Winner of the "Euro Vision 2011" Azerbaijani duo Eldar Gasimov and Nigar Jamal accused of plagiarism by American band One Republic. How has the Azerbaijani duo conquer 43 European countries, who have placed 221 participants score - perhaps the issue that touches so far, even a few days after the final, Europe and Russia. Otgadka perhaps lies in the fact that the subject of the song by Nigar Jamal and Eldar Gasimov performed painfully similar to the track Secret U.S. group One Republic was. - I would say that the songs are similar. The guys from Azerbaijan inspired this route - along with Life Showbiz Dmitry Malikov. - There is a general sense, total harmonic, melodic direction, but the winning song had to be natural only. With vocal duet Running Scared 30-year Nigar Jamal and Eldar Gasimov 21-year-old in his native Azerbaijan hit 77 pairs of participants. Eldar as a child wanted to be a participant of the "Euro Vision". For the owner of a red diploma in piano lessons in singing and acting in Germany were unnecessary. As well as his partner Nicky benefited the lives in London, where she moved from her native Azerbaijan several years ago. But take a few well-hyped chords and sing their own way - to present itself as something new, this is not enough. - When it comes to plagiarism, we must understand that we are talking about the melody. These two compositions with the same so-called harmonic series - shared with Life News Kay stamp. - Even if you remove the Azerbaijani duet song and a couple of chords, then the listener right there associative array connects with the song One Republic. Artists song Running Scared, which translates to "run away, frightened," and took his crystal microphone at home, and it seems they are not afraid of such an unexpected but controversial success.
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