The National Federation of the Phonographic Industry (NFPF) today published an open letter to Internet companies, urging them to immediately stop violating copyrights and. Profits with owners This letter is a response to an open letter on behalf of online companies, signed by Google Russia, Mail.Ru, Vkontakte, Rambler, Yandex and Wikimedia, the publishers offered to identify pirated content owner, which deleted immediately. "We appeal to the owners with a proposal to amend the existing mechanisms of termination of copyright and related rights to use -. Those who have long believed in our company according to their social and technological advances, this regulation in accordance with the decisions used in the global information society space, are "- said in an address, the full text of which can be read here. Publish the full text of the response NFPF. Moscow, 11/29/10, the appeal to the owners of the owners of sound recordings Internet companies is obvious that the Internet is an important channel for the distribution of audio and video content. Unfortunately, at the present time, the share of legal audio and video content on the Russian sites is extremely low and we estimate less than one percent. This situation is very serious. We make a significant investment in the development and creation of new and interesting content. This content attracts users to the services of Internet companies, which. Again a significant increase in the profits of these companies and their shareholders But our investments continue, unless the problem of mass piracy is tackled effectively. If this issue is not resolved, the legal services are not to be able, and those who work in all the creative industries in Russia, including the film industry, the video game industry and the software industry, involved in serious threat as well as the existence of a legitimate music market. In this context, we consider "dealing with Internet companies from liability for user-generated content", the major Internet companies, signed timely recognition of the existence of the problem of piracy and the expression of their intent to bring the situation under control . In his letter, Internet companies need new laws that protect them from liability, and was responsible for the prosecution of illegal use of content on the owner. They demand that the existing legislation does not clearly define who is responsible for the illegal content. They also claim that they judge to have no legal basis nor the technical capacity to every action of every person and their legality or illegality, but all measures in their power to stop the crime, while respecting the rights and interests third parties and users of the service. We work do not agree with these statements for the following reasons. The current legislation contains adequate rules on the rights, obligations and responsibilities of all stakeholders on the use of the relationship of intellectual property. We believe that to ensure no legal or technical barriers that Internet companies can effectively prevent violations. Their resources Thus, many of the world's largest Internet companies effectively filter user content, removing references to calls to ethnic hatred, child pornography, or inability for user content, without an agreement with the copyright holder (Facebook) Get moderate or and removing contents that infringe copyright laws (YouTube included). We also know that some Internet companies (such as "Contact") often ignore the needs of owners to remove illegal content, forcing the owner to go to court to protect their rights. Finally, we consider unjust and inconsistent with the legislation requiring Internet companies all responsibility for illegal content only to users who are asked to be set to make claims and lawsuits in order, as the fact that copyright infringement is set to the result of user actions ignored and Internet companies. Unfortunately, we are often faced with the reluctance of some Internet companies to make their services more effective mechanism, which would balance the interests of all parties on the use of the relations of Copyright Entries. It is primarily to pay a simple mechanism owner compensation for all content posted on an Internet resource. Such payments could be the user of the service to share information freely and enjoy content and without criminals in the eyes of the holder, holder - run your business without breaking the law - for fair compensation for the use of content and Internet companies. From our perspective, the only thing that can really interfere with the implementation of such a mechanism - the unwillingness of Internet companies more profits with the rights holders, including holders owned content. It is no secret that many online companies happy for a long time, were to benefit from the growth of the customer base, including those caused by the provision of opportunities to use their services copyrighted content without payment of applicable fees. We agree with the Internet companies that legislation should be a balance between the interests of consumers, content owners and Internet companies. But new laws takes time and careful consideration, while the piracy problem requires immediate attention and solutions. For this reason we welcome the Internet companies to work with the owners to improve the situation. Owners are interested in are, their content to consumers and Internet companies are interested in the opportunity to offer new and attractive services. This principle of mutual interest should be central to all aspects of the relationship between the partners. It is impossible, the positive experience of working with the music community aware of Yandex. Russian music companies. More than 70% of the current music catalog, ready to continue working with its partners on the Internet and provide other market participants immediately negotiate the use of only legal content We propose that a committee with representatives from the internet and the music industry to quickly. About the situation At the same time we urge all companies to stop network services take immediate measures that violate copyrights, or contribute to their injury. Signatures: Anton Pronin, General Director of "studio Monolith" Alexander Blinov, CEO "SBA / Gala Records" Ian Henderson, Director General of "Sony Music Entertainment" Dmitry Konnov, Director General of "Universal Music" Alex Ugrinovich, director of the NP "National Federation of phonogram "
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