To order the Russian Union of the copyright holder (FPR), collect and distribute royalties in public performance, plans to file a lawsuit against Nokia and Samsung, if they do not begin to withdraw money holder "for the free reproduction of music content for personal purposes" as required Russian legislation. Representatives of the music industry in Russia published a manifesto accuses Nokia and Samsung, has powerful digital services, with evasion of payment of royalties. Heads of major Russian labels stopped using these mobile giants grant permission music content, as long as royalties not accredited - Russian Union of ownership. According to Director General Sergei Fedotov CPR CPR owner support in the face of the record companies, the members of the organization, because today in the music royalties - probably the single most important source of income that allows us today to somehow survive the music business. "If we're talking specifically about the two importers -. Nokia and Samsung, then, according to the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, is only the amount of their debt, more than 1 billion 200 million rubles And speaking of the beginning of the normal operation of at least two importers, it is important quarter sales compared to our owners - music publishers, record labels, authors and artists, film and much more, "- said the agency. Fedotov noted, along with the fact that Nokia and Samsung - although the largest, but not the only culprit and RSP to the Ministry of Culture and the General Prosecutor's Office with a list of 20 companies.
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