Social network Gaydpark provided its users with a unique opportunity. Legal access to tens of thousands of folk songs For each hearing Gaydpark will pay off with the owners - are completely free for the users of this service for free. Music content providers, the company "Stereo Killer" - platform aggregator licensed music content, which has the largest in the Russian catalog of music - over 750,000 tracks from very different musical style and direction. This is the first of its kind for a form of cooperation of Russian social network that gives the user the ability to listen to licensed music and share it with your online friends. May be an example of such a free and at the same time, absolutely legitimate music service, for example, "Yandeks.Muzyka", one of the major suppliers, the company also "Stereo Killer." Sure, in the Russian social networks, it is possible to listen to different music. But the main problem with these services is that the musical content in them for the most part - to hear piracy and location and to him, social network users are breaking the law. "The need for legal certainty audio content to the major social networks of the Russian Internet for us very clearly defined We are confident that we will soon no other alternatives -. Says the head of the social network Gaydpark Sergei Malinin. - In the near future, all well-known Projects in RuNet inevitably forced to pay for the opportunity to provide its users with audio content. This vector is defined and the politics of our state, and together the majority of owners. "As soon as the issue with the audio source, Gaydparka administration will focus depend on the choice of the optimal composition of the catalog." The major problem with the creation of music service for us was the choice of the content of the content. Readers of our network has a very specific person - a typical user Gaydparka was born in the USSR. Therefore, we must do justice to the interest gaydparkerov for quality contemporary music, and the music that accompanied them 10, 20, 30 and more years. We make it easy by working with killer stereo company, we have access to a virtually unlimited musical base. "Valery Posternak, CEO Stereo Killer" Gaydpark made the first step, and I am sure he will be an example for other social networks and other forms of Internet - resources in RuNet. I think it is quite simple and honest - good music that you like to pay. At the same time, "Gaydpark" takes it upon himself exempt from the payment of the user. Finally gaydparker just know that he will be granted long-known online -. But qualitatively new, civilized way "
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