlands -. Greece - Moscow - Minsk, Angelica, still in the time available to the recording of their third full song done - a candidate for participation in the Euro Vision Song Contest 2005 New song was automatically the favorite because the first two songs, as we previously reported, "Boys and Girls" and "Give Me Your Love" contest Israeli author Zwick pick, untested opinion of fans that they praised disapproving. And like all good for the Maestro began pick. At the special request of Angelica team flew to Moscow, where he was appointed as a new song, it was recorded in Israel. Angelica has flattering comments about the results, saying that could not Zwick any songs bad, because they (never a song on "Euro Vision" under the fifth perhaps in view only the time when the competition Belarus part - 2002 in the years 2003 Pick and performed songs from Israeli and Ukrainian artists not included in the top ten of the competition). Greek same song, according to the comments of the authors, often in the Greek sites of competition, (originally intended for the Greek Member Helena Paparizou on the way to Moscow Promo Tour 23
Mikhailov, Pugacheva and Kirkorov entered into a three-Forbes
Singer Stas Mikhailov up on Forbes list of the 50 most popular figures of the Russian show business and sport in 2012, according to the magazine. The total income of the 50 largest Russian celebrities to $ 219 million - a new record. In the ranking of the 18 starters, the highest point - the eleventh - the model and philanthropist Natalia Vodianova, the two lines below the hockey player Evgeni Malkin, last season, a big star in the world hockey. In the debut of young pop star Nyusha and the group "Silver" and the author rhymes "bro insurance, insurance, x @ S, X @ S, x @ y" - Noggano (Basta) was second in the ranking rapper Timati. Publishing experts pointed out that the rank determined by three factors: the income for the year by the media attention and interest, which is a celebrity in the audience over the Internet. Takes into account only income artist (pop band, athletes, writers, etc.) through the exploitation of their talent. Listed in the ranking numbers - peer review, based on an analysis of data provided by the participants list and independent analysts, as well as information on the number of copies of music albums and books, the prize pool tournaments, advertising contracts, tour schedule artists. Name Stas Mikhailov was requested in the search engine "Yandex", with 43-year old and one of the richest, was his income for the year $ 21,000,000. In second place in the rankings - Maria Sharapova, earned $ 26 million.
Directory "Blizko.Ru" collected information on clubs and tickets
The full-service earned Manual "Blizko.Ru" collected more information about the night clubs and entertainment centers in Moscow and Moscow region. Locally there is a selection of 945 shopping centers and 659 nightclubs and discos in and around Moscow. Information is strictly structured, easy to find work in any city, Moscow region. Directory "" shows its range of entertainment and nightlife service, price, address, phone numbers and equipment (if applicable), photos of interior and offered menus. Index on an electronic map of Moscow to clarify quickly determine the position of the entertainment center and in the end the best option. In addition, the manual more than 130 funds and organizations that sell tickets, collected at entertainment events and concerts. Service, you can create free mini-website for each club or disco, with your domain name, design and assist in the promotion. Available up to 150 patterns and designs.
"Pulse prices of Moscow" has collected proposals for Stage Technology and Corporate
The manual "Pulse prices of Moscow" new section "Professional Sound, Lighting in Moscow." This section contains listings of suppliers of professional stage equipment for a variety of categories: studio and professional equipment, amplifiers, mixers, equalizers, mixers, microphones, lighting for disco and stage, switch, rack, loudspeakers, speakers and other equipment for the scene. Pulse rates in Moscow now has more than 3 thousands of listings, it is one of the volumetric do. Reference points to the current price, current inventory sellers, more detailed product description and sold it. Useful for show business professionals and the "Event" in which they collected more than 300 suggestions for social events and business events, corporate events and other event services to date is. Reference "Pulse prices of Moscow" is on, and is visited by an average of 250 to 300,000 visitors per day.
Friday, July 26, 2013
German tour of "Euro Vision 2005" were Agutin and Al Di MIOL
The title track of the new album Leonid Agutin "Cosmopolitan Life" was performed for the first time during the live broadcast of the German national selection of Euro vision. Grand Concert with world ZvEzD in Berlin. Under priglashennyh - Agutin. On stage at the Berlin concert hall "Arena" - the legendary guitarist Al Di MIOL. Such virtuoso instrumentalists in the world - very few. They are rarely participate in the concerts of pop music. But Leonid partner persuaded the U.S. that it was Berlin, opened a cosmopolitan city contender to be a legislator pop fashion - the best starting point for their music. Agutin candidate acted not as a guest. As Patricia Kaas, Emma from the group of the "Spice Girls", Ruslana - winner of last year's competition. However, he was in front of the new unfamiliar audience worried as much as the Euro Vision Song of Yalta in 1992, bringing one of his earliest hits - What to say about the German participants "Barefoot Boy.". Of the 10 bands selected singer Grace audience with the song "Run and Hide". 21st May in Kiev at the final concert of the euro vision, she will be a member of the Russian rival Natalia Podolsky.
Forecasts for the "Euro Vision 2005": Winner - Greece. Russia - 17, or the last place
A few days before the "Euro Vision 2005", which will take place this year in Kiev leave. 21st May our country be festival "factory" character Natalia Podolsky in this song. Already are predictions and bet almost all of Europe. Website rated European locations with predictions for the competition in Kiev. Thus, the projected site are three favorites representatives Greece, Norway and Hungary. Troika outsider - Andorra, Bulgaria and Portugal. Belarusian Angelica is in the list of 10 th place Ukrainian band "Grinzholy" - 26 Place. But our Podolsky on 24. The website predicts the following. Three leaders of the same: Greece, Hungary, Norway. Outsiders: Bulgaria, Portugal and Macedonia. Belarus in the 9th Place, Ukraine - on the 34th and Russia - on the 19th. website. Three leaders the same: Greece, Hungary, Norway. As an outsider, Andorra, Portugal, Bulgaria. Belarus on the 10th Place Ukraine on 25, well, Russia on the 17th Place. opinion website. Former leader again. An outsider - Portugal, Andorra, Poland. Belarus at the 9th Place in Ukraine on 27, Russia 17. But what are the forecasts of the Swedish website Three leaders - Greece, Iceland and Switzerland. Three leaders from the tail - Bulgaria, Ireland, Estonia. Belarus on 19
Russia is the "Euro Vision 2005" talking 20 rooms
Reporters yesterday in Kiev for the first time demonstrated the draft design stage, tickets and the official website of the Kiev "Euro Vision 2005". The site of the Palace of Sports in the days of the competition is a spectacular flora: the main stage set up in a clearing of the water among the plants a mystical forest. Total build three platforms that are located at different levels and in different positions. In the back of the stage to five rotating trees, each of which the 800 FO "stars" put Mount. Other elements of the scene will be transparent or translucent, for passing light to generate volumetric light effects, and the viewer the impression stage space great depth. The authors of the concept, the camcorder to "float" on the stage in the form of leaves of trees, "as if peering over those who sings." And the actors would be completely overlooking ease, as if the act is not. To the public, but just for fun Logo Contest is white on a bright green background, and the symbol of Kiev "Euro Vision" - is an abstract image of the mystical four categories tickets printed in four colors: green, blue, yellow and orange "broadcast away.". It is unlikely that cheaters to cope with five levels of protection: hologram, x-ray protection paints, and paper with watermarks, printing with complex mix of colors and personalization for each individual ticket.
Opening of the "Euro Vision 2005" - as it was. All the details
Yesterday in Kiev, opened the 50th international song contest "Euro Vision". The event was opened by the name of the ensemble Virsky, Dnipropetrovsk Chamber Orchestra and the fireworks in the Mariinsky Palace. Vice Prime Minister Mykola Tomenko hopes that "Euro Vision" will bring Ukraine closer to the European Union. "This competition is the best in the history of the Euro Vision" - Tomenko said at the opening of the competition near the Mariinsky Palace. In his opinion, should be the motto of the competition slogan "Ukraine and Europe - together forever." The opening of the Deputy Prime Minister evrointergratsii Rybachuk, Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, Minister of Culture, Oksana Bilozir, MP Andriy Shkil, and the deputies of the Kiev city council part. In Kiev, came all the official delegations of the participating countries of the international song contest "Euro Vision 2005". On the occasion of an important international event put all his affairs by the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko. To keep up to the opening, the president had left the Council of Europe Summit in Warsaw yesterday. Yushchenko wanted all participants of the "Euro Vision" feel "Ukraine as a European country." "United Europe - is primarily a common cultural space," - said the head of state. Yushchenko also expressed the hope that. Those who appreciate the high level of competition of the meeting and ensure that the Ukraine has been on the rise
All tickets for the "Euro Vision 2005" was ... Speculators
An interesting situation about buying tickets for "Euro Vision 2005". Tickets are on sale for Ukrainian Media and Public Relations, or even already sold out, but none of the European fans to buy them and could not. First, the organizers have promised that they sale on May 21 and March, the day of the meeting of the heads of delegation to go in Kiev. However, on this day, the official website of the competition just posted a link to a website - supposedly should distribute tickets. Even reported that tickets go on sale later if the plan is accepted by the public and so. Prices of different categories of people But on the same day to get all the media headlines - Ticket sales began on Pavlo Gritsak, producer of Euro Vision Song Contest 2005. So where does it begin? The next day, the media easily adapt their information to indicate that the sales began in a kind Russian side - and on the same day, they report that all the cheapest tickets are already sold. What this page? As I said in the media - it's a kind of private company that won the contract for the sale of tickets for the competition, and is the sole distributor of them. What was the "Order" Olvia ticket online? Buyers fill out a form that states your contacts - absurd a concept of itself completely - phone and e-mail address, the desired number of tickets and "desired price on them."
Executive Director of the "Euro Vision," said the scandals surrounding the competition
It looks like the best of times "Euro Vision" long gone, in the 70s and 80s. Now the first place his last claim artists, records which barely reach one song "Waterloo", "Abba, Euro Vision" 1974, "which was the opening of" are. Since 90 of these European Song Contest is no longer popular in the West and in Eastern Europe to get rid of, hoping the post-plume stereotypes. But here it is, oddly enough, often accusations that the "Euro Vision" has become a means of consolation for states that do not fit economically made in the EU itself. This gave the obvious outlier of European integration, Turkey and Ukraine, the first place in previous competitions, distinguished himself on the stage, but the desire to win a talent. About him, and of course about Ukraine's preparations for the 50th anniversary in May Euro Vision Song Contest, the conversation with the manager of the "Euro Vision" Svante Stockselius - by the company "Nemiroff", which helped to create an exclusive interview to organize "Today." - What in the preparation of Kiev for "Euro Vision" causes the biggest concern? - The biggest problem - time. This is our greatest enemy, because we are terribly behind the planned schedule. But fortunately, many have already done, I was referred to an agreement with the Sports Palace of holding concerts on his side. - Does it look too confusing and ticket reservation system for the competition? - Yes, I do not like the company sells tickets.
Rock-day pop "Euro Vision 2005"
"I lost accreditation - Natasha giggled Podolsky, not to get out of the press center, where she recently received this accreditation. - How do you think that's a good sign or bad," according to the exact answer to this question all on Saturday evening the finale, but it's clear that our delegation came to 50 euros - so much to restore the lost document. However, the loss experienced this light, and the mood is not spoiled. Sunday night - a traditional folk festivals on Khreschatyk. The main street of Kiev on the weekend turned into a pedestrian zone, and without the "Euro Vision", but these days - a special atmosphere. On the Independence real rock festival - a purely informal peak of the pop TV contest. Two scenes, the best bands and passionate sets of "Howl Vidopliassova" and "TNMK". Until the stars failed hits that musicians played on asphalt, informal and no, they do not put obstacles. Now Kiev revels suddenly acquiring the status of the free space in Europe, and the finale of the "Euro Vision" in this context is what we needed. Night at "Euro Club" on different floors of the complex "Arena" in the center of Kiev - a series of a few parties of the national delegations. Upstairs - Belarus. Below - Slovenia. On the open terrace Eire iron "Green Grey". In the queue at the lifts are beaten and the stars and past winners and current candidates.
Ruslan writes romantic song for the opening of "Euro Vision 2005"
Ruslana recorded a remix of one of their old songs, "In the rhythm of the heart" that go to the "Euro-Vision 2005" to open on the Independence Square on 18 May. At this time a new text "tartakovets" Sasha Polozhinsky written. Recorded vocals involved ten children of the students of music schools in Kiev, the skull-style sing optimistic text. Ruslana hastens to explain that the melody remix will be "very romantic", nothing resembling "Wild Dances". Polozhinsky also the romantic mood. "Our country - this is not an abstract concept, a number of concrete things These are trees, forests, grasslands, people who live and work in towns and villages all these people have their own desires and their own problems .. But we all want the problem was not so much a dream come true. "The song will be available in late April. Creation and promotion of the song will be supported by international sponsor of "Euro Vision 2005", "Kyivstar".
"Do not hurt me, sir," - Podolsky sing on "Euro Vision 2005"
Chief guest worker Russian show business Natalia Podolsky gave a press conference for their participation in "Euro Vision". Producers vowed non-format with the same zeal as the last time they swore format. The problem, as always, all the same, since the Soviet Prime Minister Pavlov: our people are poor. In the past year, said Aksyuta presents high-quality sheet-singer Julia Savicheva and states that if you give the Russians to vote for their party of "Euro Vision", they are a group, select "Hands up." At the press conference of the Russian participants Natalie Podolsky said her producer, composer and a good grower Victor Drobysh Natalia discuss the song sing on "Euro Vision". The song is beautiful - a kind of Brit-pop sounds with a crunch, in which Natalia Podolsky almost like Dolores O `Riordan, but the Russian public, it is not yet satisfied. The song is not linger, not sweet, not a Russian word. The whole point, as always, the people - it was used on other music, less rigid. But the song is not in the format of "Euro Vision", and this should help. Yuri Aksyuta, Director Department of music channel "First Channel", a song by a really proud, reported. It is, in his opinion, one of the hardest and makes sense. The point is, is by the way very political. In orange, almost NATO Ukraine Natalia Podolsky have to sing a song full of reproaches America to destroy and humiliate her girls because boys her crazy.
Topalov and the Trinity: From Ernst and Sinelshchikova we never win the "Contest"!
In addition to the official, there was another press conference on "Euro Vision 2005" - Representatives of the channel on it were not present, but had a number of characters from the Russian show business "alternative.". Here are the most interesting in our opinion sounded statements are there. Here's how to transfer Nazim Nadirov, an independent producer: "The reasons for our country in the" Euro Vision sends "a very famous singer - I do not understand the people on this competition Alla Pugacheva and Philip. Kirkorov sent replace just this artist. As a result, we have ridiculous. Those "Euro Vision" Alla Pugacheva sent represent, would, for which they were taken there the singer for over 20 years ... the symbol of our country But last year on a trip to the "Euro Vision" Savicheva land allocated a lot of money, and what to leave they have? Basically should show the role of the singer. But not familiar with the competition, the people on what to . Paris found some colored man lived, and this poor singer was forced to go to these Negroes and sing a song in English During the song, I saw the eyes Savicheva -. it was at zero, I was crying, she looked at me. I felt so sorry for this girl and this is a serious approach to the thing called!. "Mikhail Topalov, producer," Smash ":" I think that two years ago was not really out decision, the election group "send Tatu" thought.
"Euro Vision 2005" can be purchased from any
The good news: of 19 May be purchased by "Euro Vision". In the music store! All songs on the anniversary of the "Euro Vision" under the same cover in two CD come almost simultaneously with the live broadcasts telesorevnovaniya Song to watch love so decent house-mistress, hone critical thinking snobs and the rest of the population. The legendary song contest "Euro Vision," said this year the 50-year anniversary. After the victory of Ruslana last year, this time the festival in the capital of Ukraine will take place. But to listen to all the nominees of the competition, not necessarily going to Kiev - buy this CD, and you can stay at home in your favorite couch. You can even pre-arrange alternative vote among the family members and compare your results with the opinion of competent judges. In addition to the 36 countries that include last year attended the festival, the list of competing countries-participants of "Euro Vision 2005" this time in Bulgaria, Hungary and Moldova. All 40 participants - before you (including our nominee Natalie Podolsky). All 40 songs - of this cover. The semi-final on 19 May and the final on 21 May - The festival will consist of two races. Within three days of the show will be broadcast live worldwide on the central TV channels. Overall, it's more than five hours of the latest pop music, collected from all over Europe.
The finalists of the "Euro Vision 2005". Agurbash was passed "Zdob si Zdub"
Ended in the semifinals of the "Euro Vision 2005" in Kiev. Bolster dozens of artists who have been in the final of the TV contest. The brightest moment of the announcement of the results - a complete failure protege Philip Kirkorov Belarusian representatives Agurbash and reached the final of the Moldovan band "Zdob si Zdub". Generally looked strange contest finalists. Edakoe vote for artists who work in completely different genres. Here and pederasticheskie glam rockers from Norway and Iceland from acoustic folk and pop ballads big tits Israeli tear. The viewer has to know to ensure, where to look. Because the competition in recent years, and demanded political. If there are no criteria of the music that is timeless criteria "us versus them". This is how the distribution of votes in the voting audience in the semifinals. Recall that a vote for the representative of the country - is prohibited. Voting will be paid. In part, this principle calls cuts cheat, but it is clear that dumped another problem. Calls only teenagers. It has long been known, who does most of the toll on television. Or retirees or young people. Seniors sleep at a time. So to draw conclusions. The main target group for the Russian semi-final result - a crushing defeat protege Kirkorov. Singer Agurbash in eye-popping costumes, they change three times in the show, and made all the gestures with which we usually remember Kirkorov.
Today - Semi Finals "Euro Vision 2005"
Tonight on "Euro Vision 2005" all informal Kisses, Pop-Pusey, secular embrace the bohemian fashion show will end a tough fight with each other for survival begins. Sports Palace will be ten winners of the semifinals with the principal actors in the finale 21st May compete. Russia this year will see the first time on live semifinal fight and vote for their members. As with the Russian delegation, it still has a few days to a frivolous leisure thanks to Julia Savicheva, the 11th in the past year with her Taken place in the last round. Will it be done, and this time it will be clear on Saturday. Home air on Channel - in 23 hours. Meanwhile, both "our" delegation - Russian-Belarusian (with Natalia Podolsky) and the Belarusian-Russian (with Angelica Agurbash) - into a sudden, on the banks of the Dnieper, the Allied troops on the Elbe River in the 45th fused. Formal cause of unity was a saint for every Russian heart date - the 11th Wedding in Jerusalem Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov said her personal journalist Gasparyan "MK". Alla closed for this special one day in his special car from Moscow, Lenin from Germany in the 17th, and one day I ran have toilets like gloves. Morning -. In black, in the afternoon - in white, and in the evening - in a shimmering turquoise Cape seems from the finest leather in the style of her poncho tailored fashion capital designer Andrei Sharov, and she reveled in it much unselfishness as Philip Kirkorov, even spend the night with him in a floating hotel.