Scandal, culminating in the publication of the full results of the public consultation and expert on "Euro Vision 2011". First EBU delayed their publication as possible - and then began to not only fans of "Euro Vision 'worries, but most ordinary observer. Finally usually occurs 1-2 days after the full table results, and also the next morning. The "Euro Vision 2011" was different. The contest ended on 14 Decided May, and the results of the EBU, just hang on 26 May And they were sensational and even scandalous. Our Alexei Vorobyov could, of course, not with his lackluster song to be a winner, but the published results of the vote are simply breathtaking. If only the public vote, but instead of 16 seats Vorobiev would take 7-8 places along the Georgian group Eldrine. This is an anti-record Vorobyov. But there is another anti-record - Voting Vorobyov jury would have been with his fashionable arrangements and supply ... at last! This is not the latest scandal. It turns out that if the vote only by experts, Azerbaijan wins would not see! Italian jazz musician Raphael Gualazzi came with a huge score of 251 points against 182 in the same Azerbaijan. But the audience changed it all and sat azrbaydzhansky duo Ell / Nikki in first place with 223 points. That's only 2 points more results Swedish singer Eric Saade! Were not as controversial calculations on "Euro Vision," calls into question even how realistic these numbers and they are not tampered with. What do think of scandals of the participants of the Euro Vision? - I'm sure that Alex and his song please the audience, and the data have confirmed the popular vote -. The Red One, the producer Alexei Vorobyov - As with the vote of the jury, the music and politics, in my opinion, should be separated. The main thing is that we are to millions of viewers, that Russia is an artist shown by a large international potential and that is important to me. - I am glad that these people voting finally published, - Alexey Vorobyov. - Spectator points are more important and more expensive than the evaluation of a jury. Going to the Euro Vision Song Contest was aware that allies in the current political situation, we do not unfortunately. And I understand that it means "the vote of the jury." But suppose that the quality of performance, it can be undone. Thank you to everyone who believed in me, elected continues to support today. Even if you subtract the brackets policy discrepancy in results between the public and the experts are incredibly high. We can assume that some experts really decided Vorobiev, Saade and crossover bookies favorite Frenchman Amaury Vassili more smooth jazz or euro-pop singers prefer. But this time all the experts in all European countries, what musical style forgotten in the yard - offer it is simply impossible. Much more obvious - the results more difficult to manipulate, and the Euro Vision in 2011 and did not recognize the names of the winners. Guru KEN final results of the voting in the final of Euro Vision 2011 № Country Total votes Votes jury Viewers 1 Finland 57 75 47 2 Bosnia-Herzegovina 125 90151 3134168 Denmark 61 4 Lithuania 63 66 55 5 53 60 Hungary 64 Ireland 6119119101 7 Sweden 8185106221 Estonia 44 74 32 9 84 176 120 Greece 10 Russia 77 25 138 11 82 90 France 14 Italy 76 12 189 251 99 13 Switzerland 19 53 February 100 United Kingdom 57 166 15 Moldova 97 82 98 16 Germany 107 104 113 17 Romania 77 86 79 18 64 145 Austria 25 19 Azerbaijan 221 182 223 20 96 160 Slovenia 39 21 Iceland 61 72 60 22 Spain 50 38 73 23159117168 Ukraine Serbia 24 85 111 89 25 Georgia 110 79 138 Results of the vote in the first semifinal participation of Russia № StranaSumma jury voting public vote Poland 1 18 13 25 February Norway 30 29 56 3 47 61 Albania Armenia 42 4 54 33 75 5 Turkey 47 58 54 6 67 102 Serbia Russia 42 7 64 31 93 8 55 76 Switzerland 45 9 Georgia 74 51 90 10 Finland 103 86 111 11 Malta December 54 84 24 34 74 San Marino 13th August Croatia Iceland 32 41 49 14100104 79 15 Hungary 72 65 73 16 Portugal 22 Lithuania June 39 17 81 113 52 18 Azerbaijan 122 109 124 133 74 154 19 Greece
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